
What if my OC was in the Genshin

GhostofChristmas · Derivasi dari game
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[The Beginning]

It was a bright sunny day in Khaenri'ah as there were children outside there homes playing with ruin guards as the boys rode there shoulder's all around the land giggling and smiling with joy while the girl's flower crowns big enough for them as they would play tag and run around everywhere as they squealed with joy while the ruin guards played with them before one of the 

girl's noticed a boy with tattered clothing's and a black eye and messy hair searching the trash can's and pulling out a half eaten banana and ate it before searching more and finding a half filled water bottle as he would take it and drink it and would search further but would come out with his face 

dirty and empty handed as he would walk away and would search other trash cans for food and drinks as the girl would see this and would chase after him but would shocked as the boy would fall down on his knees and starts to vomit out what he just ate as he held his stomach and groaned before he got up and hobbled away as the girl followed him in secret as he searched more trash cans and ate whatever food was left in there before he collapsed onto the ground tired and hungry and with diseases and a wound on his leg

As the girl noticed this, she would go towards him and look at him as she took a breath and smelled the scent of death due to him not showering in years, but she somehow mustered up the strength to call for a ruin guard as the giant robot went to the spot where it heard the voice and would notice the boy, pick him up, and walk to a nearby clinic as the girl followed along.

The boy would slowly wake up as he opened his eyes as he felt comfy and relaxed—almost too much. Was he dead? He thought to himself before he heard footsteps and saw a nurse standing in front of him as he stared at her in confusion on who she is and where he's at and would look around only to realize he was in the hospital as he got up in a panic and would take everything they attached to him off as he would pant and hold his head as he got reminded of the nightmare he has whenever he falls asleep and the fact that he cannot afford the bill as the nurse would be shocked and try to calm him down.

"Calm down, kid; you're safe here. We were just checking up on you!"

As Neo would hear the word check up, he would be reminded of the nightmare as a blue-haired doctor with a bird-like mask said the same thing as he would scream out.


The nurse would pause for a moment as she looked at him with shock, hearing the debt his parents owed and how they abandoned him. She couldn't help but sigh, pat his head, and say,

"It's fine, we'll treat you for free. You can pay us back when you're older."

She gave him a warm smile as Neo's blood red eyes Glew as he held his head in pain and was reminded of the nightmare as the blue-haired doctor told him that he'd fix him and that he needed to pay him back as Neo panted in fear as the girl approached him and would stare at him before sighing and would put a finger on his lips before wiping his tears away with her handkerchief and would smile and speak.

"Your name, is Neo correct? Nice to meet you. I'm Emilia. I'm the daughter of the Garcia family. Your family owes mine 100 billion in debt, and we know you won't be able to do it since you're at my age of 10."

She stared at him as Neo just looked at her with fear as she was giving him a death glare and would just nod, agreeing to what she just said, while the girl would keep staring at him before hearing his answer and couldn't help but sigh before she spoke.

"Well, since you know about the debt, we'll forgive you if you'll do one thing, but you have either the chance to decline it and be chased after the bad guys and scavenge for food or accept and have a roof above your head and food you can actually eat without throwing up and getting your injuries fixed, but for a condition, those being that you have to work as my personal butler and you'll have to clean my room and go to school with me, deal?"

While she spoke, Neo would keep hearing her conditions before she stopped and finished her sentence as he broke down in tears and would go to hug her, only for him to be slapped on the left cheek and thrown to the ground as Emilia spoke in a thundering voice.

"Don't touch me; you're filthy. First, take a shower, and you'll be greeted by the others who will have your uniform and books ready. You're nothing but a butler, so don't even think about it."

Neo would hold his left cheek in pain and would nod as he would get up as Emilia left as two butlers came and greeted him.

"Hello Neo I'm your teacher for butler catering, Mr. Jeff, and my partner, Mr. Ryan. I shall teach you all the essence of being a butler, understood? You better understand quickly, as I won't repeat myself."

The butler's would then pick him up and go to the shower as he was let down, while Neo would just stare at the door before understanding and going in the door and closing it behind himself and washing his body thoroughly as he was passed his clothing's from underneath the door in a packet as he finished his bath, and would wipe his body dry with a towel before he put on his uniform as it was a miniature-sized butler's uniform as he got out of the door and smiled at the butlers as they both fell down on their backs, grabbing the left side of their chest as they both had one thought.

