
when i first met you

Yami_Bharti · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

chapter - 15 end of suffering , a sweet starting.

Continue from last chapter -

Note - i changed the name of the demon , sorry. But i was tired of snake demon ok . Enjoy

It was already night , in darkness of night and light of moon . The distance between them was no longer there , they were walking together . All of sudden some branches and someone's running around . They turned sure enough it was parlous¹ spieler demon . The one they were sent to kill and stop his rampage.

The demon was looking at them in fearlessness and with a evil smile in his black and dark face , he looked horrible but of course they were not afraid of him. Gui xiang was smiling as well , Ahn yun was a bit worried because he do not want to get in gui xiang's way , at the same Time his pride was forcing him to take part in battle. Gui xiang looked at him his eyes saying - 'please don't involve in this battle.' truth to be told Ahn yun is really not in condition to fight his body's spiritual energy is low and he feels tired . He gave gui xiang a obedient kid's face and nodded. With face satisfied with his lover's safety and killing intent towards the demon he smiled and take a step to head to the demon. Ahn yun was stunned to look at gui xiang in this surpassing position.

Gui xiang - "yun yun , don't worry this demon is nothing , just wait for a minute ."

The demon ragged by hearing this , but he was over confident because of his new powers and because he knew the weakness of his foe.

He didn't say anything and strike at gui xiang , gui xiang flew onto air and dodge it . the demon was fast he strike again but gui xiang is faster he without any difficulty dodge it again , now it was gui xiang's turn to attack he assail² by xin cale . Demon hardly defend himself and feel his confidence going down , the Mighty War God without even his divine powers was incredible . At first he thought he don't need to use the power that Chong yin chao gave him but now he need to use it . Gui xiang's intention was to strike again but the demon was nowhere to be seen.

Gui xiang thought where is it , it was just here how can he disappear ! Just then gui xiang recall the royal demon's ability to invisible themselves , but that demon was just a lowly demon how he can he use royal demon skill . Who is the one that gave him his powers?? He didn't had  time to think too much the demon appeared in front of him and strike vastly fast. He was stunned for a second then dodge it .

Demon thought- how can he dodge this fast attack without his powers , he is no ordinary God .

( Of course he is Mighty War God!! )

Ahn yun who was watching this from distance was stupified by the demon's unusual powers , which there is no way he can have himself . Although he wasn't going to join the battle between gui xiang and demon , he was worried to let gui xiang fight alone but he knew in this condition if he join the combat he will only create troubles for gui xiang , plus the demon was no normal he had royal ability . Gui xiang although wasn't even tired or any damage . Demon was barely preventing himself by getting hurt by invisibility but it was just getting invisible not getting away so he get some slash by xin cale . And for his surprise the part where he slashed won't stop bleeding ! What a great disadvantage for him ! If this goes on he will die by just bleeding and losing much blood.! To save himself he run towards Ahn yun , his confidence was already broken and he forgot about Chong yin chao's words of warning - " remember you must not anger him ". If he won't run he will lose his life . When Ahn yun saw his blood droplets heading towards him he got what the demon is thinking to do . Ahn yun For demon's shock he himself head where the last droplet was . Gui xiang follow the demon and stop in front of Ahn yun just then demon appears xin cale and his sword collide³ and let out a silver strike lightning with that force of gui xiang his sword cracked . Demon withdraw . Gui xiang gave Ahn yun a glance , to make sure he is not hurt sure enough he was all fine . Just when he turned to look at Ahn yun demon invisibly approached his back Ahn yun saw blood droplets near gui xiang's legs . Even though he was weak when he noticed that the demon was about to strike gui xiang in his back . Ahn yun by all force of his last amount of spiritual energy push gui xiang away and In the speed of light he stand in front of gui xiang  defending him . Demon slash Ahn yun's chest to his Abdomen ! Gui xiang who was pushed by Ahn yun for one second his body froze , then in next moment his punch landed on demon's abdomen , he let out mouth full blood out and coughing blood out , laid on ground not able to get up , just now he recalled Chong yin chao's advice - " remember you must not anger him . " he do not get time to remember any more thing now , he received flying sin cale pricing through his heart and died. Not giving him a look gui xiang rushed to Ahn yun and lift up Ahn yun's weak body in his own , immediately start passing his spiritual energy into Ahn yun's body . But it was no use he was  breathing heavily and his eyes were closing he was struggling to keep his eyes open. Gui xiang's tear drops fall in Ahn Yun's cheeks. He struggled to raise his hand to touch gui xiang's eyes and wipe his eyes smoothly a silver drop fall from his left eye gui xiang hold his hand and not letting go his grip was only gentle he keep in his mind not to hold too tight . He was himself not able to stop himself from shedding tears , the sword cut wasn't hurting him , but seeing his lover crying and looking at him and  helplessly he was not able to stop him was hurting him gui xiang keep falling tears .

