
Talk With Joker

Joker:"Sorry for the delay.Now lets get back to the normal routines."

Detective Sho ran to his laptop and watched intentively.

Joker:"In total there are 37 children left.Sector1 all the children has died,Sector2 aswell.Who would've thought they couldnt survive a surprise attack.It was quite the dissapointment.Sector3 has 15 children left,Sector4 has 16,Sector5 all children has died aswell and lastly Sector6 has 6 kids left.Thats the update for today.It seems there was a complete bloodbath while we were off for the day and dont worry we didnt pull any strings.Most children arent really expected to pass a test like this one."

Detective Sho:"No shit.Children arent meant to be in a death game."

Joker:"Also to spice things up a bit we decided to let one lucky person ask us some questions about what they think about this experiment.Lets see...Mr....Oh.Detective Sho! Everyone please give a round of applause to Detective Sho."

As soon as Detective Sho heard his name he was shocked.Suddenly his laptop screen moved to an automatically started video call.Joker looked at him and with an almost mocking tone he says.

Joker:"Its good to finally meet you Detective."

Detective Sho:"How did you?!"

Detective Sho was confused and surprised.He tried to get his thoughts in order before Joker says:

Joker:"So detective.I heard you're trying to help in the case to try and save these poor defenseless children.Am I correct?"

Detective Sho:"Uh..Yeah."

Joker:"That was surprisingly uninthusiastic."

Detective Sho:"How did you think I was gonna reply when my name is suddenly called out of the blue.So what do you want with me?"

Joker:"I called you to hear about your opinion on the experiment.What do you think about it?"

Detective Sho:"What do I think about it?"

Detective Sho almost laughed at the question

Detective Sho:"That is the dumbest thing i've ever heard."What do I think?".What else is there TO think? This is a messed up situation that you've brought onto these children and so many innocent lives now lost because of this insane garbage of a fetish you have you call "an experiment.""

Joker:"Well that was harsh..and also dissapointing."

Detective Sho was surprised by his answer.

Detective Sho:"How so?"

Joker:"Well for starters if this was my fetish then quite a lot more children would've been brought into this and secondly despite the fact you are a detective you havent been looking at the "progress" of these children."

Detective Sho was confused and angered by this answer.He has never seen a man so blind in what he believes in his life.

Detective Sho:"What bullshit nonsense are you spouting on about now?!"

Joker smiled and the screen moved to a prerecording of the children back during the beginning of the test.It shows clips of the survivors and children that died during the first test.

Joker:"Look at the progress.At the beginning these children were scared of killing.Some were filled with regret and disgust in they're actions after they survived while others died because of their inability to kill.As an example,Lets take a look at Chris Johnson."

The screen moved to the first time Chris had killed someone.

Joker:"Look at the look on his face.He screamed in fear and disgust of his own actions despite the relief he shows because he survived.Now look at him."

The screen moved to scenes of him killing later on in the experiment.

Joker:"He has become more strategic,he thinks ahead,he uses logical and rational thought.He isnt a "victim".He is a Survivor."

Detective Sho was silent for a few seconds.

Detective Sho:"Are you trying to say that by doing this your helping them? Have you lost your mind?! He's doing this to survive! If he had a choice between living his life and doing this insane experiment he would've chosen the former!"

Joker:"For now."

Detective Sho was startled by his answer.

Detective Sho:"What do you mean "For now"?"

Joker:"His hate will grow.Especially when Emily Manchester inevitably dies but after everything is said and done.If he survives the experiment he will be grateful to me for making him experience everything he will and have experienced.We live in a society where people are too comfortable.Where children most of the time grow up in a "safe and caring enviroment".They will almost never experience what its like to truly suffer."

Detective Sho:"Everyone has they're own problems and bad experiences."

Joker smiles.

Joker:"I agree.We found some common ground here but does those bad experiences ruin one's life?"

Detective Sho:"Not always but in certain situations it can be."

Joker:"Correct.Your a very smart man but a lot of the times people will go through something bad.A bad experience of sorts.While they're going through the experience they will see it as a bad thing but after they go through it they realise that those bad things were preparing them for bigger and better things detective.Dont you agree?"

Detective Sho:"Yes but-"

Joker:"Then what makes this any different? What makes this something the children wont learn from.Most of the time we learn new things even in places we never expect.Sometimes its from the poor and homeless people.It can be through a negative event like a loss of a loved one,Maybe if your a woman you got raped.There is always something to learn in every situation but many times the people refuse to accept the knowledge.They just say its bad and move on.Missing the once in a lifetime chance to gain an experience maybe few possess.Its something im going to change.Should I survive I will bet my life that these children will not regret going through this experience."

Detective Sho was silent for a few seconds.He was shocked by the way this man was thinking.He felt even worse when he agreed with some parts of what he said.

Detective Sho:"This isnt a school where the objective is to survive and kill your fellow classmates.This is a death game made by your insane ideological way of thinking! Even if the children will "learn" anything out of this how can they use it if they arent alive?! Over 300 children were participating in this "experiment" and now there are only 37! Open your fucking eyes you insane hypocrite!"

Joker starts laughing

Joker:"Perhaps.I could be all those things.I could just be a crazy man with extreme ideas and beliefs but your not denying the things they could learn from this.Despite how it appears I truly care for these children.Im genuinely upset that most of them died in the process BUT at the same time I dont regret the length I had to go to bring these children into the test.Im doing this just as much for them as it is for the experiment.I dont care if I am labelled a monster in the history books.All I care about is the progression of the children and hate me all you like but my evidence for this test working is right there on screen."

The screen zoomed into Chris's face.

Joker:"Chris Johnson is the diamond in the sea of coal.I am going to refine him and make him shine beautifully.You all may not see what I see in him but i'll give a hint.He's a boy being held down by societal standards and this experience will bring out the truth in him and once he gets a taste of his real self he will be hooked and in the future I can see him as the most loved and hated person in the world for his views on reality.This is my prediction and im sure you will see my prediction will be more accurate then you will expect."

Detective Sho:"Just because you like one of the kids doesnt mean its necessary to do all this just for one child."

Jokee:"This entire experiment wasnt made for Chris Johnson alone.This experiment was done to "help" the children.I know you dont believe we are helping them but the children that survive this will understand.Not you.It just so happens that Chris Johnson is one of those special kids."

Joker starts to laugh

Detective Sho:"Whats so funny?"

Joker:"I have a feeling that if I were to go to hell,I'm sure i'll see Chris Johnson there aswell."

Detective Sho:"What makes you say that?"

Joker:"You'll find out eventually."

Joker takes a sip of water from his mug.

Joker:"Anyway it was nice chatting with you Detective.I hoped that we could chat a bit more but I have to go now.Thank you for your time detective."

The video call ended and Joker dissapeared from screen.