
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Past pt.02 : dad

"Take this." Mark gave me a tissue. I smiled , as a sign of thanking him. "I lost my dad in a fire soon after."

"We were both at home together and I was playing in the kitchen and I am not sure how, i don't even remember how fast it happened, but soon enough the kitchen started to burn , fire everywhere. My dad came running to me, he hurried me to run outside while he was still inside turning it off. The fire then made no room for him to escape , and he burned to death."

I took a deep breath trying to regain my breath. "My grandma choked while eating and we were both alone. She needed CPR but I was too stupid to know how to. If only I was courageous enough and helped her. She- She may be still alive with me. "

In a soothing manner , he was hugging me tight. Peace was the only feeling I felt other than the sadness and regret that I was feeling that were soon disappearing .

All because of him and all thanks to him.

"Let me cook you something delicious.." I looked at him after he cut off the silence that was engulfing us both for a few minutes. A good silence though. "...my mother used to make it for me whenever I was sad. I would directly forget all my worries." He smiled as he let go the hug, patting my head slowly and then getting up.

He went over to the kitchen searching for the ingredients he needed and then started cooking. I sat in the living room feeling slightly better as time passed. At this moment I knew that he was different than others.He won't leave me or hurt me. I can trust him.



Hours have passed and the war was still on. Both parties were still standing still even though a lot of blood was made. However it was somehow clear that Mount Olympus was slightly ahead of Luce and his army.

Zeus smirked as he saw two of Luce's army heading over him and in a splash of a second they were both dead on the floor.

"Nice one"An unknown voice was heard from beside him that belonged to one of the messengers. Zeus smirk grew bigger as he moved his head a bit .

Even though the energy of the other party has changed , it was still not as powerful as the god's power. Luce will need years and years to be able to be at the level of the gods.