
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
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43 Chs


I returned back to my room plopping on my bed a heavy sigh leaving my lips. I need to be more careful when I'm with her. "Remember, you can't fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time. Few years and the beloved totally disappears." Zeus's words keep on bothering me.

I clutched my heart closing my eyes. "Just don't fall in love her Aseseus , just don't fall in love with her. I groaned again in annoyance . This is wrong Aseseus wake up . You are a god. You're just here to help her . Nothing more. "

" It looks like you're having a hard time dealing with your emotions." I opened my eyes at the sudden voice to see non other than Raoul sitting over my closet.

"What are you doing here? Again." I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I sat properly.

He chuckled slightly trying to hide a small smirk that I was fast to catch on. He's getting on my nerve more and more everyday.

"Nice haircut." He raised both of his brows moving his hand over his hair as he complimented me his voice unmoved. I nodded looking at him . Why is he here now come on spill whatever you came here for and leave me.

"I'm just here to remind you that you still have a month to finish the "making her fall in love with you " process and your blood ." He shortly said now looking serious. "You know you can't fail this mission. It'll be a loss not only for Everly , but you too and all Mount Olympus. " He added as his eyes were now straightly looking at me as if he was angry.

"Other than that, be careful with your feelings." He smirked as he slightly passed his tongue through his inner cheeks. " You look like the one who is catching feelings rather than Everly. The damage is even greater . She'll disappear forever. He cautioned , strongly focusing on the last word as he smiled a goodbye , leaving no room for me to answer.

I groaned as he's making my blood boil from rage. How did he even get into these high positions?

I sighed . For the hundredth time again today. "Remember, you can't fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time. Few years and the beloved totally disappears." I can't kill her . She has to live.

Finish your mission and go leaving everything behind Aseseus.

Everly Pov:

The next day came over quite quickly after I cut Mark's hair. I sat in class waiting for the professor to come and start his class. I looked over to my right to see if Mark has come , but there were no Mark in sight. I knocked on his room in the morning but no one answered so I assumed he came early to university.

That's weird.

The day went by quite slowly. After spending these 2 and a half weeks with Mark , I think I kind of got used to his presence. Everly No. You can't . He'll leave you at any time. But Mark won't right?

It's true that we got closer but I still doubt him . Does he really mean everything he does?

I arrived back to the building as I contemplated whether to knock at Mark's door or just continue my day without him.

Is he ill? Maybe he got sick of me . Or maybe he w- "Hey Everly " I was cut of from my thoughts as a newly bather Mark came out from the door beside me . " Ah - um Hey . You good? " I worriedly asked as I looked at him . He seems good so he's not sick I guess.

" Yeah . I'm good thanks for asking. I had some things to deal with so I couldn't attend classes, Sorry for not telling you beforehand . They kind of happened suddenly." He apologized flashing his bright teeth.

"No no no it's okay . Don't worry . I was just-" You were just what Everly . You can't say you missed him .

What no I did not miss him . I'm just curious. Yeah just curious.

"I cooked . come over." He cut me off signaling through his door. " Let me change my clothes and put my things first. " I excused myself as I got into my room quickly doing whatever I needed to do.

Let's put some things straight Everly. One, you did not miss him , you're just curious. Two , he is your friend but to some limits. Three, don't get used to his presence.

Okay easy.