
What is your super power

We live in a world where superpowers are called talents, we are divided into rich and poor, those who have a purpose and those who are useless, and we are heading towards the minority ruling the majority and becoming robots that have no feelings or higher goals. But the main character himself has a superpower like everyone else in this world, and he tries to reveal the secret to people and get them out of their imaginary shackles.

Cahusi · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - What is your superpower

If I told you that superpowers actually exist, would you believe me? I will try to tell you something, but I don't have much time. What I've been researching for a long time started quite by accident when I discovered something in myself that was very rare. But to reveal to you what it is, I have to start from the very beginning. Unfortunately, while you are reading this, I am probably not physically with you, but my words and actions will remain. Specifically, I will only tell you that the moment I discovered that I had this ability, I felt like I was alone, but by sheer luck, I discovered that there are many more of us who continue to fight against those who try to cover us up. It's 2019, and it's time for what we're fighting for to come to light because something very dangerous is about to start.

We have all thought that we have some superpower at some point in our lives. I think the most popular superpowers are "time travel", "invisibility" and "flying", What if I told you that we, as human beings, already have superpowers and that we all actually have a purpose? Some discover their superpower relatively quickly, some late, and some not at all, but these thirds don't even bother to discover it or are too smart to think they have all superpowers. Here, tell me how many times you have thought that every family has a specific smell or relationship.

What exactly is a superpower? In movies and series, we have seen many times how someone gets struck by lightning and gets powers, or someone drowns in a big barrel of magical potion. But the superpower may or may not come from our ancestors; in fact, sometimes we get a completely different superpower from our parents.

10 years ago, I was with a friend; we still hang out, and I even feel as if we were born in the same house. He and his father played instruments unknown to me at the time. I was very young. My friend played the guitar and his father the keyboard. Man, I thought the instruments were talking to each other. It was an extraordinary feeling to listen to them and especially to watch them. Of course, everyone, like me, would then think, "Of course his father taught him to play." No, people, this is my first encounter with a person who has an excellent "talent" of sound manipulation. After the guitar, he switched to the keyboard and suddenly knew how to play; even his father looked amazed. Not too long after that, he switched to drums. That guy really has a lot of talent; isn't that a little weird, huh? I didn't realize then that I even wanted to play the guitar, and of course I learned, but I never managed to switch so quickly—in fact, I still haven't switched—to another instrument.

Today we were sitting at his place on the terrace; some girls were also there. We were playing music and sipping wine; honestly, we were cold, but when there is such an atmosphere, it goes beyond all limits. We were talking about how he learned to play. Watch now, he was watching his father playing the guitar, and he only needed one day of training, and the very next day he knew how to play some songs. It took me three months to learn just the guitar.

Of course, some scientists did research, not about my friend, but about that so-called "talent" that we all have. They say like this: "Talent is an innate ability or natural tendency of a person that is often hidden and needs recognition." It means being good at a certain activity without learning it. And now you tell me, what is the difference between "talent" and super power?" We've all seen series and movies, and this is what they say to our favorite super heroes when they need to reveal their power.

Through independent research, I discovered that a thousand years ago, these types of people with the power of sound manipulation were healers and actually healed the sick. I tried to compare with today's theories about music, even how it affects us and our environment, and I found that music helps a lot with people with dementia and a lot of neurological diseases.

Today, music is becoming the most influential factor around the world; we wake up to music, sleep to music, and hang out with music. It can be said that people with this ability to manipulate sound have become very popular today.

But let's go back to a thousand years ago. I did a lot of research about it, and I came across a lot of interesting things, namely that there were fragmentations of this ability. I will briefly try to explain. The first type is made up of thousands and thousands of fighters who prepared themselves for the fight with a certain combination of sounds; they even had various rituals that contributed to their readiness and desire to win. The other type was somewhat more neutral in terms of combat, so they stayed in their village and took care of their fellow citizens, playing relaxing tunes and treating anxiety and depression. The third type, the last but not the least, are the so-called "maladapted", They were recognizable by the fact that they always stood out; they didn't communicate much, but that didn't mean they didn't care about others. Enough with liking to look at others but not communicate with them. But in fact, they communicated with everyone; their specialty was to turn melody into words; they had the ability to reach the most famous emotions in the human heart, sadness and joy. There's a whole lot more.

About groups and subgroups, these are some that have been described a lot throughout the history of this nation. Let me briefly mention that these were ancient peoples with roots in Greece and that they eventually spread throughout the world with great speed.

Let's go back to reality for a moment, in this day and age. Today, there are thousands of so-called "talented musicians", Each of them has followers who listen to him and enjoy his abilities. But know that with every ability there is also a great responsibility, and that this is one of the sentences you see in movies and series, but it's true; neither we nor they have control over it, although someone should have, because we humans do stupid things for stupidity's sake, and that's just life.

Why am I telling you this? As in every movie and series, there are heroes and villains, so it is in real life, not only with this type of power but with any. There is something I still can't tell you, but believe me, I have seen with my own eyes what can happen when you lose control of your power or come to understand your abilities and use them for evil purposes.

Okay, I'll tell you this, but I'll talk more about it later. Basically, recently we had some kind of mission, let's call it a "rescue mission", One of our people happened to be in a location not known to everyone, but there were specific things going on. Of course, let me give you a little closer to what kind of person he is. It's about our friend who has an adventurous character. He met a girl after a long time who was, let's say, a female version of him. The girl was really beautiful; she had something about her that you just couldn't resist. Basically, the two of them loved exploring anything and everything. For example, last month they went to the forest with a small tent and baked some cookies on the fire. It sounds really romantic, but they also knew how to pick up some unknown people and go get drunk with them, not in a cafe or a discotheque but in abandoned ruins. Mostly, they found it interesting to research the spirit world, dimensions, and things like that, and so they found some self-styled great shamans. They went only out of curiosity and adventure to his gathering in an apartment on the edge of town. It didn't seem strange to them that they had to be blindfolded when arriving at the location; of course it wasn't. Did it go well? Of course not. After a couple of hours of sitting with other visitors and hearing about the spiritual world, the atmosphere became strange, namely that the shaman and his servants took out huge drums and started playing a very aggressive melody while also saying some unrelated things. To make the situation even worse, they sprayed them with some chemicals and blew some strange smoke into them. It was already quite late, maybe even after midnight. I got a message on the phone to save them from that because they don't know where they are and they started to get scared. Luckily, it didn't take us long to find out where they were, so we arrived in an hour, picked them up, and drove them home, but first we did a couple of tests to see if it had any physical and psychological effects on them.

Without further ado, everything was fine with them; they recovered after a few days. They were under the influence of intoxicating substances. Basically, that Great Shaman was a known enemy of our society, and of course he also had superpowers, but we'll leave that for later.

This is just the beginning, I hope you will give this story a chance and be delighted at the end. "Don't judge a book by its cover"

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