
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

miss me?

I groaned as I hurried to put my shoes on. "You said you'll wake me up on time!" I angrily exclaimed to the standing Mark. He sighed as he followed me limping . "I told you , I tried waking you up for 30 full minutes but you started by telling me 5 more minutes and after that you started-"

I stopped in my paths as I looked at him once again before leaving the apartment. "I'm leaving. Bye." I heard Mark sigh one last time as I started getting farther.

My classes ended quite soon, and as soon as my last professor finished, I walked fast enough to go back home, making sure not to bump into any of the bullies. For the past few times, Mark had similar class timings as mine so it was easier to ignore people, but I had an extra session today so I had to come alone. I sighed as I walked past the university entrance.

Was the potion a scam? But no, I'm not that bullied anymore and I have Mark…. Yeah, him. A faint smile unwillingly grew on my face as I remembered the kiss we shared last night how he moved his face closer, our eyes locking, his soft lips, and his hand on my cheeks. I tried to regain my straight face but didn't realize my cheeks were tinted pink. Ah… I could give him a chance.

Soon enough, I stood in front of the building, my landlord greeting me as she was going out. "Your eyes look so puffy dear. It looks like you cried hard. Are you okay?" She asked worry evident in her voice. I smiled as I nodded my head. "Yeah, thank you for asking, I just had a small nightmare, but it's all good now." It's good to see that someone cares for me, other than Mark. "Oh dear." She pouted as she patted on my shoulder a few times. "I'm running late so I have to leave, but please take care. If you need anything give me a call alright?" I nodded bidding her a goodbye as she left.

Is Mark still at mine? I thought as I was taking out my keys from my bag. I got angry at him in the morning so I guess he has already left. Upon entering my apartment, the smell of fried chicken filled the room. My eyes lit in joy as I skipped to the kitchen. There I found a delivery box and a letter on it.

I have something to do so I left, I got you some chicken so eat them before they get cold. There are some soft drinks in the fridge. -Mark

A weird feeling grew on me at this moment, I can't really describe it. But it really warms my heart to see him leaving a message before he left even though he isn't obliged to. He did it out of his own will and even got me fried chicken. I took a bite, a smile plastered on my face not leaving once, as I kept on staring at the letter as I munched at the chicken.

Few hours later, the sun has already set. I wonder if Mark came back. I walked over to the balcony as an idea came to my mind. I'll check if he's here by the lightning in his apartment. As I could not see anything from standing straight. I lied a bit to the sides as now my body was half on my balcony and the upper half was above his.

Everly, why are you doing this? I mentally face palmed myself, but couldn't back off now. It looks like there is some light from the inner rooms, but he may have left them on before he left. "He's still not here." I sighed as I got a bit sad. Where could he be at this hour?

"Miss me?" An unexpected face appeared all at once in front of me. As quickly as it may look, I found myself stumbling over to the back, but I didn't hit the ground surprisingly. Mark acted swiftly as he held me from falling down grasping my waist tightly as he now was lying at the fence. My heart leaving its place at the immediate shock that surrounded me, but soon enough it all calmed down. "You scared me. Be careful." He sighed murmuring but it was high enough for me to hear as he was close enough.

My face heated at the closeness of both of our faces. The memory of our kiss evading my mind once again. "Everly?" He woke me up from my thoughts. "Are you alright?" I nodded as he helped me stand straight. "I have been calling you for a while." He chuckled as he stood straight, patting his shirt to straighten it properly. "It looked like you were searching for me. Do you need anything?"