
Wheel of fortune

Rishab_Kumar · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


The salty breeze stung Ria's face as she woke up before dawn to the sound of the boson's whistle. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting an orange glow on the vast expanse of the sea. Today was another gruelling day aboard the ship after a meagre breakfast of hardtack and dried fish her tasks began immediately – hauling ropes, scrubbing the decks, the knots and rope-handling skills that Ria had been learning on this ship for the last few weeks proved their worth once again.

Her first task found herself securing the sail with a square knot. It was a routine job, but as the wind picked up, she was glad that the knot held strong, keeping the sail taut and the ship steady as it sliced through the waves.

Later she was tasked with tying a bowline knot to create a loop at the end of a line. This loop was used to haul up a barrel of fresh water from the hold as the day went on, the sun beat down relentlessly. Sweat dripped from Ria's forehead as she helped the sailors hoist the heavy sails. The captain barked orders, and she scrambled to follow, her muscles aching from the constant strain. During the lunch break, she noticed a loose line flapping in the breeze. With a quick clove hitch, she secured it to a nearby cleat. It was a small act, but it prevented the line from tangling and potentially causing a larger problem.

During a brief moment of respite, Ria stole a glance at the horizon, wondering what distant lands lay beyond. The stories of exotic islands and uncharted territories filled her thoughts, momentarily easing the fatigue. The ship creaked and groaned as the waves rocked them back and forth, reminding her of the unpredictable nature of the sea.

After what felt like an eternity, the sun began its descent, casting a warm hue across the water. The crew gathered for a simple supper of salted meat and hard bread. The camaraderie among them was the one thing that kept Ria spirits up amidst the toil (and fear that they might find out about her being a slave girl)

As the sun began to set, the captain called for the anchor to be dropped as they approached a sheltered cove. Ria helped secure the anchor line with an anchor bend knot, ensuring that the anchor would hold fast and keep them safe throughout the night

Night fell, Ria found herself on deck once more, staring up at the starry sky. The stars seemed to guide her, their twinkling lights a reminder of that void starry like relem of the wheel of fortune as she lay down in her cramped mat on the deck,she could can hear the creaking of the ship's timbers and the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull.

'My body aches, my hands are calloused, but I guess this is the price of freedom ' she thought of cargo on the ship the slaves she couldn't help but feel a heavy weight in her heart. It's a weight that goes beyond the physical crates and barrels, one that speaks of the moral dilemma surrounding the cargo the ship carried – human lives.

The crew was friendly enough except for the slavers but among the cargo, there were also human beings, people who had been captured, taken against their will, and now found themselves chained and packed like sardines in the ship's hold.

"I watched them my fellow crew members went about their tasks, seemingly desensitized to the suffering unfolding before us they only talk and are friendly with me because they think that I am one of them "

The clang of chains and the muffled cries of those below deck pierced through the air, a haunting reminder of the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade.The ship's captain and officers speak of profits, trade routes but how can one place a price tag on a person's freedom, on their dignity, on their right to live without fear and oppression?

'I wonder if there will come a time when I can make a place that will see these individuals as fellow human beings rather than commodities. I dream of a world where every life is valued, where justice prevails over profit, and where ships like ours carry hope rather than sufferings but for now, " Ria closed her eyes and let the rhythmic rocking of the ship lull her to sleep.