
What is dead may never die (Theon SI)

What to do when you wake up in a world that shouldn't exist? When can you look forward only to your death and nothing much more? You live, that's what you do, but in this world, it isn't as easy as you think. Check Fanfiction(dot)net for the rest of the chapters and other stories. It is the same name. (I am the original author, just transitioning to Webnovel too.)

Ironwolf852 · Derivasi dari karya
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119 Chs

Deal between kings

Deal between kings

Theon POV

I looked at the seagull that one of my crewmates brought me. I wanted a bird companion I could warg into to see the sea from above. It would be so advantageous to see the whole battlefield. I could predict the movements of my enemies and coordinate my ships better. Yet there was a problem.

"I wanted an eagle, falcon, hawk, owl, or raven. And what you brought me?"

"A seagull, your grace," The man replied.

I wanted to kill that screaming bird that was in front of me. It wasn't even cool, but I guess there weren't any other kinds of birds nearby. Even if there were, it would be hard to catch them. So, I would need to work with what I got. Now all I need to remember how to do I warg into animals. With Rocky, it became instinct by now. Well, I will try to get close and feed the screaming bird for now.

"Your grace," Bronn still wasn't used to talking to me so formally. "Could I ask what are your plan if Stannis refuses to meet with you again?"

"My plans are for me to know," In other words, I had no idea.

"If you say so, but I still want my payment."

"Payment for what?" I asked. "You have done shit."

"Well, you didn't give me anything to do, so don't blame me."

I laughed at the ease Bronn said it. But I guess it is true. I should give him some work to do. If Stannis refused my help, I would have to work to mess him up, so he couldn't do me much damage. I can't let him grow more assertive if he doesn't want to work with me. He would be my worst enemy at any moment.

"Your Grace, a boat is approaching," One of the crewmates told me.

Indeed, a tiny boat was rowing toward my ship with someone holding a white banner. There were three men on the boat. I waited for them to approach, but I already knew what they were bringing to me. Two men climbed up my ship. One was two or three years older than me. He had red-gold hair. The other was a boy with pale gold hair and almost purple eyes. For a moment, I thought the boy was a Targaryen.

"I am Beric Dondarrion, lord of Blackhaven. I came there bearing words of my King Stannis Baratheon to the Black King Theon Greyjoy," It was clever not calling me the King of the Iron Islands.

"Say your King's words," I told the man.

"He invites the Black King to dinner," That was all he said, but I understood the meaning.

"Tell him that I have accepted his invitation."

It seems that even Stannis Baratheon can't refuse to deny our alliance. If we work once, I believe we can work together in the future. As long as I can somehow keep a friendly relationship with him, I will be satisfied. Then I can slowly work my way into serving him without my people getting angry.

When night fell, I used a tiny boat to get to Lannisport. I was greeted by a couple of knights who let me into a particular house. Along the way, I saw many soldiers patrolling the streets and people being closed in their homes, watching us from their windows. Stannis seemed to have a tight grip over the city and didn't want to let it go.

"The King awaits you inside," The knight bowed to me slightly and opened the doors to the house.

I walked inside, where a servant awaited us to take our cloaks and lead the way. Anguy and Bronn looked around the house as we walked into the dining hall. It wasn't a keep, but the house was quite big for its purpose. A wealthy family lived there before, and Stannis chose an excellent place to stay.

"Please take a seat," The Red Priestess approached me first and sat me next to her. "The King will arrive soon. Please forgive him for his lateness."

"For you, my dear, I would forgive anything," The red beauty only smiled at my words sweetly.

The Red Priestess was very beautiful, and today she dressed very revealingly, so much that I couldn't keep my eyes away from her. It was intentional, but I didn't mind it. Thoros sitting not so far away from me, tried to distract me from looking at the Red Priestess's cleavage as the King arrived at the dining hall.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long," Stannis said while grounding his teeth.

"I had a nice view, so I don't mind," I replied, but I decided it would be the last joke. "I sure you had your reasons."

"I did. Please enjoy the wine and food before discussing more serious things."

I motion my men to do as Stannis said. I believed the wine was quite good from how Thoros enjoyed it, but all I could taste was water. The food was bland too, but I pretended to enjoy it. I didn't make a joke the whole time, as I wanted to show Stannis that I could be serious when I wanted to. It wouldn't be good if he thought of me as an immature boy.

"Now that we enjoyed your hospitality, can we go to why I am here?" I asked. "I can see that your knight probably wants to be elsewhere."

"My apologies, I just think that I don't deserve to dine with two kings," If I remember correctly, his name was Davos Seaworth. He was pretty humble, something I always am surprised about.