Gui xiang - " baby , don't close your eyes , don't fall asleep , stay here with me. You'll be fine , let me call land God hang on ."

His lips were silenced by Ahn yun's finger which was white as jade and had some Scarlet blood droplets on it . Gui xiang touched his fingers and open his mouth to say something but Ahn yun said -

Ahn yun - " be good , don't cry no need to call brother yu , let you look at you , hear you till my last breath. "

Gui xiang - " no , don't say that baby you will be fine , don't say that , i will take you to heaven , they will cure you , don't talk nonsense."

Ahn yun - " gui , i can not be saved , i don't want to keep you yourself in dark . You need to be brave , i am leaving A - yao in your care ."

And he coughed mouthful blood ,

Gui xiang - " Ahn yun! Don't say that , you will be fine , hold me baby , hold me tightly...

Ahn yun raised his head he was kissing gui xiang , but this time gui xiang's lips didn't react to his kiss , gui xiang was afraid if they kiss Ahn yun will get difficulty in breathing who was already breathing faintly .

Ahn yun - " still not kissing me gui , i am going to die soon....

Gui xiang gently place his lips on Ahn yun's lips both were shedding tears . Gui xiang didn't dared to be reckless and he was only kissing but Ahn yun entered his tongue in gui xiang's opening and they kiss deeply , gui xiang was afraid if kiss go on for more Ahn yun will stop breathing the next moment they stop kissing he broke the kiss and princess Carrie Ahn yun and fly towards heaven , Ahn yun was just looking at him with his eyes struggling to keep open gui xiang kisses Ahn yun's forehead and said -

Gui xiang - " you will be fine baby , don't think anything bad . Everything will be fine ."

Ahn yun - " who are giving hollow Hopes i know that i can't be saved , gui , I don't have much time left , Take care of yourself and A - bao , support him and don't let him be alone ."

Gui xiang - " Don't close your eyes baby , look at me , they will be able to save you , don't fall asleep  ..

Ahn yun - "  , love you gui ."

Gui xiang - " love you too baby , please hang on we are reaching heaven you'll be alright .

With a faint smile Ahn yun closed his eyes . Gui xiang without wasting any moment entered the heaven's official palace and roared.

Gui xiang - " any healer , come and save yun yun , if anything happens to him heaven official and God minor or dominant all will pay price , heaven will be bath in blood ."

Upon hearing this the heaven official palace shake , everyone rushed out of their rooms , Even the senior Gods who never step out of heaven official and nobody knows how they looked come out . In heaven apart from Ahn yun all healers were minor and do not have any idea how save Ahn yun , at that tim water God was in heaven official handling some matters with God of intelligence . They rush of hearing gui xiang's loud roar. What they say was Ahn Yun bathed in blood and gui xiang in white robes which were not white at all , there were bloody serum ( referring Ahn yun's blood ) everywhere in his robes . Water God rushed to them -

Hu dai xiong - " what happened to Ahn yun , brother luo ?????"

Gui xiang - " is it time to ask what happened where are the damn healers , bring them ."

Hu dai xiong - " any healer here , come out and heal  God of healing ."

Gui xiang glared at all God in the heaven official palace his grey eyes turned red and red light strike out from his eyes . He yelled -

Gui xiang - " is everyone here paralyzed , come out or you will be begging to die but this God won't let you die easily if no one comes out in two seconds i will be burning down the heaven official."

Four Gods came out and rushed to Ahn yun's unconscious body .

Gui xiang - " if he loose his Even single hair , all of you will die."

He suddenly received a slap on his face , it was Ye yao who was already shedding tears and holding his big brother's hand . He wanted to pick Ahn yun himself but gui xiang tightened his grip pointing ye yao that he can't take Ahn yun away from him . Ye yao carried hate and hurt in his eyes and looked at gui xiang resentfully.

Bao ye yao - " didn't you said that my da ge will come as he is going , didn't you said you will protect him , why just why my brother is like this when you don't even have a scratch on you .i shouldn't have trusted you war God , why tell why my da ge is struggling from life and death situation."

