
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs


Raoul clicked his fingers making the phone fly to the other balcony slowly. "Come on. Go get it, I'll be leaving ." Mark sighed and walked close to the other side. "Bye."

He put his leg over the top of the balcony edge , positioning himself not to fall. He held the edge with his hands , slowly putting his leg on the other side. "Why can't I just use my magic." He groaned trying to pass the edge to Everly's balcony.

"If you use your powers in the human world, you'll become weaker and weaker every time you use magic." As soon as Mark heard, his foot slipped making him fall hard on the cold porcelain balcony floor tiles. "Ugh" He groaned as he sat up looking at the other, frowning. " You scared me.I thought you left, why are you back?"

Raoul chuckled . "I was looking at you and by the way you were moving, you wouldn't step to the other balcony until tomorrow morning, so I wanted to help a bit. Didn't know you were easily scared." He smirked cockily , teasing the other .

Mark was about to answer back and defend myself , but then he saw Everly. "She's coming here!" He got anxious as she was getting closer. Raoul laughed whispering a 'You got this' and soon enough disappearing . Mark didn't know what to do. Should he keep his laying posture? Should he use his magic and disappear? no, no magic he thought.


Everly's pov

Slowly I walked closer to my balcony. I spotted a pan that was on the cupboards and did not hesitate to take it with me. Better be safe than sorry they say. I tried to regulate my breath, walking one step at a time. I stood to the left where whoever was outside could not see me and prepared myself to take a peek.

"Mark?" I whispered in disbelief. I hurried and opened the balcony door stepping out. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?" He was laying on the ground, massaging his lower leg.

He looked at me smiling faintly. "I uhm I fell."

He fell? what?

"H-how did you fall?" I asked still unsure of what he was trying to say.

He sighed looking up to the roof before looking back at me. "Well" He started ." Can we go inside before?" I nodded, mumbling a yes.

"Ouch" Mark groaned as he tried to get up but failed. I turned back to him and looked at him puzzled. "What's wrong? you can't get up?"

"I think i sprained my ankle."

After many failed tries, I finally was able to get him inside as he is now sitting on the sofa .

"So how did all this happen?" I asked, taking the ointments from the first aid kit. He sighed and flinched when the cold substance touched his skin. "I was on the balcony playing on my phone, when suddenly my phone fell from my hand and landed on your balcony." He explained , moving his hands from side to side.

"After that, I was trying to get it back, but I slipped and fell ." He laughed at himself as I laughed with him too.

"What a weird story." I finished applying the ointment , closing the kit. "I'll put this in it's place and get you some juice." I was about to leave when he held my hand.

"What? You don't want juice? Coffee?" He shook his head to the sided , signaling a no. He pulled me close, as my face was now at his level. What is he trying to do.

"Why were you crying?" He asked , after a few seconds of him inspecting my face. Is it this obvious?

"I was not-"

"Stop lying." I sat in-front of him , immobile. I was tired of hiding my feelings from everyone, but still I din't want to get hurt again when they leave or when they stab me in the back.

"Stop pretending it's okay when it's not. Stop acting like you're always fine and happy when you are obviously hurting."

"I just had a nightmare , nothing serious really."

"See? Yeah a nightmare that made you bawl your eyes out. Everly, you're hurting yourself when you're keeping everything to yourself. You have to let it out in some way. Stop being afraid. I promise you, you'll feel much better after talking about it. It hurts to see you hurting, keeping it all in . Know that i can lend you my shoulder anytime. okay?"

What did i do to deserve such an amazing person. He looked at me reassuringly grabbing my hands.

"I promise you" He smiled rubbing my palms with his. When these words left his mouth, i don't know what got into me, but seconds later I found myself engulfing him , hugging him tight. "Okay."

"So where do I begin?"