
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Sci-fi
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93 Chs

Chapter 21: The Adventure of Roe (15)

 The fight with Aurathos had left me breathless, each exchange of blows draining my energy further. But just as I felt the weight of exhaustion creeping over me, a sudden burst of fire illuminated the battlefield. My eyes widened in surprise as I watched a flaming arrow streak through the air, aimed directly at Aurathos.


Aurathos, caught off guard by the unexpected attack, turned towards the source of the fiery arrow. To my astonishment, it was Jono who had unleashed the fiery assault, his determination burning as brightly as the flames he wielded.



"Jono!" I exclaimed, filled with both relief and admiration at his timely intervention. Even though I couldn't truly die as Roe, I was still immensely grateful that Jono had risked himself to come to my aid.



Jono looked back at me with a determined expression, his eyes shining with a fierce resolve as he faced Aurathos. "I won't let him kill you, my friend," he declared firmly, his words echoing with unwavering determination.


His words struck a chord deep within me, filling me with a renewed sense of determination. Jono's loyalty and bravery were a beacon of light in the darkness of battle, reminding me that I was not alone in this fight.



With a primal roar, Aurathos surged toward Jono, his menacing tentacles ready to strike. Sensing the imminent danger, I knew I had to intervene. Harnessing the elemental force of the air, I conjured a powerful gust, a tempest of wind that surged forward with unstoppable force, slamming into Aurathos and forcing him back from Jono's tight position.


"Air Sonic!" I exclaimed, the force of the wind that slammed into Aurathos had enough strength to momentarily halt his advance.


As Aurathos staggered back from the force of the air assault, Belz seized the opportunity to unleash her own attack.


"Valorant Water!" she said With a powerful incantation, she summoned a torrent of water that surged towards Aurathos with unstoppable force.


Aurathos, recognizing the threat, conjured his Dark Shield in a desperate attempt to defend himself. But even his formidable barrier began to crack under the relentless assault of Belz's water magic.


"Aurg!!!" Aurathos cried out in pain as the water engulfed him, the sheer force of the attack sending him staggering backward.



But even as Aurathos staggered from the blow, his body started to heal, his wounds closing up. It was clear that defeating him wouldn't be easy, especially with his ability to regenerate.



Belz turned to me, her expression filled with concern. "Apostle Roe, what should we do?" she asked, her voice wavering slightly under the weight of uncertainty. "He's still strong, even after regenerating."



I met Belz's gaze, my mind racing as I considered our options. Aurathos was indeed a formidable opponent, his regenerative abilities making him a relentless foe. But we couldn't afford to give up now, not when so much was at stake.




I turned to Belz, my mind racing with the revelation I was about to share. "I have something to say," I said.



Jono, sensing the gravity of the moment, glanced at me. "What is it?"



Before I could continue, Suddenly, Momoa lunged towards Aurathos, his voice ringing with fury. "Die, monster!" he shouted, casting a spell circle that blazed with intense heat. "Fire Force!" A surge of fire erupted, speeding towards Aurathos with devastating power.



Aurathos simply smirked, raising his hand as he chanted, "Valorant Dark." A dark energy mirrored the form of Belz's Valorant Water but with a dark twist, countering Momoa's flames with equal strength. 



Belz gasped, her eyes wide with shock. "That's... that's the same technique as my Valorant Water, but dark!"


I nodded, turning to her urgently. "Belz, Aurathos can mimic magic."


"Mimic magic?" she echoed, disbelief in her voice.


"Yes," I explained, "When you hit him with your Valorant Water spell, he learned its structure and created his own version, Valorant Dark."



Her face paled as the realization sank in. "So, if he gets hit by one of our spells, he can mimic it and use it against us?"



I nodded grimly. "Exactly."


"But how did he create a version of a spell and I didn't even know it existed?" she asked, still trying to comprehend the extent of Aurathos's abilities.



"That dark magic... he developed it by understanding the underlying structure of your magic," I explained. "Dark magic is dangerous and taboo. It's something he created through his understanding."



Belz was taken aback. "What is dark magic? How can he create something so powerful just by understanding it?"



I shook my head, my gaze steady on her. "Belz, we don't have time to delve into the details right now. Just know that dark magic is incredibly dangerous. We need to focus on the battle."



Belz nodded, her expression resolute. "Okay, we don't have time to dwell on it. We'll deal with Aurathos first. Tell me everything after we defeat him, Apostle Roe."



