
CHAPTER 1-The beginning

Lucy ate breakfast in silence trying not to burst out on how insipid the food was

she knew how hard food came by these days.

she tried to get her mind off the food and into some happy memories but she really had none.

As she got ready for school she tried to take her mind on how sick uncle Jake was.

she had lived with him and aunt Carolyn ever since she was born.

she got ready for school and was soon on her way


In a long throne room furnished in a Victorian style with rolls of seat that took one back in the centuries and on the large end a huge throne was located and a huge man with bulging muscles sat on it.

And standing in front of him was a lookalike of him with short curly black hair scattered loosely in an uncaring sexy manner with bulging muscles threatening to burst out of his shirt.

"father you can't possibly be doing this " he said

"well it already done son" he stood up from the throne " you can't possibly want to go back to that school after the scene you caused"

"I was starving"

he came forward and was about to take another step his father came forward with a speed that seemed inhumane, grabbed him by the neck and raised him up slowly as he fought for air.

"Never ever feed on the unwilling son, never ever and you are going back to find your mate"

throwing him away as the boy gasped for lungfuls of air.


"Dad you can't possibly think of transferring me" a slim boy with dark black lashes and long black well arranged silky air said to an older man before him.

"well you beat up 20 people, wounded 15 and almost killed 5" he snorted and drank from a large cup with dark red dripping liquid.

"but they attacked first, it was all self defense"

"And feeding on the unwilling"

"I was drunk father"

"you were drunk" standing up and taking huge gulping sounds of the red liquid "you are my son what will the other leaders say about this"


"Do not argue with me, you get transferred and that is final" he snarled