
What Did They Get Themselves Into?!

Hitoshi Shinsou has always been the class insomniac. Katsuki Bakugou has always been the class hothead. Izuku Midoriya has always been the class cinnamon roll. None of them are friends. That's the way it's always been! Right?! Only a handful of people know what really goes on when they're not in the dorms. What will Aizawa do when he finds out the truth behind those 'innocent' acts?

Legally_Stupid · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


🚧Slight Gore🚧

Shinsou POV:

Shit. I didn't even think about my dad being here!! What should I do?!?! He's not even phased at this?? I look back to see Kat and Izu having the same expression as me.

"Heh... Sorry you had to see that... He had to die... It would be bad for us to have a guard who asks a lot of questions."

"It's alright, I get it. I woulda killed him too." Dad replied while wiping blood off his face. "Can I get a cloth, please?"

HOW CAN HE JUST BE SO CALM ABOUT THIS? His son just killed someone in front of him and he asks for a cloth??? Still staring at him, I motioned for a guard to get him one.

"Here, take a seat while we set up, there shouldn't be any more issues like that for the moment. By the way, we don't use names here, so, if you need us, say 1, 2, or 3, he says while pointing at us, then himself. You're now called 0. Got it?" Kat says while pointing at a chair.

"Got it."

Aizawa POV:

As the boys were setting up, I just sat there awkwardly while cleaning myself up. Why is Hito number 1? Bakugou would never allow that normally, let alone being third. I'll have to ask about that after, just like they'll have questions for me. I just realized, Zashi and I don't know that much about the boy we adopted...

While I'm sitting down, Hito orders some guards to stand around me and block my view. I wonder what they're setting up that I can't see?

Shinsou POV:

After dad could no longer see us, we started to set up.

"2 get the boxes and gloves, 3 get the ice and tables, I'll help with the products and chairs. Guards, position 4." I ordered.

"Yes sir!" They all shouted back at me.

Once we finished setting up, I surveyed the tables. Perfect. Now to deal with Dad.