"Agreed," I said, my determination matching hers. "We'll finish this fight with Aurathos, and then I'll explain everything."


Jono, who had been silently absorbing the exchange between Belz and me, simply nodded, his face a mixture of determination and confusion. He was still trying to comprehend the full extent of what I had revealed about Aurathos's mimicry abilities.



"Crap," Jono finally said, his voice steady but filled with concern. "If he can mimic our spells, how are we supposed to defeat him?!"



Belz gazed at me. "Jono is right, Apostle Roe. We can't beat him this way. It will only make him stronger. We need a strategy."


I took a deep breath, my mind racing with possibilities. "Don't worry, I have a plan. I know how to defeat him."


[Momoa side]


Meanwhile, Momoa continued his fierce battle with Aurathos. The air was thick with the tension of their clashing powers.


Aurathos lunged forward, casting a dark spell aimed directly at Momoa. Sensing the danger, Mero quickly acted, casting a protective spell. "Earth Shield!" she shouted, creating a sturdy barrier of earth to shield Momoa from the oncoming attack.


"Thanks, Mero!" Momoa said, glancing back at her with a grateful nod.


Seizing the opportunity, Xia prepared her own spell. She cast a circle and invoked her fire magic. "Flame Rings!" she yelled, sending rings of fire spiraling towards Aurathos.


Aurathos, confident in his regenerative abilities, allowed the rings to hit him. He was determined to absorb the structure of Xia's magic. The intense flames circled him, burning his four arms, but he focused through the pain, analyzing the spell's composition. Moments later, he had grasped its fundamentals.


"Dark Wave!" Aurathos bellowed, sending a powerful shockwave of dark energy that hurled Momoa, Mero, and Xia backward. They hit the ground hard, struggling to regain their footing.


Turning his gaze towards Mero, Aurathos smirked and cast another spell. "Dark Rings!" he commanded. The dark rings, mimicking Xia's Flame Rings but infused with dark energy, shot towards Mero.


"Tsk, he mimicked my abilities," Xia muttered in frustration.


Lowena, who had been observing the fight, decided it was time to act. She cast a circle for her air spell, shouting, "Air Wind!" A powerful gust of wind erupted from her hands, aimed at disrupting Aurathos's concentration and providing a momentary break for her allies.


Despite Lowena's attempt to stop him with her wind, Aurathos continued forward without hesitation. He waved his hand to dismiss the wind and then attacked even harder. "Dark Wave!" he yelled, sending a powerful surge of dark energy toward Momoa, Mero, Xia, and Lowena. The force was so strong that it threw them all backward through the air, hurting them badly.


"Aurg!!" Momoa's cry echoed through the chaos, his voice strained with the weight of his injuries. He clutched his side, trying to push himself up despite the searing pain that shot through his body like hot daggers.


"Hah!!" Xia's defiant exclamation cut through the air, her determination evident despite the bruises marring her skin. She gritted her teeth, refusing to succumb to the agony that threatened to overwhelm her.


"Yah!!" Mero's grunt mingled with the sounds of battle, her muscles trembling as she fought to rise from the ground. Though her body protested every movement, she forced herself to stand, unwilling to let her companions face their enemy alone.


"Aur!!" Lowena's voice trembled, her breaths ragged as she fought to stay standing. Despite feeling utterly drained, she mustered the little strength she had left, determined not to give up.


Aurathos sneered at Lowena's resilience, his eyes glittering with malicious intent. "Hoh, such strength in a woman," he remarked, his voice dripping with disdain. "I shall make you my first meal!"


As he lunged towards Lowena, Momoa, Xia, and Mero cried out her name in unison, their voices filled with urgency and concern.


"Lowena!!" Momoa's plea was laced with desperation, his heart pounding with fear for his friend. "Aurg!! Damnit!!"


But just as Aurathos closed in on Lowena, a sudden burst of fire arrows tore through the air, their flames blazing with righteous fury. Turning to face this unexpected attack, Aurathos growled in frustration, his eyes narrowing with anger. "This annoying little pest!"



[Roe side]


As Jono's fire arrows struck Aurathos, igniting the air with a burst of flames, I seized the moment to initiate our next move. "Now, Belz!" I called out urgently, my voice tinged with determination.


Belz nodded, her expression determined as she gathered her magic. This time, she couldn't cast spells without chanting, but that didn't deter her. With a quick gesture, she drew a circle in the air and called out, "Ocean Tears!" Water formed into sharp spikes, like tears from the ocean, and rushed toward Aurathos with unstoppable power.


