
When Doom Whispers love

"You were the poison in my veins and the death in every breath i take" ------Azazel Ares She was the chaos and beauty interwind. A tornado of roses from divine. She was beautiful for that sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. Her smile was like morning light, it scattered the night and made the night worth living. She was the falling star burning in night, she was the shimmer on the water in river of moonlight. She was the moon everyone wanted but could only love from a far. Her voice held that kindness that could even caress the wound of ages. But.....but like rain falls, she fall or someone, her worst doom, her own destruction, he wasn't the villain instead he made her villain in her own story. Where she was rainbow, he was colourblind. Where she was Serene, he searched for mermaids. She gave him everything, her heart, her soul, her body, everything only for him to slice it oen and offer to devils. She thought she could change his hatred only to get swallowed by it. He snatched her most precious thing, her family, her baby only to have her as a walking corpse. But..... but to deserve this all, What was her mistake???, to fall in love with someone who longed for someone else Was wanting to get the same love, he gave to her, was wrong???

DaoistXVrYsy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

"i have seen the hell"

I wasn't able to think anything else ."What was a demon doing in the car ". I tried to tell mom about it but she said i was hallucinating because of ancident but i can't understand, it was just a normal accident how could someone starts hallucinating.I came to my room and started doing meditation as to relax myself but instead of relaxing i saw many people were screaming in the pain as some one was beating them in my close eyes. I tried to open my eyes but i was unable to. The place was looking like hell because there maybe you can only hear the scream of people or maybe sprit who are being hurt. It was so much scaring to see sprit like this . I suddenly open my eyes my mother was calling me for dinner. I tried to hide my fear but i was unable they ask me what was happening to me. I tell everything to them having a hope that they will understand. But what happened to me, was just opposite of what i think they started laughing at me tell that it was my imagination .I feel so humilated because i thought they will understand me instead they were laughing at me. If it was my imagination why can't control any thing ( i thought). Now this time I wasn't going to repeat that mistake of telling them .I eat my dinner went back to my bedroom .When i entered in my room i see a sprit of a girl standing in my terrece and she jumped . I just see a girl doing sucide but i have no time to stop her , i was so much shocked from what i was looking maybe my parents were right i was hallucinating . I lay down on my bed i was so tired of this type of unusual things that fell a sleep