

He had it all. Wealth, health, good looks and a wonderful family. Growing up as the only son of the wealthiest and most powerful business man Elisio Devonte had its perks. And to add on it all, being a genius was a cherry on the top. what else could he want.. ofcourse he wanted a girl in his life. And he found her and he was sure to keep her for life. Now what could go wrong in his perfect life that made him crave for revenge? Who spoilt it all? Who is responsible for creating chaos in his perfect life? Ermanno knew one thing for sure. The person responsible will pay. And he was ready to welcome them to his hell. follow me on Instagram to see pictures of this story. the link is https://www.instagram.com/devilswhore1/

devilswhore · perkotaan
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224 Chs

Chapter 16

The news spread like fire.

No one could believe this was happening and everyone agreed to attend the dinner to witness it.

Some showed anger and some were just shocked.

Thomas didn't take the news that well.

"Is he threatening you? Tell me. I promise I will protect you." Said Thomas to Rose.

"He is not threatening me. And I don't know what exactly happened but all I know is that I think I am getting married." Said Rose.

"What does that mean?" Asked Thomas.

"Look I know this is unexpected. But I think it's time I face my fear. I think I should just go with the flow. Ermanno seems to think this is a good idea." Said Rose.

Thomas looked at Rose in disbelief and said "Rose what's wrong with you? Did you just agree to Ermanno because he thinks it's a good idea?"

"Thomas all I know is this is a good idea and as my big brother I want you to be happy for me"

"Ok. Fine. But always remember. I love you. And I will kick that ass's butt if he hurts you" said Thomas and Rose hugged him.

Ermanno was seated with Sarah, Elisio's mother and Elisio was pacing on the living room.

The whole Devonte family was present in Elisio's side of the mansion waiting for the Brown family to arrive.

"Elisio relax. He is grown up and can make his own decisions. All we have to do is respect his decision and support it. He is showing maturity by moving forward. Be nice Elisio." Said Sarah.

"Mummy I don't trust this boy" said Elisio.

"Give him a chance to prove himself. And now that the Brown family is coming just try to be nice to them and don't create a scene." Said Sarah.

Elisio loved his mom like crazy and after they settled their differences both mother and son were closer than ever. Sarah's words were law for Elisio.

"Fine. I'll be nice" said Elisio.

Zeke laughed out loud and said "he acts like a big bad wolf with everyone and when it comes to you he becomes a puppy. He is such a mummy's boy" to Sarah.

Everyone laughed except Elisio.

The Brown family arrived and were welcomed with smiling faces.

Ermanno pulled Rose to a hug and held her close to him.

Rose was still not used to his closeness.

Sabrina was happy to see both of them United at last.

Thomas had a foul face and was looking at Ermanno and Rose together when he felt Julia circle her hands around his arm.

"Anyone with eyes can see that you disagree to their relationship." Said Julia.

"Relationship? Fuck, I didn't even know they were seeing eachother" said Thomas.

"Well he is fast unlike you" said Julia with a pout.

"You know I want to kiss those pouty lips" said Thomas smiling at Julia.

"What's stopping you?" asked Julia.

"Your dad who is killing me with his looks" said Thomas.

Julia looked around and saw Nevio looking at them with creased eyebrows.

Julia looked at Thomas and leaned forward and kissed his lips and said "I am a big girl" and winked at him and left.

Thomas was smiling looking at Julia leave and then looked at a very very angry Nevio.

Thomas smiled at Nevio but his expression didn't change so Thomas rubbed the back of his neck and walked away.

Everyone got along well and because they both came from the same social status, meeting eachother at social events was common. So they were familiar with eachother.

The dinner went well with small talks.

Everyone was having dessert when Arlo asked "so, when did this happen?" Pointing at Rose and Ermanno.

"Quite recently. We just knew we needed this." Said Ermanno.

"Needed closure?" Asked Arlo.

"Yes and we needed to start fresh. And when we thought about it, then we realised why not do it together. And here we are getting married next week." Said Ermanno.

Rose with everyone else was shocked at what Ermanno said.

"Next week? That's too soon. So much needs to be done." Said Cindy and Sabrina agreed.

"Don't worry about anything it's all taken cared off. All everyone has to do is show up and enjoy a great party." Said Ermanno.

Everyone was discussing if it was alright and Zeke decided if that's what Ermanno and Rose wanted everyone should respect that.

"I have one question" said EJ and continued "what's the hurry?"

Ermanno looked at Rose and said "I don't want to waste anymore time. I have waited for this for so many years. Now I get to finally get what I have been craving for"

Rose was scared at his sinister look.

"And what is that?" Asked EJ.

Ermanno smiled and looked at EJ and said "love. I have been craving for love"

Everyone laughed and admired his sensitivity.

Ermanno looked back at Rose and Rose had a feeling that there was a hidden meaning in his words.