Unfazed by the approaching assault, Aurathos mocked us with his unwavering confidence. "Bring it on! I'll absorb that power!" he declared proudly, his eyes shimmering with anticipation.


But I knew better. It was all part of the plan.



As Aurathos absorbed the power of Belz's spell, I summoned the last of my magical energy. With all my strength, I conjured a powerful whirlwind of air, yelling, "Air Tornado!" The Ocean Tears and Air Tornado collided with Aurathos, driving him back in excruciating pain.


"Aurg!!!" Aurathos cried out, his voice laced with pain as he struggled to withstand the onslaught.


As he stumbled and collapsed to his knees, a surge of hope washed over me. "I hope it works," I thought, my breaths coming in ragged gasps as I pushed my magic to its limits.


"We did it," Jono exclaimed, his voice filled with triumph.


I smirked in agreement, relief washing over me as I watched Aurathos struggle against the combined might of our attacks.


Momoa, though still injured and barely able to move, gazed at the scene with eyes filled with gratitude and relief. It seemed like victory was within our grasp.


But our brief moment of relief was quickly shattered. Just as we began to let our guard down, Aurathos rose once more, his defiance unwavering.


I stared at him in disbelief, my heart sinking at the realization that our battle was far from over. "H—hh-how?" I stammered, my mind racing to comprehend the extent of Aurathos's resilience.


Aurathos, his face contorted with pain, revealed the truth behind his seemingly endless regeneration. "You've done it, you bastard," he growled, the strain evident in his voice. "My organs are healing, complicatedly causing my regeneration to momentarily unstable. But given time, I'll be fully restored," he sneered, his determination unbroken despite his injuries.


The air crackled with tension as I rose to my feet, my gaze locked on Aurathos with steely determination. "Then it means you are heavily injured now!!!" I declared, my voice echoing with resolve.


Aurathos grinned arrogantly, his confidence unwavering. "So what? I can still take you all down," he jeered, as another surge of dark energy surged from his hands, knocking us off balance and forcing us to flew backward.


Amidst the chaos, Jono was the only one standing up and stayed strong. "Roe!!" he called urgently, his voice cutting through the turmoil.


Then without a second thought Jono acted swiftly, conjuring a circle of magic and chanting, "Water Spike!" A deadly shuriken made of water shot toward Aurathos with deadly accuracy. But Aurathos wasn't about to be outmatched. He countered with his own dark magic, conjuring "Tears of Darkness" to deflect Jono's assault.


My heart pounded with dread as I watched Aurathos's dark magic collide with Jono's desperate attempt to protect us. "NO!!!" I cried out, my voice echoing with fear for my friend.


Summoning the last shreds of my remaining magic, I flew towards Jono, intercepting Aurathos's attack with my own body. Despite the searing pain, I managed to shield Jono from harm.


Jono's shock was evident as he witnessed my heavily injured state. "Nononono Roe nonon !!! Roe!!!" he cried out in desperation.


But I couldn't falter now. Summoning all my strength, I walked towards Aurathos, my determination unwavering despite the agony coursing through my veins.


Aurathos's disbelief was evident as he watched me approach, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "How are you still standing?!" he exclaimed, his tone tinged with disbelief. 


Unfazed by his words,, I prepared myself for the next attack. As Aurathos summoned a "Dark Spear," aiming it straight at my vulnerable stomach. Every fiber of my being screamed in protest, but I refused to back down.


As the spear pierced my flesh, I gritted my teeth against the pain, my focus unwavering. With each agonizing step, I closed the distance between us, determined to end this once and for all.

Aurathos looked shocked when he saw me, all battered and bleeding, yet still standing there. He seemed almost scared, like he was facing a monster.

And then a guttural sound escaped his lips as he gritted his teeth against the pain. The toll of his excessive magic usage and the instability of his regeneration were apparent as he struggled to maintain his composure.


"Aurg!" Aurathos exclaimed, the strain evident in his voice as he grappled with the agony coursing through him. In that moment of vulnerability, his facade crumbled, and he uttered words that betrayed his own inner turmoil.


"You... you are the monster, not me," he managed to choke out, his voice fractured with pain and bitterness. The realization seemed to weigh heavily upon him as he faltered, his defiance giving way to a sense of defeat.



With the spear still in my stomach, I managed to reach Aurathos But Despite his own injuries, Aurathos cursed at me, calling me a "bastard," as he lunged his two sharp-clawed arms towards me.


