
When An Action Fan Treads on Thin Ice with the Mom Ice Queen!

(Ryujin PoV)

The weight of the aftermath of the battle pressed on us as Amanda and I neared the Blue Lotus Sect. Detection would spell our doom, so every precaution had to be taken. We were both fully aware of the watchful eyes within the Sect.

Drawing a deep breath, I whispered, "Ice Silence." Magic coursed through me, converging at the soles of my feet. Almost instantly, a translucent sheen of frozen mana coated them, crystalline and sparkling under the faint moonlight.

Amanda, observing my actions, extended her hand toward me. I grasped it, allowing the icy magic to flow from me to her. Her boots, much like mine, became encased in the thin layer of frost.

We silenced our steps and moved in perfect synchrony, reminiscent of dancers on a stage. We carefully calculated every step to ensure minimal contact with the ground and prevent any noise. Together, our magic created a trail of frosty footprints, which we ensured faded mere seconds later, leaving no sign of our path.

We darted from shadow to shadow, utilizing every bit of cover the environment offered. Whenever a guard passed by or a lantern flickered, we pressed ourselves against walls or hid behind pillars, our breaths shallow and synchronized.

It was a delicate ballet of stealth, our combined movements perfectly coordinated, each step taken with the utmost care. 

"RYUJIN." The voice resonated like the thunderous roar of a dragon waking from its age-old slumber, cutting through the night. It was the unmistakable call of Alexia, my mother. Her voice wasn't just sharp; it was like the piercing edge of a finely honed blade sliding smoothly through a silk curtain.

Every syllable she uttered sent ripples through the air, akin to a stone dropped in a peaceful pond, disrupting the quiet and sending shivers up the spines of everyone who heard it. It felt as if the very walls of the Blue Lotus Sect were quaking in response, like daisies trembling under a gust of wind.

"Amanda, run!"

Our stealthy ballet transformed into a frantic dash, much like deer that a prowling lioness chased. Our once silent footsteps now echoed the hurried beats of a hummingbird's wings.

But just as hope of escaping seemed within grasp, the atmosphere shifted. A sudden chill descended, like the first gust of winter heralding a relentless snowstorm. 

"Frost Impact!" I recognized the spell almost immediately – a signature of the ice mages in our family.

The ground beneath our feet crystallized rapidly, a wave of frost advancing at a pace too swift for us to evade. It was like watching spilled ink spread across the parchment, except this was cold, unyielding ice aiming to halt our escape. Our feet got tangled, and despite our struggles, the cold tendrils of the spell wound their way up, anchoring us in place. 

Caught like flies in amber, or perhaps more fittingly, like fish in a frozen pond, there was no escape from my mother's magic. We were trapped, awaiting the inevitable confrontation.

"So Ryu*, where were you?!"

*A/N: "Ryu" is a nickname for "Ryujin."

"I went out with Amanda to buy food..."

"That's obviously a lie. Our Sect has more than enough food for you...WHERE WERE YOU, RYU?!"

"I went out to buy specific food for my training. There isn't much of it here in the Sect."

"Hmmm..." My mother began to scrutinize me meticulously, her eagle eyes missing absolutely no detail.

"You were in a battle. You have several combat marks on your clothes. They're all torn up. If you'll lie, at least put some effort into it, Ryu."


Damn, I forgot to change my clothes. In my haste, I overlooked that crucial detail.

"Amanda, tell the truth. Where were you two?"

The tone of my mother's voice pierced the air like a shard of ice hurtling toward its target, relentless and unforgiving in its pursuit of the truth.

"Alexia-sama... I... we..."

"Amanda, speak the truth. Only the truth will do..."

"We were in training when we were ambushed..."

Seeing Amanda faltering under the weight of my mother's gaze, I stepped in. 

"We got caught off guard, but I handled it."

"What? Where? How? Are you hurt?" My mother's voice was laced with concern as she frantically scanned me for injuries, her fingers dancing over my body like a whirlwind, checking for any abnormality.

"Mom, relax, I'm okay. I took him down!"

"It's not just about winning a fight, Ryu! What if he had some unknown curse? What if you've been infected with something sinister?" 

Without waiting for a response, she chanted, "Supreme Purification."

With those words, a radiant, soft light enveloped me, its warm tendrils seeping into every pore, every inch of my being. The glow intensified momentarily as if searching, cleansing, and gradually dimmed, leaving me feeling rejuvenated.

"Mom, I told you, I'm okay..."

"Okay? OKAY? You recklessly put yourself in danger! Now, GO TO YOUR ROOM! You're grounded for a month!"