
Chapter 8: Making Friends and Enemies

I've asked Ashton all the questions I've been wondering ever since he chased me down. His answers were ever so vague. I felt a pang of disappointment in my gut. He got up and out of the house to his job.

Later a girl came in and she introduced herself with such informality. It made me feel like as if our Era might've changed. "Lu- I mean ma'am. It's so nice to meet you. My name is Rachael, I'm sure you know I'm here to keep you company." Her smile was so inviting and friendly I couldn't help, but return it.

"Ah yes, Rachael. Nice to meet you as well, my name is Natalia." I extended my hand out waiting for a handshake indicating for a greeting. She took and with a strong grip she shook it lightly. We talked and watched movies together for some part of the morning.

Swapped a few childhood memories and some crushes we've had on some boys. She was like an old friend I could confide in. Felt somewhat familiar. Just when it became noon, I got up to make lunch. Offering a tuna sandwich her way and she gladly accepted. "Oh! I must warn you, Natalia. Anvi isn't exactly your main worry no more, but for Ashton's people. You must put Sadie in her place, she'll challenge you for Ashton's side." Oh, so she's another side hoe. Go figure... -Why would I care? It's not like we're a thing.

"Rachael, I appreciate for the information. Though, I must say. I couldn't care less about this woman's want for Ashton." Her eyes widen in shock. That confused me, her expression changes quickly. Evident of realization. Her expression changes, as if I wasn't meant to notice her realization.

I didn't understand why she was telling me all this? Ashton's people... She said that as if they're different. They all look human, how could she say something like that. For me, color never really mattered nor' the race. For we all are the same inside. We all bleed the same. So, I couldn't understand why she would say "Ashton's people."

So many questions yet none or vague answers... I was getting fed up with that. Oh, boy was Ashton definitely going to get an ear full. Hold up... why am I getting so worked up over this? Why would I care if he wouldn't answer my questions. Well, because they concerned me since the moment he chased me down. No one has ever chased me down in such a long time since my parent's passed.

Why would he? Why would he chase me down and take me under his wing like this without my consent? All of this was confusing, on top of the fact thag he was in my room while I was sleeping!

"Hey Rache. Let's go outside? I need fresh air." I said. I needed to be outside where the crisp air helps clear my thoughts. I needed to have a level head, for so many thoughts were racing in my mind. He nodded and we both went outside. We walked on a trail. Not sure where it was head nor' did I care. "So, when you say I have to worry about Sadie and that I must put her in her place... what exactly- did you meant by that?" I asked her.

Needing to understand what Rachael was speaking about earlier. I stopped in my tracks, making her stop as well and i turned my gaze towards her. Study her features for expressions that may change. "Well, Natalia. You see, this is something only Al- Ashton must speak to you about. For it isn't my place." She said.

Of course more avoidance of my questions. All of a sudden we heard a woman yelling. I turn to look behind me and I saw a tall blond hair woman. Her skin ever so tanned she looked as if she came back from Panama city on her vacation.

She strutted her way towards us both, her expression eveieent of malice. Her high heels made the sound of crunch as she walked on the gravel trail. Why would she ever wear heels on a dirt track? She must be brave doing that. The moment she was in my close proximity. She grabbed me by my shoulders and brought her face close to mine.

Her features wrinkled in fury. Eveident of rage. Her eyes were a chocolate brown and they held absolute malice. "Who are you? I've never seen you here before. You have Ashton's scent all over you! Did you sleep with him?!" Her tone angry. All I could do was stand there in shock. How could she ask me of such things? Who was this woman?! Most importantly, how the hell can she say she smells his scent all over me? What does she have an acute nose? Must be one of those super humans. They say once you've died and came back, you're somehow reborn with amazing natural talents you never learned.

As if you're automatically a talented being. She must've came back with an acute sense of smell. "Um..." was all that came out of me. I look over at Rachael and she stood her ground. I heard an animalistic growl, not sure where that came from, but it spooked me. Rachael's gaze looked hostile towards this woman in front of me. She looked as if she was ready to kill.

"Sadie. I'm going to ask you nicely for your sake." Rachael said, her tone laced with such venom I swore it would kill. Then they both gone silent, stood very silent. I don't know what was going on, but I did notice how their eyes glazed over a little. Like a small transparent cloud overtook their eyes. They looked dazed almost, but still very aware. Rachael's expression and Sadie's kept changing as if they were having a conversation. Still waiting for Rachael to finish her sentence I stood there feeling confused, but more of an idiot as if I've missed something.

What the hell was going on? Sadie scoffed and turned on her heels, but before she left walking away. She turned her head and gave a malicious glare over her shoulder. "I'll catch you later, prey." She said. Her tobe eveident of hostility. I wasn't sure what was going on, but man this was definitely racking my brain. My expression evident of confusion and shock.

My mouth hung open, Rachael closed it with her hand. She rested her hand on my shoulder, "Natalia, are you okay?" She asked, her expression evident of worry. I shook my head slowly.

"You didn't finish your sentence earlier. So, what is there some kind of body language I don't know about?" If they used body language to speak, like wolves would. They must've been doing it for centuries because I had no clue what they were doing.

"Yeah, sure. You could call it that." She had an amused smile over her lips. My expression was evident of confusion, but shock was no longer there.

"That was Sadie? I see why you said I must worry. Because if looks could kill, I'd already be dead." I stated remembering that death, hostile glare she gave me. Rachael laughed it off as if Sadie was bluffing or I made it up.

"Don't worry too much. I'll keep you safe and so will Ashton. You're important to us and so much more." She stated. Again! More questions, but i refused to ask them knowing the answers wouldn't be the ones I've asked for...