
S1 E1 - Izuku Midoriya: Origin

It all began in China, in Qingqing City. There was news that a baby that gave off light was born. Ever since then, superpowers were discovered in various places and time passed without the cause being identified. Before the world realized it, the supernatural became normal, and dreams became reality. The world has become a superhuman society and 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait. Along with the superpowers, came an explosive increase in crime. In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight. That profession is... Heroism. As the country was stuck in the slow progress of drastic law reforms, courageous people started performing heroic acts from out of the comic books. Guarding against superpowers and defending against evil, heroes were soon accepted by the public, and it was established as an official position. Based on their performance, they are paid by the government and gain renown among the masses.

We start with a child who needs help. "Stop it, please don't hurt me. Someone help me." Three boys walk towards the victim. One has long fingers, the other had red dragon-like wings and the last one has his eyes out of his sockets. These three walk towards the target menacingly, just for peculiar green-haired broccoli to come up to them. "Stop, else this ain't gonna end well." He says. "What are you gonna do about it?" says the one with Dragon Wings. He lunges forward to attack the green-haired boy and tried to punch him, only to be thrown back by an explosion. An ash-blondie stepped and said, "I believe he asked you to stop." The bullies seeing that the strongest guy in the class was with the broccoli, left the playground and fled. " Thanks for saving me. Who are you two?" asked the victim. "I am Izuku Midoriya" replied the broccoli, "and I am Katsuki Bakugo" continued the ash-blondie.

(Slight time-skip)

Izuku is 13 now, we see him as he's completely dressed and about to leave. Before leaving, he calls out, "Bye mom." Inko comes outside. "Bye honey, Love you." Izuku faintly smiles before replying, "Love you too Mom." He walks out and sees Katsuki Bakugo walkout at about the same time. "Hey, Kacchan." Katsuki's head jerks up and replied, "Oh it's you. You gotta stop appearing out of nowhere Izu." They walk together to Aldera. (Skip to Homeroom) The Teacher starts, "Ok kids, you gotta start planning for the future. So, I'm gonna pass down these handouts and-" He gets interrupted by the groans of the class. "Fine, I know y'all are gonna be heroes, so let the handouts be." and he throws all the sheets as the class succumbs into chaos. Almost everyone used their quirk.

"Hey Sensei, there is no way in hell's cave, that these beings of stupidity can even compare to me, so don't lump me in." The teacher speaks, in a slightly different tone as if in agreement with Bakugo, "Katsuki, I believe you are going to UA, huh?" Everyone gasped. Immediately, the class was noisy, saying how the acceptance rate was low. The teacher continued, "Oh, and also Midoriya." The class immediately stared daggers at him before laughing. "You, a hero, without a quirk. If that happens, then God help me." One girl joked. A boy continued, "I would rather die." "Oh, you will." The class immediately went silent. Bakugo smirked. He knew Izu's quirk and that, eventually, the toxicity of his quirk would also, seep out into his personality. The boy was pissed and held Izuku by his collar, "What did you say, quirkless?" Izuku continued, "Have you seen yourself, barely fit, looking like a stick and the only use your quirk has is Halloween effects. You know the ghost with their eyes out of their socket? Yeah, those." The boy raised his fist, ready to punch but, Izuku continued, "And before you call me a quirkless, know that I have the skills and patience to get into UA. Unlike you. Not to mention, a better quirk; unlike you." The boy thrust his hand ahead, only to get caught by someone else. A voice with killing intent spoke up, "I think you don't understand him being nice. He is saying in simple words that you can't do shit to him and also if you don't sit, then I and he will personally WHOOP your ass and hand it to you." Katsuki looked like he was about to throw some hands, but the teacher interrupted and asked them to sit. The students settled down and eventually, the classes got over.

It's that time of the day when everyone packs their bags and the classes start getting empty. Izuku was also packing when a group of bullies walk up to him and start pouring down his stuff. Izuku is tired of this amount of BS every day, but he knows that if he used his quirk, then everyone in the nearest vicinity will die. So, he waits for Bakugo, but today, Bakugo left early for an appointment with the quirk doctor, so he was alone. Anyways, back to the present, the bullies were rummaging through his stuff and ruining it. He walked away from the crowd and picked up a rat. "You wanna know why I don't use my quirk? Look at this rat." He releases a controlled amount of toxin. The rat writhes in pain and after 1 whole painful moment, dies. "I don't use my quirk so that you idiots don't die. But, if you really want an appointment with death, tell me. I'll hook y'all up." said Izuku.


"Izuku, calm down. I know you are excited to get your quirk, but calm down alright?" Inko giggled and spoke. Izuku was rocking his head back and forth constantly, over and over again because he was so excited.

(Slight Time Skip to the appointment)

The Doctor spoke up, cheerfully, "Ma'am, you're son has a wonderful quirk. His quirk is called 'Viper'. He can release toxins from his body that can be lethal to others." Inko was happy. This meant her son would be able to complete his dream of being the No. 1 Hero. But, the doctor's emotions changed and he continued, "However, it comes with 3 drawbacks. First, your son needs to have a safe spot where he can release these toxins because if he doesn't, he will die. Do this, preferably, once a month. Anyways, the second drawback, his quirk's toxin will eventually seep into his personality, meaning he will be more sadistic and toxic over time. The third one, however, is the biggest problem." Inko was worried. She wanted to see her son happy, but it didn't look like the quirk would let him. The Doctor continued, "We aren't allowed to judge as we are the quirk doctors, but we are allowed to warn people. Your son's quirk may be considered villainous and he may face issues about it later." Inko, worried, looked at Izuku, who was happy. In Izuku's point of opinion, he didn't care. All that mattered was that he and Kacchan could be heroes together.


The bullies got off and away from him, while he walked out the building and under a bridge going home. *ring*. On the way home, he stopped in place and happened to check out his phone because of the notification that pooped up. While he was doing that, a sludge, sewer-like thing, came up from the grate and captured him. Izuku panicked first, but he figured that he was getting attacked by a villain, so he lowered the toxin's intensity, enough to knock someone unconscious but not kill them. Izuku then released the toxin and knocked out the living sludge. He hears a woosh in the atmosphere and then, "I AM HERE. TO HEL- OH, YOU CAUGHT HIM. GOOD JOB, YOUNG..." "Midoriya." "MIDORIYA. GOOD JOB. ANYWAYS, SEE YOU." Izuku, still having a fanboy side to him, nervously asked for an autograph, to which All Might complied and gave it to him. He was about to leave but an idea struck his mind. 'All Might knows stuff about being a hero, maybe I should ask him stuff.' While he was thinking, All Might leaped away. Izuku saw this and in a fraction of a second, tried to latch on to him. It worked, All Might and him were high up in the air. All Might noticed some weight on him and looked to his leg to find Izuku latched on, dropping the bottle. "MIDORIYA SHOUNEN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LEAVE MY LEG." Izuku replied, "If I leave, I'll have to deal with my body splattering on the sidewalk due to the height of the fall." "GOOD POINT." All Might landed on a building and was about to leave again, but Izuku stopped him and asks,

"Can I be a hero even with a villainous quirk?"

1494 words. I think. My highest yet. Epic. Anyways, I hope you liked it.

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