With all my might, I grabbed Aurathos tightly, even though it hurt a lot. His claws dug into me, but I didn't let him go. I was determined to keep holding on, no matter what.


Let go, you bastard!!!" Aurathos snarled, his desperation evident.


I did this because I had a plan, and there was no turning back now. "Jono, now's your chance!" I shouted, my voice echoing with urgency.


Jono, still stunned, stammered, "Wha-what?"


I repeated urgently, "Use every bit of your magic power!"


Jono, tears streaming down his face, hesitated for a moment before realizing what needed to be done. With a trembling hand, he summoned all his remaining magic, casting his most powerful spell yet. "Fire Blazed!!!!" he cried out, unleashing a torrent of flames upon us.


The intense heat of the flames enveloped us, burning through skin and bone as Aurathos desperately tried to break free from my grip. "No, no, no!" he cried out, his voice filled with desperation. But I held on tight, keeping us both trapped in the blazing heart of the fire.

As we embraced the flames, I uttered, "Let's go together, ugh!"

"Aurg!" exclaimed Aurathos, consumed by the blaze.

Amidst the chaos, the voices of my comrades rose in a chorus of anguish and despair. Belz, Momoa, Mero, Lowena, and Xia, all carrying injuries from the fight, looked on in shock and horror as our final moments played out before them. Their cries mingled with the sounds of the roaring flames, painting a picture of sadness and disbelief that echoed through the fiery scene.


"Apostle!" they shouted in unison, their voices a rallying cry in the face of impending tragedy. But their words were lost amidst the roar of the flames, swallowed by the inferno that consumed us all.


And then, in an instant, it was over.


[3rd pov]


When the flames calmed, there was only silence and burnt remnants. Roe and Aurathos, who had been fighting fiercely just moments ago, now lay motionless among the ruins. Their struggle had come to an end, and they found peace in death, their long battle finally concluded.



After the fighting, everything went quiet. All they could hear was the fire crackling and far-off cries of sadness. In that moment, they felt the weight of what had happened. Yet, amid the devastation, they held onto the memory of Roe's courage, They remembered the bravery of Roe who fought until the end.


In the quiet sadness after the fight, Jono's voice shook with sadness as he kneeled next to Roe's ashes. "Roe, Roe!" he sobbed, his sorrow filling the air. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he grieved for his beloved friend and teacher. His cries echoed through the stillness of the battlefield, a poignant tribute to the loss they all felt.


Belz, her voice thick with sorrow, approached Jono by the remnants of her esteemed mentor. "Master Apostle," she choked out, her words heavy with reverence for the one who had guided them through so much. With trembling hands, she reached towards the ashes, as if seeking solace in the lingering presence of the one who had shaped their lives.


Momoa, usually full of bravery, now knelt with solemn reverence beside Jono and Belz. His head bowed in respect for the fallen hero who had fought alongside them to the bitter end. In the hushed aftermath, his silent tribute conveyed the depth of Roe's impact on their lives.


Mero, Xia, and Lowena, their hearts heavy with grief, joined their companions in kneeling before the ashes of their fallen comrade. In this shared moment of mourning, they honored Roe's courage, loyalty, and ultimate sacrifice.


Ediz and Lero arrived at the scene and saw everyone kneeling in front of Roe's ashes. Even though they didn't fully understand what had happened, they could tell it was a serious moment. Without hesitating, they joined the others in showing their respect for Roe.


Together, they formed a circle of mourning, grieving together and remembering Roe. For Roe was more than just a warrior or an adventurer – he was a beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience, and a hero whose legacy would live on, even after the memories of the battle had faded away.


 The Roe's Adventure Legacy

Once upon a time, in a land where people loved stories of bravery and adventure, there was a hero named Roe. Everyone knew about him because he make an impact in the World of Eldan.


But like all stories, Roe's had an ending too. More and more people came to a special place to say goodbye to him. It was a peaceful spot with lots of flowers. They put his ashes next to a monument they made just for him.



His comrades and other villagers stood there quietly, thinking about Roe and how much they missed him. Even though Roe wasn't around anymore, they knew he would always be in their hearts.


After saying goodbye, everyone knew that new adventures were waiting for them. But they also knew that they would never forget The Hero Roe. His memory would stay alive in the history books, inspiring anyone who wanted to have exciting adventures.


And so Roe's memory will lived on, reminding everyone that bravery and Never lose hope can change the world. And even though they would have new adventures, they would never forget Roe and his Adventure.


The End of Roe's Adventure

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