
It Was A Winter Fall

In the heart of winter at Yonsei University, the campus was covered in a blanket of pristine white snow. The crisp air held a hint of excitement as students bustled around, bundled up in their warmest winter attire.

Mahalia found herself seated on a bench near the main courtyard, her breath creating tiny clouds in the chilly air. She watched as students hurried by, some with steaming cups of coffee in hand, seeking solace from the biting cold.

As she gazed at the winter wonderland around her, she spotted Park Jiho in the distance. He was walking towards her, his steps careful on the snowy path. In his arms, he cradled a white kitten, its fur matching the snow that surrounded them.

The little feline seemed to enjoy the winter scenery, its bright eyes wide with wonder. Mahalia's heart warmed at the sight of the kitten, and she couldn't help but smile as Park Jiho drew closer.

Park Jiho gently placed the white kitten into Mahalia's arms, and she gladly accepted the adorable little creature. As the kitten nestled in her embrace, Mahalia couldn't help but express her delight.

"He is so cute!" Mahalia exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with affection. "What should we call him?"

"It's up to you," Park Jiho replied, his warm smile mirrored in his eyes.

In the distance, they could see some students engaged in a playful snowball fight, laughter and joy filling the air as snowballs flew through the wintry landscape.

"Snowball! Because she looks like a snowball!" Mahalia decided, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Park Jiho chuckled at the choice. "I like it."

"Gomawo," Mahalia said, expressing her gratitude.

Park Jiho's expression turned tender as he remarked, "Aside from me, you have another reason to stay in Korea."

Mahalia nodded. "I'll treasure her."

“This was the moment I knew exactly what my feelings were," Park Jiho thought to himself as he watched Mahalia.

The blaring alarm clock cut through the dream, leaving Park Jiho suddenly jolted awake. As he lay on his bed, his drowsy eyes adjusted to the reality of his room, and he reached out to his cell phone, resting beside his pillow, to silence the noise. The abrupt transition from the dream world to the waking world left him feeling disoriented for a moment.

The room was bathed in the soft morning light that seeped through the curtains. The hum of the city outside filled the air, a stark contrast to the tranquil scene he had just experienced in his dream. Park Jiho couldn't help but wonder about the dream that had vanished so abruptly. His emotions were a jumble, and his eyes held a distant look as if trying to grasp onto the fading fragments of the dream.

Sitting up in bed, he contemplated the dream. The dream was now just a fleeting memory. The feelings it had stirred within him left him with a sense of longing, and he couldn't quite explain how he felt about it.

After several minutes of contemplation, he finally summoned the resolve to get out of bed. The warmth of the cozy covers released its grip on him as he swung his legs over the side and stretched. Outside his room, he was immediately welcomed with a roaring meow, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Ara, I know you're hungry," he said to Snowball, who was eagerly waiting for his breakfast.

Park Jiho walked to the area where Snowball's necessities were set up. In this designated spot, a button-controlled cat food dispenser was positioned, releasing a measured portion of kibble onto the plate. Beside it, a mini-water dispenser for cats was thoughtfully placed.

Snowball, no longer complaining but rather impatiently excited, eagerly approached his food plate. His furry white coat gleamed in the soft morning light, and the rumbling of his purring could be heard as he happily dug into his breakfast.

Park Jiho, with his coffee-making mission in mind, headed straight to the kitchen. Just as he was about to start the machine, his phone rang, momentarily interrupting his routine.

Curious, he hurried back to his bed to grab his phone and answer the call. "Oh?" Park Jiho said.

On the other end of the line, Choi Yeri's voice came through. "I left you some side dishes made by mom," she said.

"Araso," Park Jiho replied.

Choi Yeri continued, "Don't let Snowball slip away from you again."

"Araso," Park Jiho assured her.

"Are you going to Yonsei today?" Choi Yeri inquired.

"Yes, I am a speaker at the conference," Park Jiho replied, his voice laced with a sense of duty and enthusiasm.

"Okay, good luck," she wished him well with a supportive tone.

"How about we have dinner after?" Choi Yeri suggested.

"Sure, call me after," Park Jiho agreed.

"Araso. Bye," Choi Yeri bid farewell.

With the call ended, Park Jiho resumed his morning routine, savoring the taste of the freshly brewed coffee.


Park Jiho, after finishing his morning routine and savoring his coffee, made his way to his luxurious car. The sleek vehicle purred to life as he turned the engine on. As he drove towards Yonsei University, the familiarity of the surroundings and the crisp autumn air filled him with a sense of nostalgia.

Once he arrived at the university, he parked his car and took a moment to breathe in the air, taking in the vibrant energy that surrounded the campus. The sidewalks were adorned with the hues of autumn, with leaves in various shades of red, orange, and yellow, creating a picturesque scene.

With each step on the campus sidewalks, Park Jiho felt the weight of memories and the passing of time.

At the conference, when his name was called, everyone in the hall erupted into applause, recognizing him as a respected speaker. On the stage, he stood tall and composed. Park Jiho's talk revolved around the profound impact of chemistry, not only in their family business but in life as a whole. He shared valuable pointers on how the knowledge and principles of chemistry had shaped his experiences and helped him navigate various aspects of life.

His words resonated with the audience, and the talk flowed seamlessly, leaving the attendees inspired and informed. The conference continued throughout the day, with Park Jiho's speech being a highlight that garnered praise and recognition.


After the conference, the sun began its descent, casting a warm and golden hue over the autumn landscape at Yonsei University. Park Jiho decided to go for a leisurely walk. As he wandered, he unexpectedly found himself in the exact location where the dream he had earlier experienced had taken place.

On the very bench where Mahalia had been sitting in his dream, another woman now sat, her gaze lost in the vast expanse of the sky. Park Jiho was drawn towards the familiar setting, and as he approached the bench, the woman's features slowly started to resemble a presence he knew all too well.

When he was just a meter away from her, the autumn season seemed to transform into a dreamlike world, and Park Jiho stammered, "Ma-M-Mahalia…"

Mahalia was initially unaware of Park Jiho's presence, lost in her own thoughts. As she turned her head to see who had spoken her name, she was taken aback by the sight of Park Jiho standing before her.

A mix of surprise, nostalgia, and various emotions filled his heart.

For a couple of seconds, Mahalia's gaze lingered on him as she tried to place the familiarity of his face from a distance. When their eyes finally met, her surprise mirrored Park Jiho's—a moment of quiet astonishment.

However, seconds ticked by, and Mahalia gracefully bowed her head and greeted him, "Anneyeong haseyo."

"What are you doing here?" Park Jiho asked, still struggling to believe what he was witnessing.

"I am studying here," Mahalia replied calmly, her words sinking in slowly.

Just as the encounter began to grow more intense, Park Jiho's phone rang suddenly, breaking the moment. He hastily answered, "Yeri-ah."

Meanwhile, Mahalia, unperturbed by the call, decided to walk towards Park Jiho, causing him to fluster and take a step back. She continued past him, leaving him in a state of mild confusion and shock.

Choi Yeri's voice came through on the other end of the line, but Park Jiho was too preoccupied with the surprising encounter to pay full attention. "Jiho? Are you there?" she inquired.

He stammered, "Yeah, I am still here," as he tried to process the unexpected twist of fate that had just unfolded before him.