Cheng xun cha was there beside ye yao he hold his shoulder and said -

Cheng xun cha - " calm down yao yao , here no one is superior than you in healing after Master Shen , examine master Shen first . "

Ye yao roughly pushed xun cha away and raise his hands and grab gui xiang's collar .

Bao ye yao - " lay my da ge down , let go of him . I need to examine my da ge . "

Gui xiang - " A - bao , check your brother , let me hold him please let me hold yun yun ."

Ye yao no longer said Gui xiang to let go Ahn yun he knew that he go overboard and his brother love gui xiang so he didn't said anything further . Meanwhile Ahn yun seemed to regain his conscious and heard A - yao's voice and his yelling at gui xiang his heart ached he struggled to say

Ahn Yun - " A - bao....

His voice was faint Ye yao immediately said -

Ye yao - " yes da ge your little brother is here."

Ahn yun - " A - bao don't curse gui , i am..the..one.. who is at fault

Ye yao - " I won't , I won't da ge , da ge tell me how to save you ."

Ahn yun - " silly little A - bao , there is no way to save this big brother."

Hu dai xiong - " Don't talk nonsense Shen yun , there must be some way to save you . "

Ahn yun - " there is not "

Then Ahn yun looked at gui xiang smiled faintly and said -

Ahn yun - " gui , take me to my mansion ."

Gui xiang - " yun yun , baby you need treatment , first treatment then i will take you to your mansion."

Ahn yun - " i don't have much time , don't make me repeat my words. My throat hurts."

Ye yao clenched his fist and said -

Ye yao - " if da ge wants to go mansion take him , i , i can treat him there too."

Gui xiang in the speed of lightning flew out of heaven's official palace and head to Ahn yun's mansion they reached his Mansion in no time .

Ye yao ,xun cha and hu dai xiong followed them . Gui xiang laid Ahn you on bed.

Ahn yun - " gui , that silly boy take care of him , he must not left alone. I'm sorry in his place. He was just angry and hurt don't hate my brother."

Gui xiang - " I don't baby , if possible i want ye yao to kill me , i wasn't able to protect you , forgive me yun yun. Forgive me baby."

Ahn yun - " dumb gui , it's not your fault . I was careless myself , don't blame on yourself."

Ye yao - " da ge , please tell me how to save you ...

Ahn yun - " silly , there is no cure , come to big brother ...

Ye yao hurried to Ahn yun and hold his hand and stood near him

Ahn yun - " i am giving you my part of memories , that will help you to know that it's my fault , take care of yourself and your brother's dumb gui ."

Ahn yun - " dai xiong , don't let gui battle other Gods , remind him that i left you as my friend to stop him."

Hu dai xiong - " no , I won't.

what are you saying Shen yun , you will be fine."

Ahn yun - " xun cha , take care of my little A - bao , never hurt him . "

Ahn yun coughed blood gui stroke his back gently and caressed his hair .

Ahn yun - " you may all go now. I want to talk gui."

Gui xiang - " no more talk baby. Stay silent you are losing blood already don't damage your body even more ."

Ahn yun - " even in my last moments you won't hear me out???".

Ye yao hugged Ahn yun and run out of room , xun cha followed him and water God gave gui xiang a disappointed look and Walk out of room .

Gui xiang - " why..why it happened??? I don't want to leave without you baby.....

Ahn yun - " no, no you can't , don't ever say this . You need to live , i should have put my ego aside and asked what i wanted, i regret gui.

Gui xiang - " what you wanted, tell me baby i will do everything , don't close your eyes baby ."

Ahn Yun - " gui , kiss me ."

Up until now gui xiang was well aware that Ahn yun can not be saved silver line fell down from his eyes and he started kissing Ahn yun , with his weak body it was hard for Ahn yun to hold gui xiang , but he still circle around Gui xiang's neck , his tears fall down on bed . Then kiss was sorrowful both were crying holding each other. Ahn yun broke the kiss touched gui xiang's face smiled and said -

Ahn yun - " love you gui "

Gui xiang - " love you too , baby."

