
Were in the world

slow at first but later will speed up after School. This is another world isekai type short novel. after school is finished we'll more about the transition will be revealed after chapter 7 some things may get more adult.

Bad_Grandpa · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

1 Awakened

I recall being I think in a family van with my parents possibly driving through a storm when suddenly a bright flash then the van spinning around and something ripped a hole in the van and I'm pulled out of the van through my seat belt and literally thrown into the storm.

Whatever pulled me out sliced through my seat belt and I was flung through the air.

Next thing I recall is being on a beach I'm in pain and I hear the surf rolling close by.

As I roll over my screams attract someone who places me on something hard and I fade out again.

slowly I open my eyes and see a white ceiling.

I can't move at all. Part of my body is strapped in place other parts are just immobile.

Shortly a face appears over me. A man with gray hair and starts talking in a language I can't understand.

slowly as he's poking and prodding me I am able to understand him.

"Drink" I finally rasp out and Shortly a cup with a straw is near my head as the Grey haired man Bends a straw in my mouth.

"Wonderful I gasped".

"I'm hungry" but everything faded out again.

I awakened to a girl looking at me.

Hello Bunny?.

You don't smell rabbit kin?.

Who are you?

I don't know who are you. You came into my room and are looking at me.

I'm Annie.

Annie is small framed with silver hair cut short.

Why do I think Bunny when I see you?

Humans can't tell and your human so I'm not allowed to tell.

What are you doing here Annie.

I'm visiting my big sister she's hurt and I went to find a snack and got lost.

But I smelled something good and followed it to you.

Do you have any snacks.

Nope sorry Annie.

I'm hungry too.

Is there a button to call a nurse maybe she can find us snacks and your sister.

I can't really move at the moment.

(How I know about a nurse call button I don't know).

I see a red and a blue button.

Push the blue I think red might be more important than snacks.

okay pushing blue. shortly we heard a voice asking " may I help you?".

"Snacks please and a little girl is lost in my room".

Annie "Your little too you know".

Really I can't tell I'm all strapped down.

"Why are you strapped down'.

I don't know someone said I was really hurt during the storm.

Annie: Oh the storm was really really scary.

I hid under mommy's covers all night long.

Nurse: And what do we have here?.

Annie: I'm hungry and lost.

Nurse: Well miss hungry I brought some crackers for both of you then let's find out where you're supposed to be, OK?.


I'm Annie and I'm visiting sister and got lost looking for snacks.

Is Sally your sister?.

Yes yes yes.

Nurse: Ok I know where she is.

I'll call the Dr. and see if you young man can get some juice okay.

Thanks kitty.

Nurse: What??


I'll talk to you shortly, don't say that again.


The nurse takes Annie out and a few minutes later comes back in.

I'm Amanda And I'm the Day nurse on shift.

Amanda has a killer figure with orange copper hair.

How does a Human tell I'm a Tiger kin.

I Just see a glimpse of a tiger over you like I saw a rabbit over Annie.

I don't know how or why.

Is That bad?

Amanda: It could be you don't ever call out a Were identity like that It is impolite.

and I don't smell Were on you, you shouldn't be able to tell I'm one.

Your Young so please think before you say those things.

I'll be back after I call Your doctor.

shortly Amanda and the Grey hair Dr. come in.

I'm Dr. han jin and If you're up to it I would like to ask some questions.

Ok shoot Dr.

Tell me everything you remember.

(Brief recap). Storm, Car Water, Beach, pain, cannot move, Hospital, don't know who I am, don't know where I am, don't know how old I am.

Dr Han: We're still looking for relatives for you and don't know who you are.

You have several broken bone including your head. Only minor broken bones despite massive bruises, you appear through x-rays, blood work and dental work, to be 8 to 10 years old.

your very articulate for an 8 year old so we'll go with 10.

you appear to have a rather extensive tattoo of various animals on your back but with so much bruising we couldn't tell much.

Your at Mandy Memorial Hospital on Mandy Bay, country of Malden, after hurricane Pan 5 days ago.

You were found near what was left of a small pleasure Yacht.

Not enough was left to identify it unfortunately.

but local villagers actually took a liking to you and collected a few trinkets they found and deposited them here for you.

Well Dr. the tattoo along with everything else is new and news to me. I've never heard of this Country, Hospital or a Yacht.

Dr. Ok so probably 10 years old at least.

And Dr. I'm really really hungry.

Ok let's test some Soda water and a couple of crackers. To check your digestive tract Then we'll go from there.

The crackers form a paste in my dry mouth even after sipping soda water first.

Dr. If no pain in 15 minutes we'll see about some flavored gelatin.

so after the Dr finished doing a quick check up and satisfied with everything he left and allowed Amanda to bring me some cherry gelatin.

I can't really move so Amanda has to feed me.

My arm that's not in a cast has my shoulder immobilized due to a broken collar bone.

I've got enough pain pills to make eating and small movements with my head and arm only slightly like my arm and head are being ripped off.

Amanda: Thanks it would probably have caused a psychologist being brought in if you had said anything about me and Annie.

So keep quiet about it while I'm researching it from my end Kay?

okay Amanda and please if you find anything about who I am pretty please tell me I'm actually kinda scared.

Even a girl down the hall has someone to see her and I don't have anyone.

I'm feeling lonely I don't think I've felt like this before.

You even have a name I don't.

Amanda: Ok how about Jimmy, Andy, Bobby, Timmy,.

Wait, Thomas that sounds good.

not Tommy or Timmy just Thomas.

Sounds comfortable.

Amanda: That actually sounded mature.

but I'm off on rounds and paperwork for a bit.

Let me know when you need anything.

After an incident the next day with a cute nurse and a sponge bath they removed the thing from my xxxxx so I could use a bed pan.

After a few days of being bored when awake the nurse taped a controller to my hand so I could change channels on the television.

my body is healing really well and the Dr. is reducing some of the meds making me sleepy.

So my Boredom release is watching television.

I don't know if it is because I'm in a resort area or something but we have a lot of international channels and I can learn a language within 30 minutes.

I've picked up 10 languages in the last week now.

I haven't told anyone and for now I'm keeping that to myself.

The doctor has brought in several people the last week to question me in regards to my memory or lack of.

So far all they can tell is I'm amazing knowing several languages of the doctors and psychology experts to determine who I am and my education skills.

I'm apparently around 10 years old with an education level of a 15+ year old.

The doctors all think I'm some kind of genius so they should be able to find my family quicker.

after a month of healing still no family found, but Annie keeps coming to see me.

*** ( End of chapter Memory regression)***

* I feel sand under me. "Hey over here, he's alive, bring a board".*