
What If The Villain Always Wins | RE:MONSTER

It all begins with a simple goblin. Within a cave amongst many others, a man, a foreigner is reborn. "Yup, that's me. A lovely heart-throbbing goblin......!" But one that promises a tale of ruin. Merely a single step, yet depravity follows. Tumultuous flames that threaten mankind itself, burning entire continents till it reaches the next world. Just what kind of catastrophe had been unleashed? "Oh, c'mon~ we're all friends here, aren't we...?" However, greed fills his soul, a gluttonous hunger like no one had ever seen. This sickening darkness, relentless in its approach, only hopes to devour all things or trample it underfoot. "But...if it's my destiny, then I'm afraid I have no choice. My fellow brethren, it is time." He calls upon the many demons who kneeled alongside his throne, the ones who prosper and thrive within disaster. Merciless in their pursuit, blood pooled into rivers, seas, and oceans. Ghastly. What existences hadn't yet gone extinct? "Aw~ it's so sad, I just might cry~" To continue treading down this never-ending path...with each and every step, they shall poison the world. ***** Multiverse/World Traveling: RE:MONSTER How Not To Summon A Demon Lord Arifureta Zero/Arifureta I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too A Wise Man’s Grandchild The Legendary Mechanic More included later or upon request.... Authors Notes: To begin, I must warn you beforehand, this is a Depraved story about an Evil Protagonist. Not some cook-cutter villain, but someone who is legitimately Cancerous. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a plague that indiscriminately encompasses all who contracts it. And as such, I warn you again, DO NOT come here with the expectation of this being something easy to stomach. If you are a moral person who cannot distinguish between reality and fiction, it'd be best if you skipped over this one. I will not condone any reviews or comments condemning him on how evil or immoral the mc’s acts are, as I refuse to entertain them after giving this warning and will remove such things immediately. There is no fixed updating schedule for this story, this is strictly for entertainment purposes. Now, if you understand the code of conduct, please click [Accept] *I own nothing other than my Original Characters in this story. Neither the series nor franchises included belong to me*

Depraved_Chap · Komik
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26 Chs

Chapter 19: A Nameless Throne

▯Ezra | Ra | Day 10 | Kuuderun Great Forest, Southern Area

For starters, I do not consider myself a killer.

As a matter of fact, I'm probably one of the sanest individuals on the planet.

With that in mind, please do not praise me too much for what I'm about to do.


I stepped out into the open trail. 

All seven Kobolds were immediately alerted of my presence. They wielded swords, spears, and various other weapons, but standing at the back of the group was a figure dressed in black robes. 

He held a wooden staff that one would automatically identify with a wizard's or mage's.

"An enemy....!?"

"What kind of creature is it? I've never seen one like it….."

"It's still an enemy, prepare to attack!"

"Kill him!"

Woof—Woof—Woof. That's all I heard, but I could understand them clearly.

Three of them charged at me head on, while three others stayed back to protect the mage.

And here I thought we could have a civilized conversation.

This is exactly why barbaric species should be annihilated.

—I took a step forward, kicking the ground lightly.

That was enough.

With my newfound agility, that was enough to arrive in front of the leading Kobold. They couldn't react. Their shocked, horror filled gazes remained focused on the spot where I stood previously.

Only the one in front of me was aware of what had happened, as my metallic claws instantly pierced through its rib cage and exited out the other end. 

A beating red heart was all that was left in my grasp.

"Aha. Would you look at that... I stole your heart."

Pulling my hand back, a fountain of blood gushed from the Kobolds open chest cavity.

It died on the spot.


"H-How could this...…"

The other two finally turned toward me. Standing between both of them at close proximity, their faces warped with dread.


At the sound of their dead comrade's body hitting the ground, they returned to their senses and swung desperately.

Hm. With their level of strength, they might even be stronger than the Orcs.

Too bad. It still made no difference.


The sound of metal clashing against metal rang out. Their swords were met with the resistance of armored hands.

With fearsome expressions, they struggled to push me back.

I admit. It was a funny attempt.

"Woof Woof~"


How brittle. 

Just a little pressure was enough to snap their weapons in half.

The two Kobolds trembled, taking an fearful step back.

"No way...."

"This can't be—"

I cut one of them off with a swing of my hand.

My armored claws ripped past its throat and detached its head from its neck.

Blood sprayed out like a broken faucet, yet no sound was made. Not even the last yelp before its pitiful life had been extinguished.

Silent Butcher. 

A skill that guaranteed a soundless death upon killing a target.


I wrapped my hands around the other Kobold's throat, lifting him into the air. He kicked and squirmed helplessly, gasping for air.


He pleaded.




