
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs



Tired. This is how I felt ever since I woke up. I sighed for the nth time as I found myself getting weak after just doing the dishes. The minimum energy I do makes me want to sleep even though I woke up just a few hours ago. I sat over on the sofa as a heavy sigh left my mouth. "I'm so tired." I opened the bag of chips that was lying beside me. "Is my luck affecting me now?" I laughed obviously sarcastically as I munched on the piece of chips that was in my hand. An hour have passed of me watching some random T.V. shows. I sighed again getting up to water the plants on the balcony.

"The view is pretty nice here!" I stopped in my path, my hand on the balcony door. A female voice? "Yeah. At night it's even better." Mark's voice. Who is that girl? "Is that so? Then I'll stay till then." They both laughed together. Does he like her? I found myself stumbling to find my way to the sofa. Was it the tiredness that I have been feeling, the sadness that has rushed through me after hearing Mark with this girl, or was it both of them?

However, what I knew was the fact that seeing him laugh and have fun with another girl made me sad for some reason. I want to laugh with him too. I want to know why she is at his place. I though he knew no one from here. Is it his sister? He never talked about having a sibling before. A relative? I guess not. Did he meet her at university? But he is with me most of the time. Why has he never talked about her then? Questions and questions that had no answers. Yet the only person that could answer them, was him.

My head shot up as soon as I heard the bell rang. I walked over in hopes it would be Mark. However I knew deep inside that he is with another girl at the moment, why would he come over. "Hey Evy!" I was greeted by Mark. A smile grew up my face as soon as I saw him. I was more than happy to see him, not even caring about the nickname he just gave me. "Hi!" Is the girl still at his?

"A friend of mine is staying over for the day. Wanted to see if you would like to hang out too." I want to say yes, but I don't want to barge in between them. Even though I don't want them to stay alone together. No, I can't interfere between them, I'm just a friend. We're just friends. I'll just nicely say no and spy on them from the balcony. Everly, No. Just say no.


"I'll make you too some juice." Sigh. I shouldn't have said yes. This is so awkward. I looked over at the girl, whose name turned out to be Iris. She was the definition of perfection. She had long pretty brown hair that stood a few inches under her shoulders. Her brown eyes that were a perfect combination with her small round nose. Her full lips, that gave no expression whatsoever, were tinted pink. She was wearing a pastel blue dress that hugged her upper body perfectly. It was a few centimetres above her knees where few flowers circled the dress end.

However, the thing that stood out the most to me, was her tattoo. A black rainbow tattooed delicately on her collarbone. It really suited her. "So...how long have you guys known each other?" My eyes move upwards to meet her eyes that were already looking at mine. I'm not sure why, but I felt intimidated as soon as I looked at her.

"It's been a few weeks,few days after he moved in." I briefly answered making sure not to look like some loser. She mumbled an 'ah' before Mark came back offering us some pineapple juice.

I wanted to ask about them, but I was too shy. "Are you two friends from home? or you met here?" I finally grasped enough courage to ask. My heart was beating fast, my hands rubbing above each other. "We met here." Iris said calmly , taking a sip of the juice. Ah... "That's good."

"Yeah. It was actually nice to make some new friends here." I looked over at Mark who seemed happy.