And Ahn yun closed his eyes , gui xiang brust into tears and hugged Ahn yun's lifeless body and cried bitterly . He cried his heart out . Outside the room all three were crying too , ye yao's breathe was breaking xun cha was continuesly stroking his back and comforting him , because of Ahn Yun's shared memories ye yao knew he can't blame anyone , he cried his eyes out in xun cha's arms . Like a kid who lost his parents . Hu dai xiong lost his best friend , he was clueless how to react he was the senior here , he can't simply cry in front of his Junior brothers he needs to comfort them , even though xun cha is brave and stooped himself from crying but he can't hold anymore , his master who lost his lover was crying miserably inside Ahn yun's room . He can hear him . He broke into tears as well , hu dai xiong patted xun cha and ye yao's head after comforting them a little he pushed the door and what he saw made his heart taste bitter. Gui xiang was crying holding Ahn yun's body he looked more pitiful then the two junior outside . Hu dai xiong bit his lips when everyone can cry let out their feelings why he can't. He slammed on the carpet and cried . The scene was so heartbreaking that even a stone heart's heart will melt and his eyes let out waterfall of tears. The one who collected himself was hu dai xiong he took steps to gui xiang and said -

Hu dai xiong - " he struggled so much luo , let his body and soul do rest , you know what you have to do , stop crying it will hurt Shen yun's soul ."

Gui xiang didn't said anything he just hugged Ahn yun and crying . Just now ye yao entered with shaking legs he run towards Ahn yun's bed and fall right in front of Ahn Yun's bed he struggled to get up and hold Ahn yun's legs and cried even more . Hu dai xiong and xun cha both felt useless seeing the both crying their hearts out.

After crying a lot ye yao passed out with his legs on floor and hand holding Ahn yun's leg . Xun cha hurried and carry him and take him to his bedroom to rest there. After lying him down on bed he kissed ye yao's forehead and Walk out the room . Gui xiang stooped crying and took Ahn yun's body to wash and dressed him properly . In heaven there was a ritual that when a God dies , his body will be kept on the palace of past God in case if any God reincarnate then in age of 20 they will return to their past body . But gui xiang refused to keep Ahn yun's body there . He constructed a personal chamber by servents and land God's ability to keep Ahn Yun's body . It was created in Ahn Yun's mansion ye yao thanked gui xiang for this , because it was gui xiang the senior Gods let him do that , no one was really opposite of this . Even the hatred group of calamity God , God of hate, Goddess of jealousy fire God and Moon God all just wanted to separate them , no one wished for Ahn yun to die , they were regretful and out of shame and fear no one dare to show up in Ahn Yun's respect ritual and his soul's well being gathering . Aside from them love God , Goddess of beauty , water God , God of nutriment , God of intelligence even the Sun God were there. Everyone's eges were wet . Ye yao still wasn't able to stop himself and cried bitterly. But this time with wet eyes gui xiang was beside him and xun cha was behind them .

After the ritual was over he move in Ahn Yun's mansion because ye yao never agreed to live anywhere else , he is the one whom ye yao can rely on as his parent and Ahn yun gave responsibility to take care of so he moved in also Ahn yun's body was close to this , xun cha become more serious in his life and helping ye yao to get over from it . They were not getting close xun cha has been comforting him and to relax him from his nightmares he only kiss him on his forehead . The ritual's night when gui xiang was sleeping he saw a dream again the one in which Ahn yun come to him looking pure and undoubtedly stunningly beautiful . It was a soul recollection of Ahn yun , gui xiang was lying on bed he up floating in air he touched his face and gently stroke his cheek by his jade white finger and he said ;

Ahn yun - " gui , forgive me , i left things hard for you . "

Gui xiang - " do not apologise.

With a pause gui xiang continued , - will you come back to me."

Ahn yun - " can not be sure gui , i am lost in a place where is only darkness , i don't know if i should give you hope or not, forgive me ."

Gui xiang - " you will baby , i know you will return for me. Whenever it will be I'll be waiting for you ."

Ahn yun - " take care gui until we meet again."

Gui xiang - " yun yun , yun yun don't go don't go !!!!"

Ahn yun already disappeared . Gui xiang Get off from bed and Walk towards the window and looked at Ahn yun's body's chamber. This was named sho yu's rest hall.

After the ritual gui xiang changed his personality grew more cold only ye yao , xun cha and hu dai xiong were the ones he ever talked , and with time being he found out Chong yin chao and killed him that cause the battle between Gods and demon king. 

The battle was freaking hideous⁴ , all demon were ruthlessly killed by gui xiang other God were still merciful but whoever faced gui xiang died a death that no one wish for instead killed by him one will like to suicide .

Ye yao wasn't involved in battle gui xiang didn't let him , he treasures him like his own little brother . Ye yao now noticed how hurt gui xiang is he never get scratch from any of jis battle but in this battle he god sword slash and many injuries , ye yao knew he was getting hurt because he wanted.

