
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

May I?

Raoul licked his lips, awaiting the questions that will be given to him . "As you may know, we have promised Aseseus a huge reward after completing his first mission. Even though, I am not very well happy ,uhm… I may say, in regards of the reward the main gods voted on… I wanted to make sure Aseseus deserves it."

"I understand, my lord, I will try to help you as much as I can in my answers."

"His reward… we will be upgrading his current position to Chief God of the younger gods that are between eight and ten years old."

Aseseus was now a regular god. After becoming a chief for the gods, he can be promoted to head master, which are responsible of a couple of chiefs. Just like Raoul is within the angels.

This is just like how Aseseus wanted. When a god has a high position, like a head master for instance, he or she can be qualified to belong between the high main gods. Aseseus' dream.

It's true that it's been years and years, since a god was able to be chosen to be part of the high gods, but Aseseus never lost hope. 'If my father was able to do it, I can do it too' was what he would encourage himself with anytime he felt hopeless.

"How is he like on earth? Is he following all the rules? Is he giving you a hard time?" Raoul pondered over the question for a while.

Yes. He wanted to answer so badly. He remembered the time where Aseseus was close to make him lose his mind. He didn't like him, yet he didn't hate him. It's just that for Raoul, Aseseus's character wasn't something he was a fan of.

"No. He's doing really well, unexpectedly. He's working really hard for this mission, I might add." Zeus looked at Raoul for a few seconds trying to grasp every bit of emotions he could get from Raoul's face . He wanted to see how much truthful he was being.

"Okay then." Zeus continued further. "Any negative point? I bet there is." He averted his eyes from Raoul unto a painting of his. "Everyone has flaws... right?" His eyes went back to Raoul's , this time a bit colder and stern.

Raoul gulped , as he started to feel intimidated by the latter's presence. "He sometimes acts without thinking. Even though this hasn't lead to any serious matter, it may at some point in the future."


"…now we add the milk" I handed Everly the milk as she carefully tilted the cup over the pot. "Great." She smiled mixing the milk with the other ingredients. I was teaching her how to cook my special pasta sauce. I was standing before the counter , leaning on it, as she was standing right behind it.

"How long should I keep on mixing?" I gave her the plate full of peppers and stuff that we prepared a few minutes ago. "Add these now." She took it throwing them in. "You should keep on mixing until it's no longer that liquid."

She nodded mixing softly. "Who taught you how to make this?" "My mother." I simply stated as I felt her eyes trail from the pot to my eyes. "That's nice." She commented her eyes back to the pot.

"She used to make me sit with her every Saturday to teach me some of her unique recipes." I straightened myself nibbling on my lower lip. "I would stand in your place, while she stood in mine. She would describe to me what I have to do and I used to follow obediently. This is how I learnt how to cook."

"Your mom seems like a nice person."

"Yeah. She is."

"Have your mom taught you anything other than cooking?"

Everly Pov:

He stopped nibbling on his lips as tilted his head to the right. "She did. She taught me a lot." His eyes never leaving mine, he walked over to my side. "Well…." I turned around quickly. There he stood inches away from me, and in a glimpse of a second I found myself trapped in between his arms and the counter. "She taught me to take care of the things I like."

A shy smile appeared on my face, and when my face was about to drop low, his arms that were trapping me by both side held my face. His palms engulfing my face. And just like the movies, it all happened in slow motion.

His face got closer, as he removed his right arm. His breath just above mine, I looked into his eyes. His deep brown eyes that held too much words. "We can turn it off now." He says as he turned the stove from behind me.

Here I thought that he was about to kiss me-

He laughed. "What's funny?" Was I angry? Hell yes I was. "You face." My brows furrowed as I tried to walk past him. However, his bigger figure easily stopped me as I found myself, once again, trapped between him and the counter.

His fingers brushed my cheek, making its way to my hair. "Don't run away." He whispered softly. Heat rose from my stomach to my chest upon hearing those words. Mark's lips were getting closer and closer and then they stopped. "May I?"