
What A Twisted Fate

The world is a funny cruel place. Where the evil seem to roam free and the hard working seem to get wrongfully punished. This is a tale about a young woman who’s luck turns from bad to worse. Only thing she now can hope for is maybe in her next life things could be different and turn out for the better.

BlackLotuz_ · perkotaan
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3 Chs

CHAPTER 2 "Truly Tragic:"

Just as the explosion was about to occur, Chu Lian saw a glimpse of a man standing there on the corner with a wine bottle. The drunkard was just watching everything as if it were a Saturday night movie. Chu Lian then soon realized that the drunkard was not some ordinary drunk. That man.. that drunk was none other than her father. She stretched out her hand as if she were reaching for her last shred of hope. She choked out the word. " DAD!!" The drunkard chugged more of his wine and laughed as he staggered away in the other direction. Not knowing or not caring if someone were calling for his help in their time of need.

Chu Lian now began to smell the strong fumes of gasoline. Her lungs were now filling up with smoke as she coughed violently. She no longer knew what was more painful. The burning of the chemically filled smoke which filled her lungs with the pain of the bus seat crushing her legs or lastly her father being so near but not giving a damn to help. All she knew was that she didn't want to die nor was she ready to die.

She was only 19 and had so many hopes and dreams once she graduated from the university. She wanted to become a doctor. She wanted to help people that were poverty stricken like herself. Families that were unable to afford medical help. With hope families would have a fighting chance in being together longer. Hell, she wanted a child of her own to raise with a loving husband. Lastly and most of all Chu Lian wanted to move away from her father, away from this nightmare.

As she thought about these things and sobbed. Her life slowly began to flash before her eyes. It was all tragic. She only had a few short years of happiness before it was ripped away from her. It started when her mother died when she was 6 years old from the Coronavirus. Her dad sunk into deep depression. That's when her dad started gambling. Soon after that the drinking started only to be followed by abuse. Her dads temper was so bad that one time he kicked her so hard she urinated blood for 3 days. She was only 10 years old back then. Every time he beat her he would stroke her face once it was over and say. " I'm glad I didn't damage your face. It's the only redeeming quality you have from your mother."

Tears streamed down more from her eyes as the flashbacks continued on. She truly hated this world. It was cruel and unjust. Where scum like her father gets to live and hard working people like herself die. The hatred in her eyes was now mixed in with her tears. The screams from the passengers were now like buzzing mosquitoes in her ears. Her eyes slowly begin to close. The last thing she saw was a tall black figure holding a huge death scythe. Its face was missing, only a dark void remained. The smoke and flames from the bus danced around the mysterious black cloaked figure. The only thing she could hear now were these words. " Sleep… now…, my child, it shall all be over soon". Unable to resist the lull of its voice, her eyes slowly closed for the last time.