Ye yao - " master luo , you must not do this to yourself , if da ge was here ...

Gui xiang - " A - bao , he can't see me . Go rest i will talk with you later ok.?"

Ye yao - " yes master luo ."

Gui xiang - " Wait a second A - bao , can this God can be called big brother by A - yao . I doubt if i am unable to full fill my responsibility as your big brother that yun yun asked me to do for him."

Ye yao get emotional ever since Ahn yun was not around , gui xiang was if gentle with anyone it was him . Ahn yun didn't made a mistake to left ye yao in gui xiang's hand . Ye yao hugged gui xiang and tears roll down his eyes .

Ye yao - " master is so good to me , da ge didn't make any mistake . But master i need time to get used to that."

Gui xiang patted his head and said -

Gui xiang - " it's no rush A - bao . Go rest .

As ye yao walk out the room . Gui xiang laid on bed .

Gui xiang - " when you will come , yun yun , this God is very lonely.

And a tear dropped from his eyes , he is still holding hope , waiting for his lover it's going to be 500 years since he lost Ahn yun he punished the demon who was responsible for Ahn yun's death and Chong yin chao . He really died a miserable death , his flesh was ripped out from his body , both legs were taken down in the end he begged to be killed but gui xiang kept his in imprisonment without giving him anything to eat he end up eating his own hand flesh . Just then gui xiang cut his body into pieces by sin cale , that was horrible scene that no one wished in his life to see .

Years passed gui xiang and ye yao were like real brothers and xun cha , he was having things hard no matter how much he tried for ye yao to move on from his da ge's death . He was unsuccessful . He only company him . The most painful thing was unlike gui xiang he was not even able to drink wine to bear his pain . He knew if he will drink ye yao might do not like it , after Ahn Yun's death , he never did a single thing that hurt ye yao.

Gui xiang was waiting for Ahn yun for from about 780 years now , without his faith shaking . Without doubting his lover , with a strong belief that one day he will found Ahn yun , he searched all three realm , waiting that somewhere his sho yu is reincarnate.

Year 800 after Ahn yun's death -

Hu dai xiong - " still not accepting to go mortal realm to kill the demon."

Gui xiang - " yes. "

Hu dai xiong - " it's 800 years already , come out luo , no one can kill the demon beside you , you are a War God be responsible , humans are dying."

Gui xiang - " so what, this God has nothing to do with low beings . They are dying then let them die ."

Hu dai xiong - " ye yao talk to your brother , this is really urgent ."

Ye yao was more grown up now , no more unmature , he looked pretty , a bit feminine , his eyes looked beautiful black pearl with moon light shining his eyes.his eye lashes were long . he was sometimes even mistook as a Goddess instead of God .

Ye yao - " luo da ge , da ge always cared for lives even if it's a animal or human , he doesn't mind servent or what status is the life , he always saved them . Luo da ge , for brother go and eliminate the demon."

Hu dai xiong - " that's true Ahn yun never let any life die , he saved by his all power. "

Gui xiang - " A - yao , this brother will go . "

Hu dai xiong - " i have been asking from last 100 years. Show me some face War God luo."

Ye yao - " i feel sorry for uncle hu , please ignore my brother's rudeness uncle hu."

Hu dai xiong - " our angel do not need to sorry for lord luo's rudeness , getting treated like this has been made me a habit of this. It's all good."

Hu dai xiong pat ye yao's head , gui xiang gave him a glare in last hundreds of years water God is been the one who look out for gui xiang as a friend .

Then God of war come down to mortal realm in human world he was walking . Because he was wearing white and black robes it showed his personality , he was looking kind yet he looked cold but graceful. When he was walking in the forest he encountered a human . Gui xiang and the human bump into each other the human was about to fall but gui xiang enhanced his hands to grab the human to save from falling. Gui xiang looked in human's eyes . He saw his golden and shiny eyes and his hair was also the same color . When gui xiang looked at the human he felt the same feeling as he used to feel when he looked at Ahn yun , this feeling he can never forget. Sure enough it was Ahn yun's . And he undergo and rebirth in human being .

A/n –

So the past story is finally over . I feel really tired.  Thanks for reading.  Vote if you like . Have a nice day . Ain't i am being a chatterbox. See you readers stay safe.

1. Parlous - full of danger uncertainty ; precarious . Greatly or excessively.

2. Assail - make a concerted or violent attack.

3. Collide - hit with force when moving.