
What love is

Casey falls in love with her stepmother but is it all worth it when her parents are at risk too

Kade_Reed · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter thirteen


I want her. Shes crying in my arms because another woman defiled her I want to show her how it feels to be pleasured and not feel guilty. I want to make love to her. We have to get out of this hospital first. The doctor walks in right when I was thinking about leaving and says I think its best if she stays the night here ma'am we don't want any problems with her do we? I just scoot and grab the visiting chair next to the door and sit down im gonna be here all night. Casey speaks up and moves over some she says she has enough room in the bed with her. So I get up from the chair and place her face in my chest creating a fertile type position. I want her to be comfortable. She snuggles into my side and drifts off I feel kinda dizzy as I slip into dreamland happy I have her by my side.