
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs


"For how long are you going to ignore me?" I heard his deep voice through my ears as i felt his arm fall over my shoulders. "I've been wanting to try this cafe for a while now. Let's go " he grabbed my hand and made me follow him through the cafe. It was my favorite , so i'm not complaining.

Aseseus/Mark Pov:

Is she ignoring me ? I sighed as I followed her through the supposed market. I won't finish the task anytime soon if she'll keep on ignoring me . I need to change my ways. I ran a few steps so i was just next to her before i grabbed her shoulders and said "I've been wanting to try this cafe for a while now . Let's go " I grabbed her hand and as i entered the cafe smirking as i knew it was her favorite from the documents i read.

She got a latte, as i tried a drink called a strawberry milk tea. Never heard of it and never tried it .

She was drinking hers smiling like a child . She looked happy . It was the first time i see her smile since the time i met her. Why doesn't she smile? Why does her eyes always show sadness ?

I didn't know why but something in me wanted to know the answer to those questions and a million others. Stop thinking Aseseus ! You have a mission here.

"Where did you come from ?" She shyly asked as she slowly put her drink on the table.


I furrowed my eyebrows." What do you mean ?" She faintly laughed"Why do you look so serious? Do you come from Vampire Lands ?" She laughed as she began moving her hands left and right. " I mean from what city did you come from?"

Stupid guy... of course she meant that. "I come from the mountains . Very far away , you wont know even if i tell you" She raised her eyebrows as she nodded suspiciously. "So now you're talking to me huh? why have you been ignoring me ?"

She lowered her head as she fidgeted with her hands . Silence.

"I shouldn't have asked , sorry. What kind of- " I tried to politely change the subject but was interrupted. "No. " she got up holding her drink " I think i should tell you"

"Don't get too close to me , i'll just bring you bad luck ."