
What love is

Casey falls in love with her stepmother but is it all worth it when her parents are at risk too

Kade_Reed · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 1

I feel safe. As I am cuddled up with my step mom. I know its wrong to want to be loved by your very own stepmother tye one you should look up to as a mom but I just can't help it I love her. I've loved her since I was 8 years old.


Lena caught Casey as she went flying off the swing she safely put casey back down gently not to hurt her. Casey's dad came up to her first to ask if she was okay as she nodded her hair he grabbed Lena's hand and said honey meet your step mom. Casey was shocked and sad not because she had a new "mom" it was because she knew she already liked lena. But not like a step daughter should so she stomped her feet and threw out her tounge to her dad grabbed Lena's hand and said... You'll see dad I'll marry her after you get a divorce just like you did with mom then she'll be all mine and then ran to lena and gave her a hug. Lena and her dad laughed it off but little did they know she was gonna hold that love with her till she gets it back.