
What a Surprise

My name is Tetsuya. I have a best friend named Kay. He likes to tease me and others at high school a lot. We've known each other since we were 12. Now, 5 years later and he's still my greatest friend. That was until August when he and my Father announced that they were getting married.

Daoist_Vivitsa · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


Outside of a moderately busy restaurant you could see two teens sitting besides each other. A boy and a girl. The black haired boy telling a story that wasn't long at all and finally finishing.

"Wow…." One of my friends, of the female persuasion, says in an almost dull tone.

Well, she only sounded dull because the amount of shock that just hit her was immense. I doubt anyone would have not been shocked after what I told her.

"Umm…. I didn't know he swung that way?" With the easily irritated mood I was in at the moment, her question like reaction was definitely not helping.

"Like, whoa, he never told us anything. To think that your Father and Kay are going to get married. Isn't that illegal or something like that?" I calmed down at her legitimate question on what had happened.

"No… I looked it up online… As long as you have parental or guardian confirmation it's apparently ok." The dreaded words spilled out of my mouth like syrup, I truly hoped that this was all just a bad dream. I hate saying those words of truth.

"Oh… I didn't know that. But throw all the legal stuff out of the way for a moment here. What's with your attitude? Do you not like that Kay is gay or something? Because if thats it, it's pretty sad and pathetic!" Apparently my redheaded friend now thinks that I'm homophobic, great.

However, I wasn't homophobic at all. In fact I'm quite the avid believer that everyone has a right to love who and how they want. Well, I'll admit that there was a time that I was against such acts.

"I'm not! That was only when I was younger! And why aren't you mad or at least kind of bothered that Kay never told you!? I thought we were his friends?" For the first three sentences I was venting my anger and frustration out on my redheaded friend, Ember. Towards my last sentence, I was sad and questioning why he never said anything to me.

I was at the point where I was even doubting our friendship. Maybe everything was a complete lie just so he could marry my Father? But why? That doesn't make any sense no matter what. My Father has a job and money but it's not the greatest thing ever. In fact, our family situation is just a little better than middle class. Nothing special at all. Even though Kay didn't tell me anything about it, that was still second to my number one question…

"Ok sorry, and trust me when I say that I don't exactly find it funny that Kay did this. No matter how much of a tease he is. Though I think I know the real person your mad at is your Dad. Seeing as how your Mother died only eight years ago. Speaking of your family, how's Avery taking this?" Ember hit the bullseye yet again with not so spectacular guessing.

Avery; my sister who is somewhat cold to all of us in the family, even though we know she cares all the same. Our Mother bore 3 kids. Me being the oldest, Avery being the middle child, and Etsuko the young bull in a China shop. My Mother was of Japanese descent. I remember her being a cheerful person who wouldn't mind teasing me and the others, yet also helping us whenever we needed it. Kind of like how Kay is now.

"No no no, there nothing alike." The words come out like a murmur, probably not audible.

"Well, does this mean you have to call him Mom now? Hahahaha!!" It seems my ever comedic seeking friend has found something funny to joke about. Much to my ire as I'm sure she's well aware of the fact that I'm never going to call Kay Mom, Mother or anything like that. He's not even a girl.

"Jokes aside, what are you going to do now that you know?" In one of the rare moments that Ember is actually serious I start to ponder what I'm going to do.

"I guess I'll get the whole story from them first then think about it from there. Other than that, I don't know, I'm completely lost." Ember looked at me with poorly concealed humor, which I didn't like to admit to myself that I really appreciated at the moment. At least someone was acting as they should.

So that's how it begins. How my life unfolds from that point onwards. I guess you could even say: 'a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly'. A story of how me and others meet love and heartbreak up close and personal.