
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Komik
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45 Chs

Why Yenderes always fell for a scumbag?

Alice woke up abruptly at 6 AM, troubled by the nightmare she had the previous night. In the dream, Lee had married some slut, and the couple lived a happy life while she was left alone to grow old and watch from afar. The thought of it made her heart ache like a sharp razor cutting it to pieces.

She looked around and realized that she was tangled around Lee's legs and her face was pressed against his chest. The close proximity made her aware of something hard pressing against her thighs making her feel something tingling in her lower body.

She took a deep breath, inhaling his scent and feeling intoxicated by it. The tingling sensation between her legs intensified, and she could feel herself becoming wet.

Looking at his sleeping face, she wondered how someone could be so handsome. But her expression sank when she thought about some worthless slut taking him away from her, and dark thoughts started to fill her mind. She gazed at his lips and remembered what she did the previous day. He hadn't noticed her when she stole a kiss from him, so he wouldn't notice if she did it again, would he?

With that thought and the mentality to take revenge on the slut who stole her beloved cousin. She bet that he still didn't kiss her. Lee was a pure innocent man, he would never do intimate activities with his partner easily.

She kissed him this time it was a deep kiss, her tongue invaded his mouth and she sucked in his sweet saliva, the feeling melted her mind her hips began to move on their own as she orgasmed.

'Am I coming?' She felt something coming from her pussy, and the pleasure assaulted her, body began to twitch uncontrollably and all she could do was cling tightly to Lee. Her squirt wetted his thighs and the bed sheets.

'It feels so good!' That was all that Alice could barely make out in her half-muddled mind.

After the pleasure subsided, she got up from the bed and walked with her wobbly legs towards the door.

She was too occupied with the post-orgasm to care if Lee had discovered her.

After she left, Lee opened his eyes and looked at the door speechlessly did he become her masturbation tool?

Seeing his thighs wet from her love juice, he sighed. He needed to keep his ability under control the next time he used it. Nah, who is he kidding? If the price to make women squirt is wetting his thighs, he would gladly take it.

After staying in the bed for about half an hour, Lee got up and walked to the bathroom to clean up the nectar on his body. He looked at his raging boner and wondered if he should go to Akane to take care of it.

Of all the women he knows she is the only one available for sex now. There is Leonora but it's probably a dumb idea to talk to her now. He admits that yesterday he was impulsive and shouldn't have made his move that fast. He figured out that it was a side effect of high testosterone levels.

When he learned how to control hormones he increased his testosterone by more than 20 times, which increased his libido. However, he wouldn't lower it, because, in addition to boosting his sex drive, it also cured his late-stage laziness cancer, and boosted his motivation and competitive spirit.

After the shower, Lee headed to the living room and saw that Leonora was working on her paper, while Alice seemed to be still in the bath. Maybe she decided to masturbate a few more times?

When Leonora saw him she buried her face in her papers and acted like she didn't see him. He assumed that she was embarrassed. He decided to ignore her. He wouldn't take the initiative to talk to her otherwise, he would lose his advantage.

He headed to the fridge, starving as he hadn't eaten dinner the night before. He heated up some food and ate, then used his power to speed up digestion before heading to the gym.

Upon completing his workout, Lee encountered Alice who was making lunch. They greeted each other warmly and chatted as if nothing had happened earlier. They even joked around a bit. Meanwhile, Lenora went to the study room, clearly trying to avoid Lee. Although Alice found it strange, she didn't dwell on it too much.

After lunch, they settled on the couch to watch an old movie. Alice snuggled up to him the entire time, and he noticed that she had become even more clingy since yesterday. Halfway through the movie, Lee received a call from Saeko asking when he would arrive. He informed Alice that he had to leave, causing her to let out a dissatisfied snort.

He put on his Gantz suit before leaving. This time he didn't want to get fucked like yesterday.


Yesterday, Leonora had a dream. In that dream, she had sex with her sister's son. It was the most enjoyable sex she had ever experienced. All the pleasure she felt in her lifetime was nothing compared to this. She felt so good, felt happier than she had ever felt in her whole life.

When she woke up, she was thirsty and reached for the glass of water on her nightstand. As she took a sip, she noticed that her clothes were different and memories of the previous night started to come back to her. She realized that her encounter with Lee wasn't just a dream, but a reality.

Shame and guilt filled her mind. She actually seduced her nephew! How is she supposed to face him after what happened?

She spent the whole day absentmindedly. She wanted to talk to Lee but at the same time, she was afraid of his reaction. He was a good boy. He was smart, handsome, smelled incredibly good, and had a very large D... my gosh how could she still think of something like this at this moment?

However, Lee didn't come back until late at night. She couldn't help but wonder if he was avoiding her. Did he start to hate her?

She confirmed these thoughts when he returned last night looking upset. He even ignored her. But Leonora didn't blame him. He had just lost his family, and what he considered his last family member was lusting after him. Of course, Lee shared the blame too since he fucked her senselessly but as an adult, she blamed herself for everything.

Leonora couldn't sleep the whole night, and what made her despise herself more was that she couldn't forget the feeling Lee gave her. Her lower half becomes wet whenever she thinks of him.


Lee stopped a taxi and gave him the address. If he had known what was going through Leonora's mind, he would have acted with more confidence.

He arrived at Saeko's house and began training with her. During their sparring, she suggested a bet between them to make the training more fun. Lee accepted the bet because he was confident in his strength.

However, he didn't know how she did it but Lee ended up losing in the end.

As her reward for winning their bet, Saeko requested to sit on Lee's lap. Though he was taken aback by her request, Lee agreed since he saw no harm in fulfilling it. However, he regretted doing that, as she kept teasing his D with her ass.

In the end, he left her house with another raging boner, this time he headed to Akane to calm his will of the D.

After spending a few hours at Akane's apartment, Lee left in high spirits. He got to try the flexibility and durability of the Gantz suit. It was indeed very flexible and durable. He was impressed with the suit's ability to withstand all of the poses he tried without tearing.

In the following days, Lee divided his time between spending time with Alice, training with Saeko, and visiting Akane whenever he had the opportunity. And at night he would train his body manipulation power.

Every morning Alice would use him as a masturbation tool. It took her a while, but she got more confident and started playing with his little brother. At this rate, it won't be long before he can eat her.

Saeko started to be more open about her seduction. At times, he would run into her unexpectedly as he walked around, leading him to suspect that she may have been stalking him. However, he had yet to catch her in the act, so he remained uncertain about his conclusions. In the anime world, Yandere girls are hot, but he was a scumbag and he didn't want a girl stabbing him or someone close to him.

Even though Leonora avoided him, she didn't move away, and sometimes he noticed her looking at him with strange eyes. Horny milfs can be scary sometimes.

Lee made significant progress in mastering his body manipulation skills. As a result, he was able to control every part of his body or that of others. He attempted to grow wings and fly at night, and the next day there was news about flying men on TV. However, he stumbled upon another problem. He was unable to increase his energy reserves. No matter what methods he tried, he couldn't seem to boost it.