"Too adorable"

As Neo would panic and shake them, trying to wake them up, they would then get up and smile and gesture to him to follow them as he nodded and followed them into a classroom. For hours on end, they would stay there as Neo would open the door out of the class and bow as he fell down on the ground, panting as he was tired from the butler training. He failed 10 times in a row, but was lucky he was adorable, so they didn't punish him as both Ryan and Jeff exited the classroom as well as he. Jeff just smiled and picked Neo up in his arms and held him like we hold a baby. He would walk to his bedroom to place Neo in his bed as Neo stared at Ryan, who was smiling and making funny faces to make him smile. Neo would smile and giggle before hugging onto Jeff tightly as Jeff stopped in his tracks and would drop to his knees, holding Neo tightly. Ryan stared at him, smiled, and patted his back. Jeff just sighed and would get up and walk to Neo's room to tuck him in bed.

As They Reached his bedroom the would open the door and would go in and would walk towards his bed and would tuck him in as Ryan Gave Neo a kiss on the head as they treated him like there own little brother before they both left as the next day came as Neo woke up and would rub his eyes as he never slept this well in ages as his stomach growled and would go outside in search of trash cans too eat food from but would be stopped by Emilia dragging him by the collar as Neo was confused on what she was doing as they arrived in the dining room and would let him go as she would get on her chair as Neo got up and looked at her confused as Emilia groaned and patted a empty chair indicating for him too sit down as Neo would Nod and Sit down as food arrived in the dining room as the food was placed on the table as the food was eggs ice cream fruits and yogurt

Emilia would bow her head as Neo copied her and did it as well as they both began to eat the food as Neo would start tearing up and would keep while Emilia looked at him and couldn't help but crack a smile and would clean his face with her handkerchief as he just smiled and would keep eating as Emilia just laughed as Neo had a yogurt beard as Neo would smile and laugh with her as they both enjoyed it before Emilia got off the chair and would ask him

"Hey Neo Since you're free right now, wanna go outside and play with me and my friends?"

As Neo would hear this and would nod as he got off the chair as he still had the yogurt beard, Emilia would hold him in place and would clean his face with her handkerchief and pat his head before running out of the mansion as Neo chased after, while the butler did nothing but smile as they had never seen their young master see this happy as Neo and Emilia would arrive in the park where Emilia first met him, as Emilia would smile and gently push him.

"Tag, you're it! chase after me or anyone!"

As a group of children would arrive as they were all in the game, Neo would smile as he finally could play with other children and would go chasing after them as they played tag and made flower crowns. Emilia would look at Emilia and make him a flower crown and put it on his head as Neo

looked at her and smiled as Emilia They would smile back before they made flower bracelets and would play till the sun went out.

down, and they were picked up by the butlers as

They went back home as they both would enjoy their company as they would take a shower together, showing their close bonds as if they were brother's and sister's.

would also eat together and play more at night, and they would sleep together in one bed while the butlers would read them a bedtime story. As the years passed, they grew more distant as they grew feelings for each other by the time they were 15 years of age, Neo would be in a full butler outfit and Emilia would be in a gown, as it was revealed. that Emilia was getting married off to another man.

without her choice, as Neo would be saddened to hear the news but would pretend as if he didn't care, as Emilia would be inside her room crying in her gown as she looked at the moonlight, wishing she could just run away with Neo, whom she truly loved, but she just thought that Neo just thought of her like his sister, as she would. wipe away her tears as there were now nothing but tear marks and would take a deep breath in as she would walk down the hall towards the church before she stopped by Neo's door as she could hear crying and him cussing at someone.


He punched the wall continuously, and she could also hear Jeff trying to calm him down as he just growled in anger. Emilia would take a deep breath and open the door with a slam as Neo would look at her and then the wall, which had dents on it as Emilia slowly made her way towards him, as Neo would then panic and stutter.

on his words

"E E E Emilia, I can explain this; please let me."

