
western fantasy ideas free to use.

just a collection of ideas for books feel free to write more on these in your own book all i aak is that you 1 credit me for the idea and 2 tell me about your book. all of my ideas posted here i want to read please. this is western fantasy only i plan on making eastern fantasy and scifi "books" to. have a nice day yall stay safe and be polite my fffrei i mean acquaintances.

Dragosmom · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

opposites attract.

Note: not all the info will make since first read for this specific chapter.


Main Character named [?] (will be called MC)

MC 2 named [?] (will be called MC 2)

MC character description:

Highly values morals but loves MC 2 too much to act himself, He will often turn a blind eye to rebel movements, even though he knows MC 2 doesn't like this fact. He stays by her side as often as he can. He is aware of his hypocrisy but loves MC 2. He is one of the best fighters in the world and often speaks out against MC 2's worst acts while simultaneously praising her best ones in public. He will kill anybody he catches committing something against his moral code, even if they are high ranking in MC 2's "kingdom". This character is a male in my head but this story is yours now; audience, all of this can be changed.

MC 2 character description:

Has basically no morals. The only person still alive she cannot bring herself to kill, torture, etc is MC. Her high ranking members can't punish him, as he is to good a fighter. She does not like torture, violence, etc, but feels no remorse, even if they're innocent. She tends to stay away from MC because she is more susceptible to her emotions around him, She cannot bring herself to hurt him, which includes the emotional pain of forcing him away. Although lacking in morals, she is not really cruel, she just does the most efficient action. She is the leader of some powerful group. She has no scorn for those below her on the social rung. She is female in my head. She values skill alone, all else is worthless in her eyes, and is an incredibly intelligent tactician.

//\\//\\//\\story: //\\//\\//\\

MC and MC 2 grew up in the slums were they got picked by some legendary person after noticing MC's talent in fighting. He tried to join the areas local military at the age of 12 with no formal training and passed almost all the tests. MC 2 would not leave his side, so legendary individual (LI, from here on out) took them both on as students/adopted children.

MC stumbled upon MC 2 about to get hurt in some way (probably raped) and saved her because of his moral code, which he considers the only thing his father, a knight who got disgraced in some scandal, had to give. His father was forced to give up his land and left MC nothing. His father later got killed by an infection after trying to steal some food. MC is not against theft, if you are stealing out of necessity not greed. That is to say stealing food, clothing, ect is not immoral, but stealing wealth or kites would be immoral in his view. He considers it its own "job" and believes if you successfully steal something you deserve it as long as you can keep it from being stolen back. MC's time in the slum reinforced his core mindset--"if everyone was good to each other no one will suffer".

MC 2 believes that morals drag you down and should be abandoned. MC2 at first followed MC because he was strong and obviously wouldn't try to hurt her. Eventually, she fell in love with him. her biggest regret is falling for him and at the same time its the thing she is most grateful to have. If she had never fallen for MC she never would have insisted on coming with LI and vice versa . Plus, falling in love with him strengthened her will and helped her get through training. While not doing it completely for him she rises to prominence in her "kingdom" so they wouldn't have to worry about money and he wouldn't have to risk his life. Eventually, she gets enthralled with the power and continues rising. Her extremely efficient way of governing led the "kingdom" to prominence and word of her ruthlessness to her enemies spread.

NOTE: She doesn't care about anyone but MC and hates the fact that she cares about him. I already mentioned she can't fully express it because she can't bring herself to hurt MC in any way. Again MC and MC 2 grew up in slums so MC 1 is used to heartlessness so her heartlessness doesn't really bother him, nor does it cause him pain to know she does the horrid things she does. MC is hypocritical and is aware of it. He is honestly trying to better the world. while MC 2 has no prejudice on anything but skill MC is prejudiced against slum dwellers because of all the horrible things he saw. He avoids the slums if possibly because he knows that some people there have children to feed and he doesn't want to kill a bunch of people. He tells MC2 when he doesn't approve of her actions and tries to gently persuade her out of most of them. She allows it in private but will send him away, usually if he tries to do so in public. MC hardly ever convinces her and when he does she shows mercy in an attempt to show him that its not the best option. In other words, she only releases people who she knows will reappear but she also knows are not huge threats.

I know these characters seem idiotic and like they shouldn't accept each other. They're just both crazily in love. MC2 trusts MC wholeheartedly telling him everything. I know this is abnormal considering here calculating character and that he disapproves of her method and he would kill anyone else who did a billionth of what she has done she has yet to "cleanse herself of the weakness of emotions" and understands even she needs a shoulder to cry on.

The MC is still with her because she is the only human he feels a real connection to and is one of the only things keeping him sane. He feels responsible for every human that dies or gets hurt because he didn't step in and help them he does not share this with MC2. This takes a huge mental toll on him and makes him have suicidal thoughts occasionally. It's gotten to the point the only reason he is alive and not trying to run around and kill every bandit on the globe is he is afraid MC 2 will get hurt. Both MC and MC2 would rather die than watch the other get hurt. I do not think I have said this before but both are mentally ill. Both shows severe detachment, MC from "cold hard reality" and other people and MC 2 from other people and her own emotions. Although both hate it they are willing to do anything to keep the other safe.

In my head you should show these characters in a way people understand them but don't like either of them really.

MC2 is extremely cold and MC is extremely gloomy. MC2 cares only about talent MC cares a little very little bit about lineage. MC hates that MC 2 is so heartless. MC 2 hates that MC cant "see the truth of the world the strong trample the weak and kindness does not change that".

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ story2-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

happens after story 1.

MC is approached by a rebel messenger who tries to bring them over to their side. Someone they knew from the slums. MC tells him he doesn't care what happens to MC2's authority but he will not stand for her being harmed or her being mistreated. He will turn a blind eye to rebel actions but will not participate in them. At the same time as long as MC2's life is not threatened he will not fight against the rebels as he supports their movement. He gives him time to escape and tells MC2 who tries to hide her worry. I feel like I have already mentioned this but, MC 2 ONLY feels anything towards MC, even if her second in command died she wouldn't care. She would only care that LI died because of MC. MC keeps getting approached by messengers and he keeps shooing them away. MC 2 eventually starts forcing herself to stay by MC's side at all times out of worry. Remember, MC makes MC 2 feel week on 2 fronts, not only is MC 2 a barely above average fighter while MC is possibly the best in the world, but she also feels her emotions more around him. Again she is crazy in love so she just can't be mad at him for it and therefore, doesn't take her frustrations out on him. Obviously, if they're trying to court one of the best fighters in the world they have big plans so MC 2 prepares for war. The rebs end up attacking the MCs' home/castle whatever. at first, they lose and are sentenced to torture. MC frees them and they try to attack MC 2, MC ends up killing all of them to protect MC 2 including the tragic death of his friends from the slum. This makes him more heartless while MC 2 being around MC 1 all the time eventually makes her have her emotions for others come back, This causes MC 2 to begin feeling disdain and then pity then fury then slight very very slight empathy. MC2 keeps her power and still rules very "efficiently" while MC starts funding an outreach program to get people out of the slums. MC 2 ends up supporting it as long as he focuses on taking talents not just for fighting but also for crafting. Note MC 2 only cares about talent while MC cares a little bit about lineage and usually despises slum dwellers.

hey ive never done this before please feel free to tell me any mistakes. i know random seems a tiny bit random but i jist added it when i thought if it. i thought up most of this while writing and have done no edits or revisions. thank you for reading my book and please tell me if you create a story off one of these. I WANT TO READ THEM! plesse thank you. not all of these will have similat themes some may tragic others comedic. out of room.

Dragosmomcreators' thoughts