
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

TPPOV : keeping her safe

A couple of minutes have passed and the food was served. Words couldn't describe how excited Everly and Iris were to dig in and taste the paradise of food infront of them. They bought a variety of dishes as they were unable to choose only a few. On the other hand, Mark was nervous and Raoul was not so happy himself. They exchanged looks from time to time , it was rather Raoul giving Mark some death stares.

The food was soon eaten and the table was now empty. There were a few chats here and there mainly initiated by Iris.

"It was nice spending time with you. We'll see the pond now so have a nice rest of your day. Bye." Mark tried to leave but Raoul was faster than this. "We'll go with you too! Iris would love to see the fish. Right?"

Iris's eyes sparked at the sudden question. Raoul is very thoughtful ,she cried to herself as she jumped of joy.

They proceeded to walk to the pond, the tension evident between Raoul and Mark.


Raoul was on break so he has no right to meddle in the Olympus business at his break time, but he just couldn't. Through the years that he was watching Everly in his job, she was able to build a soft spot in Raoul's heart without her knowing. He cares for her a lot, more than just a guardian angel watching over her. He can't see her 'dissappear' , he can't see her in pain again after all that she has lived through. Love? Her love for Mark? It'll go away in a while, but the pain and scares that will be left as she slowly fades away from this world, they will never ever be forgotten.

He cares for Mark too, but for him, what Mark is doing now is selfish. So selfish to the point that his existence here on earth is a threat to Everly's happiness in living a normal life.

"We have to talk." Mark whispered to Raoul as he stood closer to him. Mark was so close to punching him in the face. Raoul has been starring at Everly from the moment they arrived to the pond. Mark has also catched some of the glances Raoul took at the table , he was not close to being happy.

They walked a bit farther from Everly and Iris , and a little bit more farther than where people are found.

"What are you doing?" Mark growled as his eyebrows formed a straight line above his eyes.

"I should be the one asking."

"Why are you watching her?" He continued, not content with the answer he just got from Raoul.

He sighs. "You'll end up killing her, remember?" Raoul reminded, his tone unpleasant.

"It has nothing to do with you. It's between me and her."

"Between you and her?" Raoul then laughs sarcastically. "She doesn't even know that you're slowly killing her. How is that between you too? Huh?It's my job to keep an eye on her and keep her safe"

Mark takes a few steps closer eyes piercing into the latter. He was mad. "As long as I am here, keeping her safe is my own job." He spatted out stressing out each and every word he said, eyes not leaving Raoul.

"Then will you be able to bring her back from death? No. Will you be able to give her back the energy that you have been taking away from her after loving her? No. In every second that you are spending next to her, she is losing bit by bit her soul's energy. Your love is a poison to her. Your love will kill her. Keep that in mind. There is no going back once she gets weak.I had high hopes in you. Didn't think you could be that selfish Aseseus." He left no room for further discussion and with that being said he went back to where the girls were, leaving Mark.

Mark could not ignore the truth. Raoul was more than right. Every word he said left a sting more hurtful that the other. He's slowly killing her, no matter how much he wanted it to be false.

"I'm killing her." Mark whispered a lump stuck in his throat as he forced his tears to stay .

He didn't want this to be the truth. He didn't want this to be right. At this moment, all that he wanted was for the truth to be wrong.