His words would go from one ear to the other as Emilia reached near him and would giggle and sigh.

"I heard what you said, Neo. You weren't being honest with me? Well, then now's your chance before I get married."

As Neo would hear these words, he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces as he couldn't help but smile. He had no choice now, as he would nod and take a deep breath as his head went down.

"Emilia Ever Since you saved me that day, I had slowly developed feelings for you, but we were kids, so I thought it was like a sibling. But when we grew up, I started to realize that these feelings were not for siblings or family members, but they were romantic, and I couldn't see your face without turning red and falling deeper in love. with you So that was it. As much as it hurts me that you're getting married away, it'll be best for you as I am nothing but poor and your servant, so we were never meant to be together."

Emilia would hear this and sigh and smile. She would hold his cheeks, lift his head, and say

"I'll give you my answer through my actions."

She would kiss him deeply as Jeff would see this and would walk out of the room and close the door behind him, but wouldn't lock it as they shared a kiss.

Emilia would pull away with a string of her saliva hanging from her mouth as Neo stared at her with his cheeks turning red. Emilia would just keep smiling as tears went down her cheek as Neo would hold her close to him and would kiss her again as Emilia kissed back, placing her hands on his chest as Neo would slowly undress.

Emilia helped him remove the wedding gown from her, and Neo would pick her up and place her on the bed as he placed a kiss on her neck and let out a small moan. He would then bite her neck as Emilia let out an even louder moan as she felt a shiver down her spine, and she would then wrap her arms around his neck. Neo slowly went down and kissed her chest, as the only thing Emilia was wearing now was her bra and pants. Neo would then unclip her bra while Emilia slid down her panties and kissed his head. 

(after they did that)

The man who was going to be married too, Emilia, walked into the room. As he saw Emilia sleeping naked on top of Neo as they held each other close, he felt jealousy and frustration as he pulled out a flintlock to shoot Neo dead, only to be kicked in the shins by Jeff as the man dropped the flintlock as Jeff picked up the gun and shot the man, and then dragged the man outside and threw him out alongside his family, threatening them at gunpoint before disposing of the weapon and destroying the evidence that he ever

had a gun as the scene shifted to Emilia and Neo, who were cuddling each other. Neo woke up and looked around, then looked down at Emilia and kissed her head before getting up and dressing up and would continue his daily chores as well as Emilia's as Emilia slowly woke up and put on Neo's clothing and would walk towards the kitchen wearing nothing but an oversized shirt of Neo, as Neo would greet her as Jeff entered the room and would immediately inspect them both as they were covered in

Hickey's Jeff would giggle and hug them both as both of them hugged back and smiled before pulling away and sitting on the dining table and being served there. breakfast, as they would enjoy the food. As a year passed, they grew closer together as the monsters created by Rhinedottir invaded Teyvat while Jeff had fallen ill. due to his old age, as he looked at Neo, who was holding his hand, crying as he cried out.

"No! Stay with me, father! You have yet to meet your grandchildren! I promise, I'll make you a grandfather. So please stay with us!"

As Jeff looked at Neo, Neo's tears fell on his cheek. Jeff just smiled, caressed his cheek gently, and took a deep breath.

"Please, Neo, take care of Lady Emilia, live a long, happy life, and forget about this old flower as he's already dead..."

He finished his sentence and closed his eyes as Neo held him close and cried out for his father figure. As Jeff didn't respond, tears flooded in Neo's eyes as he saw his

Father Figure died in his arms as he hugged him tightly and would sob as Emilia entered the room and hugged Neo and patted his head, trying to comfort him in his time of

Need As Neo cried out a river, he would have to bury his own father as he picked up the dead body and bought a coffin from the Wangsheng funeral parlor for his father.as after the burial he would have a few months to recover as Emilia would look at him and smile as Neo felt a sense of happiness and would smile back before he heard something crack.

The barrier protecting khaenri'ah was destroyed by the abyss as everything went to chaos as all the men who were available were recruited to be soldiers and fought. Against the abyss order, days and months passed, and the army was hanging on by the skin of their teeth as Neo would try to assure Emilia everything was fine, a light of hope. appeared in the sky as Emilia's eyes darkened as darkness consumed her body slowly as Neo would pick her up and run outside to see what the light was as it was none.

