
When Doom Whispers love

"You were the poison in my veins and the death in every breath i take" ------Azazel Ares She was the chaos and beauty interwind. A tornado of roses from divine. She was beautiful for that sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. Her smile was like morning light, it scattered the night and made the night worth living. She was the falling star burning in night, she was the shimmer on the water in river of moonlight. She was the moon everyone wanted but could only love from a far. Her voice held that kindness that could even caress the wound of ages. But.....but like rain falls, she fall or someone, her worst doom, her own destruction, he wasn't the villain instead he made her villain in her own story. Where she was rainbow, he was colourblind. Where she was Serene, he searched for mermaids. She gave him everything, her heart, her soul, her body, everything only for him to slice it oen and offer to devils. She thought she could change his hatred only to get swallowed by it. He snatched her most precious thing, her family, her baby only to have her as a walking corpse. But..... but to deserve this all, What was her mistake???, to fall in love with someone who longed for someone else Was wanting to get the same love, he gave to her, was wrong???

DaoistXVrYsy · Fantasi
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16 Chs

"the music of flute"

Hypnotozing in his beauty he started playing his flute. Immediately she turned and gave him a shock look "so it was you!!, who was playing the flute while i was on bed "(she said with shock) Raid nodded. This was the most

pleasent sound Jennifer ever heard. A mysterious feeling was rising inside her she was unable to controll herself, her feets want to spin with the rythem of music, her soul wants to sing along the flute, it was like a another powerful personality inside her wants to take control over her, she could feel that it was heartbroken, sad, depressed. Showing sympathy she set free herself. A beautiful voice joined with the sound of flute when he opened his eyes he realized that it was Jennifer who was dancing singing . She was gracefully dancing. She was the most beautiful girl he ever saw, and this time he actually fall in love with her with his heart and soul. Instantly he started focusing to her song ."What was my mistake, just to love you from my whole heart , should i deserved to be heartbroken for all of my life...."( Jennifer sings) her lyrics were reminding Rain of somebody. All of sudden rain started but her feets don't stop, soon enough she was all wet her dress was stuck with her body showing the shape of her body, her wet hairs and her bare white shoulder were driving rain crazy. Soon the flute stopped and Jennifer too stopped dancing. "Lets go home my lady"

(Rain said cheerfully) "yeah, ok"( she said ) her skin beneath the wet clothes was visible a little bit which was a torchure for him. Again and again his gaze was turning towards her. When again his gaze turn towards her he saw that she was shivering "my lady wear this"(he said passing his jacket)

after 30 minutes.............

After a long walk they finally reached home "do you have another dress"(she asked) "yeah"

(Rain said) he walk towards a room and Jennifer too follow him this time "wow!!",there are so many beautiful dresses here "(she said admiring the dresses) "What do you think about this one"( he said showing a dress) "Its night Rain i can wear anything"( she said )

"yeah, then why don't you give it a try"( he said ) she take the clothes and went to dressing room.