
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs


Mark's lips were getting closer and closer and then they stopped. "May I?"

I nodded as quickly as I can, in which he responded with a light chuckle. And as soon as his lips touched my mind, I swear that my heart skipped a beat. Blood rushed through my body, as I was in the arms of the guy that chose to love me and stay with me no matter what.

It was as if time stopped right here, nothing mattered anymore, except for us both. His lips on mine, my lips on his. His hand on my cheek, the other on my neck. My hands holding his shirt ever so tightly.

"I love you." He then said over my lips, before smashing his lips again in mine. His lip that were soft, delicately moving over mines. One of his hands was now on the back of my head, as the other one was caressing my cheek.


"We have to get some cheese too." i walked over to the cheese fridge that was a few meters away from where we were. "Get the one with the yellow stars, their packaging is amazing." I turned around to Mark laughing.

"We can't just get cheese based on its looks a-"

The background noise started to fade,my body getting weak.

"Hey, Everly."He held me by the hand."What's wrong?"

"Careful."He pulled me back up, just before i was about to fall asleep. The sound was faint, yet i could still hear him faintly. My eyes were blurry, ringing sounds in both of my ears. I felt heavy, as if my body was pushing itself down.

I grabbed unto his shirt, trying to find balance. "Mark..." "I'm here baby.. I'm here."He soothingly answered as I felt more at ease as I heard him again.

The sound was getting higher and higher. The pitch increasing as seconds passed by. It was too much for me to handle, I wanted to scream. I wanted it to stop, yet I couldn't do anything.

No, I'm stronger than this. I can get through this.

And like this, the voice in me was finally set free. The scream wasn't that high, but it was high enough to clear away what has gotten through me. A gasp then escaped my lips, my head falling unto Mark's chest.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, yet he remained silent. He hugged me tighter, his hand never leaving my head.

"You scared me to death." He then said, pulling me farther a bit. He looked at me, his hands now cupping my cheeks. His eyes...were difficult to read. A mix of fear and anger, and maybe a little bit of sadness. Was he that scared? But the most important question was... What was this glimpse of anger found in his eyes?

"Let's just get this cheese and go home.I guess we got enough stuff for today. You need to rest too." He stated, taking a bag of cheese.I followed him silently... I was rather dragged by him as he held my hand.

Checking out, getting in the car, the whole car ride, up until we arrived home made me sure... He was angry. But I yet have to discover why.

What is making him this angry?My focus was all on him , what happened to me minuted ago long forgotten. At least by me.