
Where it all started.

It was another day, I woke up from my sleep totally normal, expecting an ordinary day, as I went through my morning routine my bus had already came, as I walk outside i felt a weird feeling run through my spine. It was unsual for me to suddenly feel that sharp pain but I left it be. The day went smoothly as i thought, it was normal, my friends were still the same and we finally went home. From my walk home I saw something that caught my eye, it was a group of people who had unsual clothing such as robes, capes. They had accessories that looked like from historians stories I've read. They had long hair and different hair colors and when I say different colors I mean different colors like Blue, red, white, yellow. As for they're height they were really tall for an avarage human being. They also had weird props, I thought about it as props since I thought they were cosplayers. I still kept on walking, as I kept walking I came closer and closer to them, as I walked past them I felt that sharp pain from my spine again, this time it felt like it was growing and it hurt. So much that I groaned slightly. And I guess they heard it since they went to turn to me. But I kept quiet and walked away. As I went home everything inside and outside of my body ached. It felt like eveything was changing. I ran up to my mirror and when I looked up I got goosebumps. That.. wasn't me. My whole appearance changed. To my legs and to my hair. Before I had brown hair but now it was white as snow. And out of frustration I tried pulling it. And then I realized my eyes also changed. It wasnt dark brown anymore..it was Blue. I gasp at myself and unconsciously yelled.

Julia : GOJO?

I hadn't realized I yelled until my mom came running into my room and knocked.

Maria : Julia? Honey? Whats going? Are you okay?

She questioned me from outside my room. I jumped from shock. And answered quietly

Julia : im fine mom..

I awkwardly said clearly anxious, there was silence after I answered her. After a few seconds my mom spoke in a soft and gentle voice.

Maria : okay..but just know im in the living room okay? Just call me if anything happens.

After that I heard steps fade away. I held my breath for a couple of seconds then I finally breathed. i looked up in my mirror again still overwhelmed by the change of my appearance. I wanted to tell one of my close friends, but I was still anxious that someone might find me strange. I mean, I find myself strange so who wouldn't? I started to pace around my room thinking of a way to get myself back. My breathing started to get dense. I suddenly stopped. And felt that sharp pain again, but this time its was more painful. I fell onto the ground and blacked out. I woke up in a strange place, like a strange place. I was the only one on the ground. I looked up to see 15 people. They were also unsual. With unsual hair colors and eye colors. And they didn't look like humans at all, to be exact they looked like gods. And goddesses. After I glanced at almost everyone. I looked up front, and saw the same group. The people who I thought were cosplayers were right here, standing infront of me. They looked like gods which made me anxious. Suddenly one of them spoke to me.

*** : Stand up.

I immediately stood up. And I looked around confused this person had white hair and at his back there was a big dragon..but he had his eyes closed too. But to be honest I wasn't really scared, my life had been so dull that I found this moment exciting. Until one of them spoke the most, unlogical and unexplainable things I've ever heard.

*** : You all must be bewildered why your all here. But let me explain. Starting from the beginning. A long time ago. Before dinosaurs existed. There was a civilisation here on earth. They had Mana. And if you do not know what Mana is, It typically refers to a form of mystical or magical energy that we harness to perform supernatural abilities. It serves as a power source for magical spells, attacks, or other fantastical feats. We often tap into our internal reservoir of mana or absorb it from your surroundings to enhance your strength, cast spells, or execute special techniques. Back to the civilisation, it was just a small town where people were Special

And you too are Special. Some time ago in that specific civilisation there were in total of 16 people who were Stronger, Sharp witted, and Wise. They were called. Constellation. They were elite people who had been blessed by Gods above earth and the heavens. For they were called Demi-gods. And right now right here. I was told to be your guidance in this journey of you learning your purpose in life.

Me and the other individuals their were shocked, and confused. What? Demi-gods? Constellation? Isn't there 88 of them? I thought to myself. But before I could even ask. Someone spoke up.

*** : Are you kidding me? For fucks sake what do you mean our purpose in life? Are you saying my parents only raised me to be some kind of Demi-god?

A girl with black shiny hair it was really black so of course it unsual, same goes for her dark glowy purple eyes. She looked like a goddess with her facial features and her pale skin. I didnt realized i was staring at her until she told me to stop.

*** : Can you stop staring?

Julia : oh..uh. Sorry.

