
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

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32 Chs

Chapter 17: Discussion.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

Although she told me to go to the Portal, we log out after meeting up there because Alya is tired from what just happened on her side. And being a very loving guy I am to her, of course I listened...

The time currently is night... About Nine PM... In about an hour, I will be sleeping because I have school in the morning. So I immediately talk to her. So that I can sleep on schedule.

"Hey hey listen~ I... Didn't manage to change my race."

"Eh? How is that possible? Shouldn't it be simple for you?"

"Yes~ But the thing is that, my last opponent is the shadow of the demon queen herself. And I can't defeat her because she's level seven fifty. I tried to scout out its ability, but I died the moment it started! So... Will you help me clear it?"

I see... Certainly, it's hard to clear... Something that breaks the limit of the max level is not going to be easy to fight. I guess that also means that the rarity of race that Alya gotten is Legendary. Because I got a unique race change, and the opponent level is already high. And since Legendary supposed to be the best, of course the trial is going to be hard.

"Okay, Alya. Tell me what you need me to do. And I will do it. But for now... I need to go to bed. After all... I'm just a second year in highschool still."

It's truly a shame that I didn't get to pull another all nighter with her... But, what can I do to just do my best in school and finish it as soon as possible...

Of course, Alya hug me before we both go to bed.

"Good luck tomorrow. I will be making your breakfast and lunch."

"Un... Thank you."

After that, I went to bed... In the morning... I wake up and do whatever I needed to do... Then I went to the dining room and meet up with Alya and Ran.

"Good morning Brother."

"Morning Ran. Is your leg okay?"

"Yup! It's fine. Still can't walk on my own properly, but at least I can limp around with my crutches."

"Right... Only one of your foot got injured badly... I'm glad that the other one is fine."

"Yes. I'm glad as well. So, you don't need to get me home today. I will be going home with friends."

"Are they coming over?"


I see... I look at Alya and she nodded.

"Ran told me that. And of course, as her big sister, I will be welcoming them before going to NWO. Are you going to play with Jonas after school?"

"No. I won't be playing with Jonas after school. But we will go to a coffee shop to buy some coffee though."

Since Jonas is a junkie at NWO... He wants to pull an all nighter in the game... So he begged me to accompany him to the coffee shop later... Of course, I'm fine with it. Because I do like coffee... I'm a big coffee drinker.

Anyway... Ran went ahead first because she is going with her friends. While I'm staying behind finishing my breakfast.

"So... Do you have the list that I needed to do?"

"Of course~ Here it is. Make sure that you prepare it for me. Because you are the tankiest people I know around."

I take the piece of paper from her and see what she needed me to do. Of course, I see the list and it was a very simple list. I needed to Tank, Cleanse and Deal Damage. She also gave me the information about the Shade of the Demon Queen...

"Did you sleep last night?"

"Yup! I managed to get enough sleep."

She told me that she go against it once yesterday. And it ended immediately. But from this note, it just seems like she has gone to the boss a lot more to get all of this information...

"Hey... I will make sure your race change is fulfilled... Count on me."

"Hehehe~ I will. Thanks, Matt. I will count on you to absorb all the damage and debuffs!"

"I will."

I finished breakfast and then make my way out... Of course, Alya went with me and then when I leave...

"Do your best in school, Matt."

I turn around and see that she's cheering me on. I smiled softly and nodded lightly...

Thank you for your encouragement, Alya... I will do my best in school today.

I leave and leave the house in her hand...

I reach school and do it as usual. But, instead of playing gacha games... I read the website of NWO and just look at the monster manual...

Unfortunately, there's no Shade of Demon Queen in the catalogue... So I can't really get a proper official information...

Speaking of which...

"Hey Jonas."

"Hm? What's wrong?"

As usual, Jonas is with me. But strangely, he's fiddling with his phone while giggling.

"Do you know who's the developer of this game?"

"NWO? Hmmm... It's hard to say. There's official website. There's GM and Admin. But the company... I don't know what exactly. Why does that matter though?"

"Nothing. I just want to see what game they have made."

It's strange for sure. But, I guess it's a brand new studio. I must say, they're doing a very good job with it.

"Oh right! Your girlfriend, she's in town right?"

"... Why is that matter?"

"Nothing! I just want to ask you... How should I act around girl?"

Why does that matter boy? I mean... I guess its matter...

"Depends on who they are. Since my lover is a lot older than me... I like to be spoiled by her..."

"Hmmm... It pisses me off..."

Well, I guess it's normal for you to be pissed off... Because Alya is very beautiful.

But wait a minute...

"Coffee Shop..."

"Yes... It's as you expected... Please, help me out. I meet her in NWO!"

"... Haah. Since you're my friend, I'll help you."


Alright then... It seems like it's going to be a hard meet up for him. Good job, Jonas. You get yourself someone you wanted... And since it's a girl, you need to be ready to be judged by her friends. While I don't need to.

It should be a fun real life activity~