
Chapter Forty-Nine

The next morning, they were actually able to lay in. Duncan knew that Molly had stayed the night, so he didn't bother his son to do his chores, excusing them with 'it bein' Sunday'. 

Beth had to actively stop herself from waking them up. She wanted to know how last night was, whether or not this meant they were now a proper couple and whether Molly was going to stay the rest of the day or go home to see Jennifer. But she knew her brother would kill her if she burst in and asked all of those and more questions, so she bit her tongue and distracted herself by going into the stables to work with her horse. 

It meant they first started waking up around 10, which for Jake might as well have been lunch time. 

"Mornin'," she smiled up at him, snuggling in a bit more. 

He hugged her a bit closer and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Mornin' beautiful," he responded, scarcely able to believe his luck at being able to wake up beside her, without his sister bursting in and ruining it. He smiled when he saw her act a little shyly. "D'ye wanna stay today?" he asked, hating the thought of having to cut their time together short already. 

"Uh huh," Molly nodded, thinking along the same lines. She gave a little stretch before curling up against him again. "I think this is the longest I've slept since I moved here," she sighed, not wanting to ever get up and lose this moment. 

"I can't remember the last time I slept this late," Jake agreed. "This must be killin' Bethy," he realized with a chuckle, making her giggle too. 

"It'll be good for her," she giggled. She lifted her head a little to give him a kiss, before laying back down and started drawing circles on his chest, silently cursing his shirt that was covering him. 

"Maybe," he conceded. "We should probably make a move soon, make the most of today," he said after a minute. He could immediately feel her reluctance to move, as she let her muscles drop so she was kind of like dead weight. "Molls," he said as he tried to move her, fighting back a chuckle. 

"Do I have to?" she asked, sounding a little whiney, which only made it harder for him to not laugh. How'd he ended up with such a 'lazy' girlfriend? 

"Yes, we must," he told her, giving her a few moments to move out of her own volition before he started tickling her. 

"Jake, don't… Stop!" She giggled as she tried to free herself from his hold. "Please," she begged when she realized she wasn't going to be able to. 

"But it's so much fun," Jake laughed, holding on to her as he continued tickling her. He was taking great delight in her laughter and the way she responded to his touch. 

"Jake!" she whined, leaning into him as she tried to stop laughing. He could tell she was starting to get out of breath, so he took pity on her and just pulled her in for a hug. "Yer such a bully," she breathed, gratefully leaning against him to catch her breath. 

"Nah," he disagreed with a chuckle. At this she simply poked him before reaching up to give him a kiss. "Ye should really make up yer mind," he teased, referring to her actions contradicting her words. 

"So should you," Molly said now, referring to how, despite his insistence, they were still in bed. And she couldn't say she minded terribly. She gave him a wink when he looked at her questioningly and pulled him closer to kiss him before he could object. As she kissed him, she molded her body against his and it didn't take much to persuade him. As seemed to be the case more frequently recently, he seemed to lose himself in the moment initially, in this case letting himself enjoy the feel of her against him as he kissed her back. Her soft skin against his and her fingers pulling him in closer made him forget that there were others in the house as well. He leaned in over her, kissing her harder as his hands ran over her body to discover. She wrapped one leg around him, holding him as close against as her as she could. She wanted to feel him. It wasn't until he felt her start to lift his shirt up and feel her way across his bare skin that he realized where they were headed. 

"Molls, I'm sorry, not now," Jake sounded almost horrified as he pulled away and sat up. "Not with pa 'n Bethy at home," he added. He felt bad for just pulling away, but he really couldn't right now, no matter how hard he was. 

Suppressing a sigh, she sat up beside him and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his shoulder. "Yeah I know," Molly said softly, leaning against him. "Breakfast, or should I get ready first?" she asked now. 

"Eh… Maybe ye should get ready first," he said, a little uncomfortably. "I might need a minute," he cleared his throat, making her chuckle softly as she got up to head over to the bathroom. 


After breakfast, they went for a ride with Beth, excusing it as a way of working three horses in one go. Duncan wasn't overly impressed, but he remembered what his son had said about Molly's work picking up soon and Jake's assignments being due soon. He'd let them enjoy days like today while they still could. With Jennifer not approving, they had enough stacked up against them as it was. They didn't need him laying down rules. Besides, once they got past the exciting infatuation stage, they'd be able to focus on both normal life and each other. He wasn't worried. 

"So… What happened last naght?" Beth asked when they slowed down after cantering for about half an hour. 

"Nothin' much," her brother answered with a shrug. 

"Hannah got quite drunk," Molly offered, hoping to keep the girl's attention off of them. She knew it was unusual for Jake to have a lie in so there was a good chance that she'd end up asking questions. 

"Yeah we ended up takin' her home with Molls drivin' my truck 'n me drivin' Hannah's," her boyfriend mentioned now, earning himself a brief glare. 

"I bet that went very smoothly," Beth chuckled, making Jake howl with laughter as Molly looked affronted. "Sorry," she quickly apologized to her friend, but she was still struggling to hold back a laugh. 

"Yeah whatever," she shrugged defeated, knowing she was never going to live that down. 

"Jennifer showin' any sign of lettin' up yet?" Beth asked now. She was having fun today and she was really happy for her brother, but she was worried about it lasting if Molly's sister was going to stay on their case. 

"Eh no… Not yet," Molly said slowly, looking a bit worried herself now. She glanced over at her boyfriend, wondering how long she'd be able to stay today and how often they'd be able to see each other in general. Her shifts were starting to pick up, even if she wasn't yet on full-time hours, and they would only pick up more. He hadn't said anything, but she knew his course work was getting more demanding and therefore taking up more of his time. 

"We'll figure it out," Jake said, breaking her out of her reverie as if he could read her mind. She glanced over, giving him a smile when she saw the confidence and reassurance on his face. He smiled back and gave her a quick wink. 

"Yeah 'n yer always welcome to come round 'n use me as an excuse," Beth piped up now, making them both laugh. 

"Thanks hon, I appreciate that," Molly said gratefully. 

"Yeah thanks Bethy," her boyfriend said to his sister. "Come on, let's go up to that ridge 'n head back before pa gets the hump," he added now, spurring on Maximus before either of the girls could respond. 

"I hate it when he does that," Beth heard her friend mutter before they both followed him.