
chapter 2 school life

 Growing up was not easy not that I was bullied but I lacked love from my parents and siblings cos they were way older than I am and I'm ofter left alone not timid or shy,man I'm trouble it's self well so they say but one thing I'm sure of don't mess with me.

 School was okay,made friends although just two cos I don't like crowd, won't say I'm the must brilliant but I got good brains.l do like competition but don't stress me.my friends precious and sky are the best of friends one could ever ask of in secondary school.payment of school fees was hard for my parents and I do recieve my dose of Cain in school but I survived.i was never the gussip type but I do see what the teachers and students sometimes do in the staff office sometimes,but what can I say it's their life and choice.