I quickly looked away from her gaze.

*** : Listen. Your guardians does not know you were blessed by the gods above. Thats why were here. My name is Saint. For you, Your name is Gabriella.

Gabriella : What do you mean? My name isn't Gabriella?! Who are you to tell me what my name is?

Saint : That name was given to you. From the gods above, not me.

Gabriella : I dont care?! Can you stop with the nonsense? I wanna go home!

Saint : im afraid we cannot do that yet, I haven't given everyone their real names.

Gabriella stayed quiet she was clearly frustrated. Then Saint started to tell us our names. As he walked to the first person, he spoke.

Saint : You. Your name is Damian, as for your brother hes Dominic.

Damian : This guy is my twin brother? Your joking right?

Damian looked to his side just to see a random person who had Black Hair with Red eyes.

Dominic : He looks nothing like my brother.

Saint : Thats because what you look like right now is your true form, or appearance.

Julia : So thats why i felt that sharp pain..

Saint nodded, indicating i was right, after them, he had walked to this small girl who had Pink Hair color and Pink eye color, she looked adorable with her cute appearance and facial features, her Aura was calm and soft. Finally Saint spoke.

Saint : You were given the name Remi.

Remi : Remi? Seriously? Thats such a stupid name.

Saint : You are not allowed to discriminate what the Gods above has given you.

Saint said with a frown in his face. But for him Remi was determined.

Remi : I dont give a shit about your 'gods from above'  kink. I wanna go home, and stop spouting nonsense will you? You do know you sound so stupid when you say 'gods from above' and what the hell is Mana? Get your shit together man, its clear your going insane.

Saint : I sincerely not know why the Gods above have chosen such individuals, you all have no respect whatsoever.

Remi : Well maybe because we experienced internal and outside pain from our body, and woke up in a weird-ass place with also fucked up people.

Saint : Please refrain from swearing-

Before Saint could even finish Remi absolutely crushed him

Remi : Shut the fuck up you annoying ass roach.

Julia : Okay..i think that's enough..

I patted Remi's shoulder hoping it would calm her down. Thankfully she did.

Saint : I see why the Gods above have given you the title as the Leader of the constellation, i can feel immense Mana from you.

I looked at him with a shocked face.

Julia : Leader?

Saint : You heard me right, you are the Leader of the Constellation.

Julia : Your joking right? I can't even handle my own life, and your saying i have to lead 15 people? Nah. No thank you.

Saint : You do not have the a choice, whatever the Gods above have said is what is said.

Julia : What does that even mean?

Saints sighs, and he went onto the next person who had Blue hair and also Blue Eyes she had her hair tied up which suits her facial features.

*** : What? Just tell me my name already. Your already wasting my time.

Saint : Your name is Zemara.

Saint once again sighed already so done with all the attitude he has been having.

Zemara : Zemara? The fuck does that mean?

Saint : *sighs* The gods above were the ones who gave you a name. Not me, so stop complaining to me.

Zemara started to rant to herself while saint went onto the next person this person had red hair and green eyes, he looked a little bit like a cat, i found it amusing while i glanced at him.

*** : Me? God im scared.

Saint : Your name is Alec.

Alec : Damn! Thats fucking cool!

Saint : I appreciate your kindness but please refrain from swearing.

Alec : Right sorry, to be honest i dont really get you guys, this is a cool experience for me, and i actually feel blessed.

Saint : Thank you.

Alec nodded, saint quickly went to the other person who had Lavender hair and Lavender eyes.

*** : Yall why do i feel nervous..

Saint : Zhenya. Thats your name Zhenya.

Zhenya : Zhenya? Never heard of that name, but its cool.

Saint : Thank you.

Zhenya : I agree with alec you guys acting like yall gonna die.

Alec : i know right?

After they had their agreement, saint immediately went to a guy who had yellow hair and yellow eyes?! Now this guy had a smug on his face which made me think he wasn't really that good of a guy.

Hiya just a little Warning ❗ this isn't an actual novel, i wrote this while i was bored in our little store, and all of the characters are fictional although some parts of their personalities are inspired of some of my friends but im also a teenager who doesn't know anything about the rules or if there is one on writing novels so please tell me if you are reading this tell me about my mistakes so i can fix them. Thank you for reading this little note! have fun reading it!❤️

RemiJulezcreators' thoughts