
Weird Fantasy: My Life Simulator

Luo Hao traveled to an unknown and mysterious fantasy world, and has silently lived in this strange and fantastic world for fourteen years. Originally, Luo Hao thought he would live an ordinary life, but unexpectedly, various strange things suddenly appeared in the peaceful city after more than a decade. Fortunately, at this dangerous time, his "golden finger" awakened. Luo Hao awakened the Life Simulation System, which allows him to experience various types of lives. Most importantly, he can spend corresponding points to exchange for the power he possesses in the life he experiences. In an instant, Luo Hao, who was once hesitant due to the endless strange events in the city, became stable. -------------------------------------------------------------- Note- English and Chinese are not my first languages, so please forgive any minor grammatical errors that you may come across. This is a translation of a faloo novel, 诡异玄幻:我的人生模拟器 (Mysterious/Weird Fantasy: My Life Simulator) by author 天榜之叶 (Leaf of the Heavenly Rankings). Since I am not the write of the book, the entire book will be entirely free!

Translator_Lich · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: The First World: The Ordinary Life of Huwa

Liu Laohan opened the bag full of patches in his hand, revealing a long string of copper coins threaded together with a red string, which he handed to Luo Hao.


Luo Hao looked at the heavy copper coins in his hand. Although there were only a few hundred copper coins, they were the last savings of the two elderly people.

"Go to bed early, I have talked to your mother about it."

"I'll add two eggs to your breakfast tomorrow. Eat them before you leave."

Liu Laohan stood up, his hand full of calluses, patted Luo Hao's cheek, and then walked out of the room.

Luo Hao looked at the string of copper coins in his hand and placed them under his pillow after a long time.

"Knock, knock..."

"Younger brother, you haven't slept yet."

Just as Luo Hao was about to turn off the light and go to bed, his second sister walked in.

"This is what elder sister left for me before she left, and this is some money that second sister has saved over the years."

"Father and mother have agreed, it's better to have more money. If you are bullied in the city, come back quickly."

Liu Ying opened the red cloth in her hand, and dozens of copper coins appeared in groups of three or four in front of Luo Hao.

By the candlelight, Luo Hao could even see the mist in Liu Ying's eyes.

"Second sister, father has given me money, I don't need this money."

"Keep it, second sister. We might need it if something happens at home."

Luo Hao didn't take the red cloth, but instead re-tied the rope on the cloth for Liu Ying.

"You've grown up, but you don't even listen to your second sister's words," said Liu Ying in a scolding tone.

"Take this with you and remember to come back if you're bullied outside. Money is not a big deal, but I don't want my little brother to suffer outside," she continued.

Watching Luo Hao's actions, Liu Ying held back her tears and angrily threw the red cloth onto Luo Hao's bed.

In her whispered instructions, there was a hint of sadness.

In this large family, Luo Hao had spent the most time together with his second sister, had the deepest bond with her.

After Liu Ying left, Luo Hao took out the money and the red cloth bag that she had thrown and kept under his pillow.

Looking at the heavy burden in his hand, Luo Hao felt some warm feelings flow through his eyes.


The next morning, Luo Hao got up early.

Mrs. Liu prepared a very generous breakfast for him with meat soup and noodles, and even added two eggs. It was a breakfast that most ordinary families would not eat.

After finishing the delicious breakfast, Luo Hao took the luggage that Liu's mother had prepared and headed towards the village.

The distance from the village to the town was not far, just crossing two mountains.

Luo Hao was familiar with the path, as he had gone to the city with his eldest and second sisters every year to buy New Year's goods.

As he approached the foot of the mountain, Luo Hao turned his head and smiled at his parents and second sister.

"Dad, Mom, Second Sister, you don't have to see me off. I know the way," he said.

"Hu Wa, remember not to get into trouble in the city. If something happens, come back home early. Don't be stubborn," said Mrs. Liu, holding onto Luo Hao's hand with reluctance.

Liu's father pulled Mrs. Liu's tightly gripped hand, allowing Luo Hao to break free.

"Our son has grown up. It's not a bad thing for him to go to the city," he said.

"He'll come back. The city is not far from our home," Liu's father continued.

"Go, Hu Wa. Whether you earn money or not, remember to come back and visit us," Liu's father said.

Mrs. Liu and second sister watched Luo Hao's figure disappear into the distance, feeling a sense of longing and worry.

Liu Laohan patted Luo Hao's shoulder with a smile, and gestured for Luo Hao to move forward.

"Father, mother, and sister, I'm leaving. I'll come back when I make some money."

Luo Hao nodded and walked towards the mountain path.

As they watched Luo Hao gradually disappear, everyone couldn't help but sigh deeply.


A month later, on a bustling street in a town.

Luo Hao was pushing a wooden handcart and had arrived on the street.

A pot of boiling oil and small pieces of tofu that had been cut and coated with starch were thrown into the pot by Luo Hao. The aroma of the fried tofu began to spread throughout the street.

"Tasty fried tofu! It's delicious and affordable!"

A loud shout came from beside Luo Hao's cart.

People who were originally walking back and forth were attracted by the unique fragrance of the fried tofu. They formed a line in front of Luo Hao's cart.

"Boss, two orders, and we want spicy sauce."

"Okay, coming right up. Please wait a moment."

As business arrived, Luo Hao's face also showed a bright smile.

Very skillfully, he used long chopsticks to pick up the tofu that had floated to the top of the oil pot.

He then added crushed peanuts and a spoonful of special sauce on top, wrapped it in oil paper, and handed it to the person in front.

A busy lunchtime quickly passed, and Luo Hao's business was also very popular. The crispy fried tofu with spicy and sweet sauce was already a famous dish on this street. After the lunchtime rush was over, Luo Hao began to count his earnings for the day.

"Wow, boss, your business was really booming today."

As Luo Hao was counting his earnings, a few carefree and burly men walked up, surrounding Luo Hao's food cart.

"Hey boss, good afternoon. A few of us haven't eaten yet. Do you have any fried tofu left?"

"I'll serve you guys some fried tofu right away to fill your stomachs."