
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

The sighs


A loud sigh was heard from across the room that made Iris sigh back in annoyance. "Don't you have any work to do? You have been sitting here, sighing, for I don't even want to know how long." She exclaimed stressing so much on 'sighing' that it made Raoul's head shot up.

"Last time I checked, a headmaster and guardian angel has too much work that he doesn't even have time to sigh." She added throwing a last glance at Raoul's figure.

She looked back at her project in front of her. Iris was currently working on a project she would like to implement unto the human world and she named it 'The Golden Heart'.

After spending some time on earth, when she was helping Aseseus, the idea came to her mind and she couldn't not try to work on it.

"If a certain someone have read the books instead of having me here in person, well I would be working and not 'sighing'. I've been here for more than half an hour and you haven't even asked me anything yet."

"Well, it's true that I asked you here, but I didn't stop you from working. You could simply bring your 'work' with you if you intended to work, but you didn't."

Raoul stood up, having a hard time trying to communicate with Iris. He sighed, this time looking directly at Iris, as if he was telling her "See, I'm sighing again. What are you going to do about it?"

"I see that you don't need me here then. If so, I'll be leaving right now." He wiped the nonexistent dust from his pants, walking to the door.

"Yeah, leave, you're of no use here anyways. She snapped back angrily, shifting in her seat, trying to find a somewhat comfortable position. Her eyebrows forming a straight line, she held the pen again in her hand, scribbling on her paper. Raoul didn't wait any longer, he quickly exited the room hurrying to his office that was 2 floors above.

"Head Master M" A voice called him as soon as his hand found the handle of the door to his office. Raoul turned around facing one of the angels that called him. "How can I help you?"

"You are asked to go over to the grand meeting room as soon as you come to the office, the Lord of The Sky was asking for you." He stated, referring to Zeus.


"You have asked to see me, sir?" Raoul politely asked Zeus. Zeus was busy, head in the documents on the grand table. "You're finally here, Raoul. Please take a seat." Raoul internally sighed as Zeus's tone seemed relaxed and quite content.

Raoul was now seated on the side of the table, the second chair to be exact, while Zeus was seated at the head of the table.

"I have been wanting to meet you for quite a while. I received all the files related to the devil's potion mission to help the human that was affected by it, and I could say I am more and more satisfied and pleased each day. Nevertheless, I wanted to meet you to get a bit more information in regarding of Aseseus. Also, to give you a small reward since you've been following up with this mission daily."

Zeus stopped, opening the drawer that was by his side. "This" He started, "is a trophy of appreciation." He handed Raoul a semi-transparent glass trophy. It was sculpted in a shape of a pair of wings, his name was engraved on the lower part of it, and 'Token of Appreciation' was written under the name.

"And this" He added handing him an envelope. "A one week vacation. You're free to have it here in Olympus or even on Earth. It'll be valid once the human drinks the blood, in other words once she's out of danger. I would like to note that, if you do choose to spend your vacation on earth, let the travel department know beforehand since you'll be needing important papers as you will be visible to the human eye."

"Thank you, it's an honor." Raoul bowed, smiling at Zeus who smiled back at him.

"Now, in what may concern Aseseus." Zeus was now a bit more serious, but relaxed. "I have a few questions, in which I would like to have some honest answers."