"Ser Seaworth, would you mind telling me how you lost your fingers?" I asked. "Was it some famous battle?"

"No, your grace, I am no good at fighting," The knight replied with a laugh. "King Stannis cut them for my punishment."

"What did you do?" I got curious.

"Before meeting King Stannis, I was a smuggler as my punishment for my past crimes, he cut my fingers, and for my services to him, he knighted me as my reward."

From this short story, I could tell what kind of person King Stannis was. He was a just man. At least he wanted to portray himself as such. But I wouldn't say I liked how he couldn't have compromised. I hope he is more flexible in the future. Otherwise, it would be hard to work with him.

"What would you have done, King Theon?" Stannis suddenly asked.

"From what I remember, ser Davos brought you food during the Storm's End siege at Roberts rebellion, am I right?" It was hard to remember these kinds of things for me now. I needed a reminder.

"That correct," Ser Davos nodded.

"Then I would have kissed him, given him gold, and forgotten about him a year later," I said truthfully. "Then he would have returned to his past life and died somewhere without the world ever hearing his name. Even though I still think cutting his fingers is unnecessary and overly cruel.."

"Cruel?" Anguy laughed at my words.

"As I said, overly cruel," I stared daggers at Anguy, who still was smiling. "But giving him a chance to live a different life, a life with honor and purpose, was too kind."

"Didn't you do the same with your companions? Anguy, the archer, is known very well by the world because he traveled and fought with you," Ser Davos commented.

"Do you remember the name of Jalabhar Xho?" I asked.

"I heard of him when I still was at Robert's court," Ser Davos confessed.

"He died fighting for me," I said. "People tend to forget the names of the dead. If I had lost even once, I would be dead and forgotten. You might say that I fought for Robb Stark, which has some truth, but I mostly did everything I could to survive as I was hunted."

"Did you survive?" The Red Priestess suddenly asked.

"What is dead may never die," I replied with a sly smile. "I think it is time we talk about our future, King Stannis."

"Very well," King Stannis agreed. "I will hear your proposal."

I could see Stannis didn't want to do anything with me, but he had no other choice as he didn't have any allies, and enemies were approaching him from all sides. He probably only agreed to listen to me because his most trusted people wanted to hear me at least out and convinced Stannis to do so too.

"Before we begin, I would like to know where is Lord Edmure Tully?" I asked.

"He was sent to scout along the gold road."

It seemed that Stannis was very concerned about the forces getting near him. Edmure Tully was too important of a person to be sent, but Stannis still chose to do so. Should I like his boldness or criticize his recklessness? In the end, it wasn't my decision, and I didn't know the whole plan, so I kept quiet about it.

"As I see, there are only two things you are concerned about," I started. "The Tyrell force from the land and the Redwyne fleet. I could help you with the Redwyne fleet."

"And what would your price be?" Stannis asked.

"The Westerlands," I replied. "Once I take most of the Westerlands, I want you to acknowledge the lands as part of the Iron Islands."

"You have much confidence that you will be able to do so," Ser Davos commented.

"Why shouldn't I?" I asked. "You, King Stannis, and the Reach are the only ones standing before my goal. When I defeat the Redwyne fleet, there won't be anyone to go against me."

"What do you need to accomplish it?" Stannis asked.

"For you to stay in Lannisport," I replied. "The Tyrells will come from the land, and they send the Redwyne fleet to block the sea."

"Just like in Storm's End," Stannis commented with a grounding of his teeth.

"Just like in Storm's End," I agreed. "But I will be waiting for them behind the Redwyne fleet this time."

"While they are blocking the port or attacking the city, you will attack them from behind," Stannis figured out my plan.

"It is a simple plan, but it will work as of now. The Lannister should have gotten a letter from my father that he agreed to ally with them and is now sailing to the North," I said, which was partially true. My father had instructed the Maester to write something similar. I just sent it in my father's name. Too bad he is already dead. "The Lannister and the Tyrells probably think we are in the North right now. I want to remind them that they shouldn't think so highly of themselves."

My plan seemed to be good, at least for me. Stannis seemed to be satisfied with it too. He probably wanted to see the Redwyne fleet burn more than anyone else. I needed a good victory for my name to be established in the Iron Islands' culture. What my people value the most are strength and valor.

"I want you to sail my men and me to Seagard, that it if you win," Stannis said.

"What will I get in return?" I asked.

"This city."

It was too good of a deal to refuse. At first, I wanted to set up my main camp in Fair Isle, but Lannisport could work much better. Too bad I won't be able to take the loot for myself as Stannis probably had already taken it and distributed it to his men. But I had the Redwyne fleet to be content with. I am sure they will have many things I can sell or utilize.