
What love is

Casey falls in love with her stepmother but is it all worth it when her parents are at risk too

Kade_Reed · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 7


I ran to my room. I know plenty of my school mates that would want me instead of chasing over something I can never have. So I text Lila she'll want to come over.

C: Hey Lila you want to come?

L: Sure what time!

C: You can come now!!!

L: Okay!! I'm on my way.

C: Sneak into through the back door.

L: okay!!

As she opens the door to my room I slam her on my bed kissing her hard weaving my hand in her shirt. I look at who it is and its my... Step mom oh god. I get off her but then realize she was kissing back. I get off her and say I'm sorry I thought you were someone else she looks away but before she can turn her head I see the hurt in her eyes. Then she gets angry and grabs the back of my head I go down and I feel her lips on mine. Then as I deepen the kiss I hear a knock on my door I look at Lena and nod she gets up and walks out and lila walks in.