
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs


13 hours have passed quite quickly. I could barely sleep , all I was thinking about was Everly. Now that she drank my blood, the mission have come to an end.

'It won't take much of your time my son. Upon drinking your blood, you can come back directly. Your mission would be done.'

That was what my father has said to me before I came here. I miss them. I miss them a lot, but I don't want to leave here.

Everly, I can't seem to see myself living alone without her. I'll miss her every day. I'll miss everything about her. How she wakes up in a bad mood when she hasn't slept enough. How she gets excited every time I cook for her. How no matter what she went through, she still haven't given up. Her smile. Her laugh. Her touch. Her love.

Every.Inch.Of.Her. Everything that is related to her.

"Mark?" She finally woke up. "Why are you crying?" A tear found its way out of my eye without me noticing. I gulped passing my thumb over the tear on my cheek. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." Never in my life have I thought, that I would cry because of a mere human. Besides, Everly is not just any mere human.

Everly is Everly.

"Really." I added when I saw her face showing that she didn't believe what I have said.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I am totally okay with it. But don't lie about it." I nodded and mumbled a 'don't worry', giving her the warm cup of water I have prepared. She's so thoughtful even when she's not feeling her best.

"Is my Everly feeling any better?" She smiled faintly, and I was sure have felt my change of the topic.

"Yeah. I feel a bit sore though. My back pain has decreased and my eyes aren't burning that much either. My teeth are great. Haha." She tapped her index finger on her teeth, smiling.

At that moment, I couldn't not smile. "That's great."



"Does that mean…"

"Yes…" She quickly cut him off.

"Yes what,Iris?" Raoul leaned back on the coral pink couch. He wanted to hear her answer high and clear. Iris licked her lips in frustration. She hated what Raoul was trying to do, but at the same time she didn't mind and wanted to give in. But Iris being Iris, she crossed her hands turning her head to meet his.

"If you don't want then forget it. Let's eat, the pizza and fries are getting cold." She coldly stated, sad at the loss of spending more time with Raoul. She let go off her hands, standing up quickly.

Raoul's hands stopped Iris by the wrist. Taken aback she fell down on the couch. "What?"

He chuckled, a smirk forming at the side of his mouth. "I'll teach you, if you want it that badly." He raised both of his brows, ruffling Iris's hair. "Come on." He then added, getting up, raised both of his sleeves a bit higher, and headed to the dinner table that was a bit farther in the room.

"I don't want it 'that badly'" Iris called back a bit angry. "I-"

"You what?" Iris stopped in her paths, words not coming out of her mouth. She sighed, "I hate you."

Raoul burst into laughter, which echoed in the large room. He threw back his head, unable to control his laughs, crossing his arms over his stomach, trying to catch his breath.

It was true that Iris was angry, but she couldn't help but notice how his eyes crinkled when he laughed, the way some of his hair strands were lightly moving on his head, and the way his fingers laced over his black chemise.

Everything she saw made her soft. Raoul was the type to keep most of his emotions and feelings to himself. He very much knows how to separate between his different part of life, like private life and work. Unless when it comes to Aseseus, he likes to get on the latter's nerves.

When Iris and Raoul first met, it was purely work, so Raoul was very formal with her. They later met a few times, and if it weren't for Iris's frequent questions and curious personality, they wouldn't have gotten a tiny little bit closer.

Iris has grown a liking to Raoul the moment she laid her eyes on him, on the barrier between Mount Olympus and earth. Even if Iris looks like the confident time, when it came to her feelings, she wasn't the best at confronting them.

"I'm sorry…it's so funny…you….God… I can't…" He tried to speak between his laugh, but in vain, few are the words that Iris was able to understand. "Not funny at all." Iris whined back huffing at the teasing coming from the man in front of her.

"It is."






Busy proving her point, Iris didn't realize the closeness of the two. "Is." Raoul stated, this time smiling right before Iris.