Other than the 7 Archon's Barbatos Morax Raiden Makoto Focalors Tsarista and the Pyro Archon, Rukhadevta was somewhere else, as she wasn't a fighter Neo would approach.

They too ask for help, only to be interrupted by a giant snake-type monster with a wolf head whipping the ground in front of him, blocking his vision as the dust would.

cover the area, he would then run away with Emilia, whose condition was getting worse ever since the barrier broke. He would see barbatos flying down as he would yell out.

to the Anemo Archon


Before he could finish his sentence, Barbatos would extend his leg out and crash into the ground, destroying a chunk of the forest as Neo ran away as the creatures started chasing after him. He would gasp for air, getting tired, before noticing Raiden Makoto destroying the monsters in a flash of lightning before Neo could ask. She disappeared as the darkness consumed Emilia, and she turned into an abyss monster as she bit his shoulder as he started bleeding out. He knew it was the end, as he smiled, petted her head, and whispered

"I'll accept death if it's you, my love. Take my life and be free."

As the Abyss creature would hear this, it would stop biting him as it slowly reverted back into her human form as she smiled and healed his shoulder as Neo smiled as well and was about to embrace her before


He heard something pierce through. He looked at his body; it wasn't his, it was...


Emilia would cough out blood as a brown and gold-colored hand pierced through her heart, as it was none other than Morax as he crushed her heart in front of him. before summoning a spear and slicing her head off and stabbing it as he looked at Neo with his cold golden eyes, while Neo stood there shocked as the only one he cared about. about died that day as something inside him arose as Neo would blitz Morax and grab the spear and stab him in the chest but wouldn't pierce as he growled in anger and would just slash his eye, creating a scar on Moraxe's eye as Morax would groan and punch Neo, only for it to be blocked by Raiden Makoto's Musou no Hitotachi as She would growl while pushing back Morax and would yell.


Morax being the wrathful god, he grabs Makoto, only for him to be stabbed in the gut by Neo as Morax drops Makoto as Makoto grabs Neo and runs away at lightning. fast speed, but wouldn't be fast enough to dodge all the spears Morax threw at Makoto as she was stabbed in the leg. Makoto looked at Neo and screamed at him.


Neo would hear this and yell out.


Makoto would hear this, and she would be inspired as another spear would be launched at Makoto, only for Neo to get in the way and be stabbed through the chest as he coughed out blood and would let out a battle cry as his eyes would glow blood red and would pull himself out of the spear and would grab the spear and would spin it around skillfully deflecting the rest of the spears Morax threw at them, as Morax would then launch a meteor at him as Neo would throw every single spear at the meteor. before grabbing the final spear and throwing it with such force that it would pierce through the meteor and cut it in half as Morax stared at him, flabbergasted about what just happened.

Makoto looked at him and smiled before getting up, hugging him, and saying

"Let's fight together. You will be my defense, and I'll be your offense."

Neo would nod as they both would fight Morax together for an hour, as Morax would knock out Neo with one punch and launch him into the ground as Makoto would fall beside him. him and would ask Neo about visiting Inazuma after the destruction, as Morax would drop down and stab Makoto in the other leg to stop her from running away from him. before he picked her up and would then rape her as Neo would slowly wake up in the middle of Morax doing Makoto as he came inside her, shooting his entire load into her.

As Neo couldn't do anything as his body felt numb as Morax would then leave Makoto to die by the abyss order and go kill some of the creatures on the other side as Neo. would then wake up in a lab as he saw a man with blue hair and a bird mask. The man looked at Neo, smiled, and said,

"Good morning, experiment #21. I went through all your memories, and you're going to be a fine piece of experiment for me."

The man just laughed maniacally as Neo would look at him and remember what had happened. He was knocked out and then dragged away by a tall man with half a mask and a beard as he brought him to this place. It had been over 500 years since the attack in Khaenri'ah. He lost everything he ever cared about—his home, his country, his wife—and saw his savior being raped and violated by the very God who killed his wife. In front of him, there were no feelings inside Neo, no more. All he wanted now was revenge and the blood of the god Morax.