
When Doom Whispers love

"You were the poison in my veins and the death in every breath i take" ------Azazel Ares She was the chaos and beauty interwind. A tornado of roses from divine. She was beautiful for that sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. Her smile was like morning light, it scattered the night and made the night worth living. She was the falling star burning in night, she was the shimmer on the water in river of moonlight. She was the moon everyone wanted but could only love from a far. Her voice held that kindness that could even caress the wound of ages. But.....but like rain falls, she fall or someone, her worst doom, her own destruction, he wasn't the villain instead he made her villain in her own story. Where she was rainbow, he was colourblind. Where she was Serene, he searched for mermaids. She gave him everything, her heart, her soul, her body, everything only for him to slice it oen and offer to devils. She thought she could change his hatred only to get swallowed by it. He snatched her most precious thing, her family, her baby only to have her as a walking corpse. But..... but to deserve this all, What was her mistake???, to fall in love with someone who longed for someone else Was wanting to get the same love, he gave to her, was wrong???

DaoistXVrYsy · Fantasi
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16 Chs

"I found a mysterious book"

When i opened my eyes it was my mom who was pulling my blanket "Jennie wake up you'll be late for school come on " (mom said) i roll out of my bed and get ready for school. It was my first day of 7th standard i was very excited to meet new teachers. But unfortunately i saw that boy who was in that park standing right in front of me ."What do you want from me"( i asked with a cold reaction) "Well i have not done my introduction hii my name is Charles"

(he said with a smirk) "I don't have much time for your nonsense "( i said ) "you see i want a fight with you to see who is more stronger"(he said) "yes of course but after school"( i said ) i wasn't scared of him .After school i went to sports room where i find him waiting for me

"so you have come , i was expecting that you will not come "( he said ) "well i am not a cheater like you i keep my promises"( i said )

"we'll see who is a cheater"( he said) he try to punch me but i easily bow down . "you are not that proffesional in fighting"(i said) more than a minute he was laying on ground "do still wanna fight with me" (i said) "no" (he said furiously) i gave him smirk get out of room ."This girl is not normal"( said charles to his teamates) . Nobody was outside of school the suddenly i see someone staring at me it was girl wearing a pink gown with blood on it .The blood was not fresh i can tell by looking at it .She stared at me for a seconds and then she started running i follow her and reached to library .I opened the door of library nobody was there but i spotted some blood marks on floor i observe them and they ended up to a book. I started reading that book .Once upon a time the queen of heaven named Luna get maried with hell king Cyres to maintain the freindly relationship of hell and heaven. After one month queen luna give birth to two daughter one who has power to control all the nature element named Flora and another one who can control hell power such as fire , her voice was so sweet to hear but can awake the demons in hell named Crystal. Crystal was a great warrior she can defeat great warrior without even using powers. Flora heal the people which were hurted , sick .But people started loving the Flora more than Crystal .People started spreading rumors about Crystal. First Crystal was soft hearted like Flora but after hearing all this she turned cold hearted from inside like her name.