
Second match

The next person to step up was a tall blonde hair boy and the person he picked was none other than Kiran, the greed for the first position was clearly what was making some of them to be motivated to fight him even when they knew they were not on the same level.

'I might have a chance to win right now, he definitely would have been tire right now after just fighting, I just have to beat him then try to secure the first position" said Marcus inwardly as he prepare for his match with Kiran.

'Why do you think you can win against me all because I just finished my first fight, do you really think that I would have use all my energy just for my first fight' said Kiran in his mind.

"Well then, begin" said Hudson as he blow on the whistle.

The moment Marcus heard the sound of the whistle, he quickly sprinted forward to his opponent and throw a punch towards him.

The aim of Marcus sprinting forward was to end the fight quickly so Kiran wouldn't be able to relax after his first fight, the only thing on his mind was to attack Kiran so he won't have the chance to rest and attack him.

If it was someone else who wasn't fast all all in the stead of Kiran, he would have been hit because the punch was coming forward in a fast pace, but for someone as Kiran, who was faster than his opponent could see it coming not in a very fast pace, he quickly move to left side, making the punch miss him by a fraction.

Seeing the opportunity widely presented to him, as Marcus was now wide opened to be attack, he quickly throw an uppercut to Marcus jaw, sending him head to be flown backward.

Kiran didn't stop there as he directed a powerful kick towards Marcus, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

"Ouch, I can clearly tell there might be a broken bone right there" whisper some of the people watching the fight.

"Well, that's the end of the match" said Hudson as he quickly walked over to chack on Marcus.

After checking him for some minutes, he turned to face Kiran, the look on his face clearly show he was disappointed with him.

"Let me have a word with you for some minutes" said Hudson as he stood up and walked to one corner of the room.

Kiran didn't say anything as he followed behind Hudson to the corner of the room.

"Kiran, what have gotten into you, I haven't seen you fight like this before, you aren't the type to hold grudge against someone neither do you like afflicting pain or hurting someone, what was the meaning of what you just did a moment ago" said Hudson referring to the match of just now.

"With all due respect sir, I didn't do anything wrong, I simply did what was necessary to defend my position and beside I definitely hold back on the kick" said Kiran.

"Kiran, do not let the greed of defending a silly position influence you on taking the life of someone, you definitely have won that with just the punch, so I don't see any reason to add the kick to it" said Hudson.

"I understand, hope there wasn't anything major about it?" asked Kiran.

"It's good to see you are back to your senses, he will be fine with some few treatment, just make sure not to let your personal issue get the better of you when fighting, control yourself and make sure not to target anyone vitals, hope you understand?" asked Hudson.

"I clearly understand sir, I'm really sorry about that, it's not going to happen again" said Kiran while bowing his head.

On getting back to the ring, they could see that most of the students are currently in a match, and the people left wasn't those who are willing to fight with him, he walked over to a bench at the corner and sat down on it.

'What came over me, why do I just feel like a received a surge of power in that fight, I didn't even know when I got so angry and gave him a kick, it kind of get to me when I saw the way he think he could defeat me just because I just finished my first match' said Kiran.

After about fifteen minutes, Kiran was now ready to fight his last one, which will determine whether he would be the number one ranker for this month or not.

Not many people have the mind to challenge him, seeing as he easily dealt with Marcus who was fourth in rank, but his opponent this time around was Caleb who has already won two of his match and was the second in rank the last month.

This fight between this two, would determine who would be taking the first position and also who would be taking the second position.

"This fight would be the last fight for the position of first and second, so at the sound of the whistle, you guys should get started" said Hudson.

After blowing on the whistle, both Kiran and Caleb rushed forward towards each other. Caleb seeing that Kiran was slightly faster than him as he has already throw a punch, quickly turn his attack to defend as he block the punch directed toward his stomach.

After seeing that his punch was block, Kiran quickly went for an uppercut with his other hand. This time around, instead of blocking it, Caleb move to the right and throw a kick towards Kiran which connected with his arm.

Kiran gritted his teeth as he experience an immense pain in his arm that has just been hit, the pain he was feeling was making it hard for him to move the arm.

'Shit, just how much force did he put in that kick that's making my arm numb?' asked Kiran to himself.

Thanks to all of you supporting me in one way or the other, please continue to support me so I can be able to write more. Thanks once again and please do vote ♥️

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