

[THIS STORY IS AVAILABLE ON MEGANOVEL] One seeks the top, burning with the desire to see what is beyond. One who thought he had reached the pinnacle while he was only deceiving himself, living at the bottom. And finally, one has reached the top and saw only regrets as he looked back down. For what reason, for what purpose did they seek strength? Was it a dream? Was it a goal? Was it regret? Whatever the reason may be, only those who have steeled their minds and prepared for the worst can reach that pinnacle. And it is only those who have done so that can say whether it is worth it or not. Will it be the case for our protagonists? Let’s find out in this isekai story.

KevinMBEUTCHA · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs


"Do you bear enough hatred to see through it?" That question that he asked me when I was on the verge of death. My mind still vividly remembers that day vividly. No, even if it didn't, the scars I bear are a constant reminder of everything I went through.

When I was five years old, my parents decided to go on a trip to a nearby mountain. For three days, or was it two? Anyway, we stayed there, and I was listening to stories from my father about the world he has seen when he was traveling.

Then, during the night, I heard some noises. I woke up and saw the shadow of a gib animal outside. But by the time I could scream, it had attacked us already.

"Was your father able to do something?" Telestal is listening to my story with such attention his eyes are shining a bit.

"If you are going to interrupt me every second, we won't be able to finish this."

"Okay, okay. Sorry."

"As I was saying then…when we were attacked, my father indeed tried to do something but that animal was a bear."

"So you have-Sorry." As I look angrily at him, Telestal shuts his mouth. There won't be any next time.

My father was killed first, that bear broke his neck with a bite. Then my mother started hitting him with whatever she found and she was screaming at me to run away. She kept screaming, even while the bear had her neck in his mouth. And I was here, as I coward, pissing my pants off without being able to do anything, not even scream for help.

After that, that bear jumped on me and bit my shoulder. It also clawed my stomach multiple times. I remember that pain every instant that I breathe. The pain and the feeling of life leaving my body. The coldness of death was starting to slowly embrace me. But then, the bear left. With my cloudy eyes filled with tears, I saw it leave, as if it got scared of something.

Then the silhouette of a man appeared before me. That silhouette said something the first time that I didn't hear, the second time, I didn't understand what he said, but then the third time, I heard loud and clear, as if that man spoke to my mind itself.

"Do you bear enough hatred to see through it, was it?" Teslestal crosses his hands, and somehow, he started looking more mature than I was seeing him until now.

"Yes. Even today, I sometimes wonder why he asked me that." No, I am lying. After reading his diary, I am pretty sure I now know why he asked me that.

"Then, what happened?"

"When I woke up, I was healed. Then he trained me and I went to kill the beast that took everything from me. That's how I got the scars on my back. Then I felt emptiness and whatever had to happen happened. He trained me even more, almost to the point of killing me, and yeah, I guess that's the whole story. Nothing too great to say about me."

"Nothing too great? Are you kidding me? Your story would be a tale of legends here. In fact, it would surely be a popular book if it is ever written."

"It would simply give scared people hope that they can do it even though they can't."

"People need hope, you know. Living without hope is extremely hard."

"I know, Telestal. I know that, but still…Anyway, did you find a blacksmith?"

"Yes, my personal blacksmith will be coming today, together with the priest who has to teach you magic."

"I told you that I don't need a priest right now. It will be a waste of time."

"Sadly, it is a procedure that every kingdom has to follow. I cannot derogate it."

"Tch. Okay, I got it." I will just deal with him myself then.

While we are eating, Bernard comes back with some papers then gives them to Telestal.

"Sir, here is the report about the heroes dispatching."

"Ah, it has arrived already? Good." Telestal takes it and I get a peek of the letters written on it. That is clearly not a language I know. Which reminds me, how come I can speak and understand them so easily? This is another world, right? Did he not notice this as well? Or did he just not care?

"Sir Will, is the meat to your liking?"

"Yes, Bernard, I greatly like it. Though, it tastes like something I had before." It tastes like the bear who killed my parents. I did eat his meat after killing it since he said it was necessary.

"I see Sir Will has good taste. It is actually bear's meat. Master Telestal sometimes goes hunting them when their number is too great, especially during the mating season."

"I see." So, their bears are the same as ours then. "I guess being a knight isn't that easy after all."

"Oh, that's surprising. Three people didn't receive any skills. What happened?" Out of nowhere, Telestal breaks off my conversation with his butler.

Three people didn't receive any skill? Wait, could it be…

"I was just as surprised when I read it, Master. I wonder what could have happened?"

"From the records we have, did something like this ever happen?"

Telestal and Bernard start talking like this is a dire situation but for me, it just confirms something. We weren't chosen by luck. Someone planned this. At least, if the three people who weren't chosen are those I think, then someone planned all this.

"Still, for them to be imprisoned is a bit much, I think. Just because they were aggressive shouldn't be reason enough."

"It depends, they have injured a priest. You know that it is a very serious offense, even for heroes, even more so if they don't possess any skill."

"I am done eating. I will take my leave."

"Oh, okay." Telestal looks at me as if he is sorry for something.

"Don't bother yourself with it. I don't care about what happens to other people."

"But weren't you all friends or acquaintances back in your world?"

"Nope. I was alone, always…most of the time. So, I don't care about what happens to them." I already have my own problems to handle.


After that, I go to my room to read the books that they brought to me. Will I be able to read them though? I thought the language would be the same since I could understand and talk to them just fine but now, I am not too sure.

When I reach my room, the maid is standing before it, I guess I have found a solution.


"Welcome back, Sir Will. Can I help you with anything?"

"Yeah, actually. Come with me."

I enter the room and she follows me. Then as I sit on the bed, she starts blushing.

"I am sorry, sir Will. But I am not sure I can accept-"

"The books you found yesterday; I would like you to read them to me." What was she thinking about?

"Oh! Yes, of course, right away." Seriously, what was she thinking?

She starts by the records of the different waves of heroes that were called here as they say.

Apparently, the first hero didn't come through a ritual like us. He appeared out of nowhere and was able to use magic. This means that it is possible some other people came here through different means than us. To my surprise though, there was no king of the demon at the time, only creatures are known as demons that were roaming across the lands. The only vexing part is that those records don't say if demons could be killed before the first hero.

"Although the heroes can only summon after at least a hundred years, twenty years ago, when it was only eighty years since the last summon, heroes were miraculously summoned as the demons suddenly grew in numbers."

"Does it not mean we are the anomaly then?"

"That…I can't say, Sir. I am just glad you are here."

"Is the situation that serious? Where are they right now?"

"The demons have already started advancing to our frontier. This kingdom is the closest to their territory and our city is the second in line when it comes to the path they would follow. Even now, as we speak, hundreds of thousands of soldiers are at the borders, fighting for our sake."

"And the other kingdoms don't send any help?"

"I don't know much but one day, I heard Master Telestal breaking things while saying that the other kingdoms and the principality of the god of balance were selfish. It is more than likely that they weren't going to send help. We are still grateful that we were allowed to perform the summoning ritual."

"Wait, you need permission for that?"

"Yes. The principality of the god of balance is normally the one performing that ceremony. Even twenty years ago, they were the ones who did it."

"I see. You can continue."

So, if I resumed what I know so far, he came here twenty years ago but didn't accomplish what he was supposed to do. Or maybe he couldn't? He said in his diary that he would never give up and would avenge her so I think he couldn't do what he wanted. That would probably explain why there is a surge of demons twenty years after. But then, what happens twenty years ago for them to start spreading?

I will have a lot to think about if I want to do what he couldn't. Though it is my goal so I can't complain now.

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