
What is this

Author: "Hey! This is just a chatroom, you are inside a chatroom, you ARE the chatroom. If you still don't get it... umm... Are you dumb? You are me! I don't think this explanation will get better than this so, Good Luck and have fun~"

Author: "Oh, and anything else than a dialog is a no go, we didn't have money for a narrator."

Author has given YOU Admin

Author has become spectator

LittleSecret has joined the chatroom

FakeThreeSizes has joined the chatroom

Traveler has joined the chatroom

Bartender has joined the chatroom

LazyKiller has joined the chatroom

FakeThreeSizes: "So this is what the supreme one used to communicate with?"

Bartender: "Who put this on my phone?"

LittleSecret: "What is this? It shines."

FakeThreeSizes: "What! Why is my Name Fake Three Sizes? So rude! These are real!"

Admin: "I will explain, All of you are from different places maybe even times, but you came here... to help you're selves from everything!"

Traveler: "Then how can I find my brother?"

Admin: "...Maybe we should start by doing a introduction. I'll go first, I'm [Comment section], that's all."

Traveler: "I'm Lumine, in a journey to find my brother that left me on a beach for 500 years and did not come find me for who knows what reason. Maybe some stupid woman's boobs. I'll be in you're care."

FakeThreeSizes: "My name is Shalltear Bloodfallen, Guardian of the First, Second and Third Floor of the majestic tomb of Nazarick. And future wife of the Supreme one. And my three sizes are real!"

LittleSecret: "My name is Flandre Scarlet, if you visit come play with me!"

Bartender: "Isn't this a bit suspicious? I mean giving info to someone you don't know, that's literally calling trouble."

LazyKiller: "Who cares? Not like anyone here can do anything to hurt me."

Admin: "Indeed, You are all in different places and times, one is on Gensokyo another one in Teyvat one in post-apocalyptic world a bar in a cybercity and in Yggdrasil."

Bartender: "You know where we are?"

Admin: "Yes, and no, all you show me is all I know."

FakeThreeSizes: "So you are reading our minds?"

Admin: "No, but I can see though the device you are holding, maybe it is me."

LazyKiller: "Stalker."

LittleSecret: "So you can see Flandre?"

Admin: "Well even if you buy a new phone or destroy the phone its going to come back... Its not like I wanted this either. How do you think I keep myself alive? I have to feed myself somehow."

Bartender: "And I have a job at one hour... Ok, I'm Jill, work at a bar called Va-11 Hall-A. please do take care of me."

LazyKiller: "Laevateinn, Killer princess."

FakeThreeSizes: "So when can we change our names?"

Traveler: "How do I find my brother?"

LittleSecret: "When do we play?"

Admin: "Ok... First of all, You can change you names if [comments] want to, and you finding you're brother is the way you're world works why do you think other so called Archons don't say shit, and Flan... some other time I don't want to die yet..."

Admin: "And so! we will be watching over this girl that has to survive in the harsh environment of the unknow even for the gods! That's the idea behind this chat."

LazyKiller: "Something to kill time with. Guess it wont be a waste of sleep then."

Traveler: "Even though I'm busy myself feeding Paimon?"

Bartender: "I have work."

LittleSecret: "I can watch if you want."

FakeThreeSizes: "What can I get from watching her when I can watch the supreme ones work?"

Admin: "I know you all have something to do... But first when you decide to watch you will be sent to a space with time stopped, and rewards are... friends! that you can not kill because the room has no death in it, so are you interested?"