The three remaining foot-soldier-Kobolds rushed in desperately. The Kobold mage at the back swiftly began casting a spell.

It was a scene filled with urgency and distress.


"Too Late~"

I closed one eye. My lips arched upwards.

Then, my metal claws tore through the Kobold's leather tunic, puncturing wrist-deep into its soft, furry stomach.


Ah, these must be its organs.

I felt around for a bit before grabbing a bumpy rope-like thing, and ripped it straight out of the Kobold's gut.



See. It's better when we're all screaming. 

A chorus of screams only gets better when there's more people involved.

I threw the long line of slimy intestines to the ground, paying to heed to the writhing puppy in my grasp.


Applying a small amount of pressure, I squeezed down, crushing the hollering Kobold's throat in an instant.

That's better.


Its body collapsed.

Three more Kobold's had arrived before me. They thrust out with their spears, aiming for my vitals.

Not half bad.

Though I must say that I am not impressed.

I waved my hand as though I were swatting a fly, forcing their weapons to the side. They were all sent off balance, barely keeping themselves from falling.

"Ah, y'know what. Let me see that real quick."


I snatched a spear from one of them and winded my arm back. Like throwing a javelin, I released it immediately. The spear whistled through the air, piercing the head of an unsuspecting Kobold mage.

It was just in the middle of casting a fireball spell, but now its body was falling limp, a spear impaled through its brain.

"H-How could this....."



So I'm a monster now, huh.

I call for defamation.


I grabbed the lying Kobold's head and twisted it.

Another one fell with a broken neck.



Another one fell with no arms attached to its body and a bloody hole in its chest.

And the last one.

"S-spare me! Please, I'll do anything.....!"


The last one fell with its chest and face grotesquely caved inward.

"Don't worry. I'll spare you the pain of living. Ah...You're already dead…."

Blood dripped from my claws as the metallic armor gradually receded.

Grabbing one of the torn off arms that lay on the ground, I took a bite into it.

Fur, flesh, and blood. I rubbed my chin, chewing on the slightly stringy meat.

....Not half bad.

"Though I must say that I am not impressed."

I sighed, shoving the rest of the bodies into my inventory.

It was starting to fill up surprisingly quickly. The Orc bodies, the Kobold bodies, and everything else that I haven't eaten. They were all stockpiled in my inventory.

Thankfully, the items in there were imperishable.

The girls who were watching from afar came out. Each of them wore different expressions.

Hah. What can I say. It's only natural to be charmed by me. 

I won't blame you if you fall in love.

"That was amazing! I mean, all seven of them, there's no way I could do that by myself. You've really become a lot stronger, Ezra...!"

"There goes Kanami-chan fangirling again... I swear that's all she ever talks about…."

"W-w-w-well, it's true isn't it, Rai-san?"

"I….I'm also strong. Maybe not like Ezra-nii, but I'm a lot stronger too...!"

"The likes of you shouldn't compare yourself to Nii-sama, Eri.

"I wasn't! all I said was—"

"Hmph. How dare you put Nii-sama's name in the same sentence as yours."

"Now, now, Fuuka-chan. D-don't badger Eri like that. That's not nice."

"I'm glad you're still sensible, Mei. Don't let Fuuka corrupt you with her madness."

"The only one mad here is you, Haru. You try to act all calm and composed but you're really crazy. Not as crazy as Nii-sama, but you're still crazy."

"Did you just put me and Ezra-san in the same category of insanity? That in itself is insane, therefore, you must be mad. Admit it, Fuuka, you aren't right in the head."

"I-I-I-I thought we all agreed not to talk about Ezra-sama's craziness. I thought you said we should act like we aren't aware of it."

"It's a little too late for that, Sui-chan. What's said has already been said. It has been confirmed that the leader is insane. It is an unsalvageable insanity that cannot possibly be salvaged. I just said something really logical just now."

"I have to admit that I am extremely surprised that something logical has come from your frivolous mouth, Rai. For once, you have actually managed to make the slightest bit of sense."

"See! You agree with me too, Rin-chan!"

"It can't be helped. There is too much logic."

....Why the hell am I the insane one here.

I looked at the girls chatting animatedly about my lack of right-mindedness.




No, no, no.

No matter how much I think about it, I must be the sanest person here.

It is obvious from all angles that that is the case.

As such, I will forgive their ignorance just this once.

....Alright. It's decided. I can't forgive them.








After walking leisurely for almost half an hour, we eventually made it back to the original goblin cave.

All of us stood in front of its entrance.

Although It'd only been a short while since we've been here, all of us had become different.

And with that difference, change was bound to occur everywhere else.

This cave was only the beginning.

In short.

It was time to finally become king. 


Yes, the King of Goblins.