
Weird Fantasy: My Life Simulator

Luo Hao traveled to an unknown and mysterious fantasy world, and has silently lived in this strange and fantastic world for fourteen years. Originally, Luo Hao thought he would live an ordinary life, but unexpectedly, various strange things suddenly appeared in the peaceful city after more than a decade. Fortunately, at this dangerous time, his "golden finger" awakened. Luo Hao awakened the Life Simulation System, which allows him to experience various types of lives. Most importantly, he can spend corresponding points to exchange for the power he possesses in the life he experiences. In an instant, Luo Hao, who was once hesitant due to the endless strange events in the city, became stable. -------------------------------------------------------------- Note- English and Chinese are not my first languages, so please forgive any minor grammatical errors that you may come across. This is a translation of a faloo novel, 诡异玄幻:我的人生模拟器 (Mysterious/Weird Fantasy: My Life Simulator) by author 天榜之叶 (Leaf of the Heavenly Rankings). Since I am not the write of the book, the entire book will be entirely free!

Translator_Lich · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: Life Simulator (2/4)

Xiaoying tore the warm, steamed bun in her hand into small pieces and stuffed them into her mouth as she spoke.

"I already ate one before coming back."

"We can split these four in half, it's so cold out, and we need to eat enough or we'll be cold at night."

Luo Hao shook his head and placed the oiled paper on the table, then grabbed two white steamed buns and walked to the side.

He stuffed them into his mouth without giving Xiaoying any reason to refuse.

Xiaoying no longer refused, and the two of them started eating the two large steamed buns, dipping them in water from the nearby stream.

After a simple dinner, the two of them curled up on the straw bed, covered with a patchwork quilt.

"Brother, do zombies really exist?"

Just as Luo Hao was about to take advantage of the warmth brought on by filling his stomach and take a nap, Xiaoying poked her head out from nearby and asked.

"What's wrong, asking this kind of question again? Did you hear any rumors at Aunt Liu's store again?"

Luo Hao smiled slightly, not paying too much attention to Xiaoying's words.

In this world, although Luo Hao was a lower-class member of society, he occasionally heard rumors about zombies and water ghosts.

However, Luo Hao didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, in his previous life, he was someone who lived in a scientific era. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't believe in monsters and such.

"Yes, when I was working at Aunt Liu's shop today."

"A few aunties kept talking about a family on the east side where many people were sucked dry."

"The aunties all said it was the work of zombies."

Xiaoying's eyes also showed a hint of fear as she spoke. For her immature mind, this was enough to make her unable to sleep at night.

"Feudal superstition can kill people. What kind of things are adults telling a child like you?" [1] Luo Hao sat up and couldn't help but silently criticize the aunties that Xiaoying had mentioned.

"Go to sleep quickly, there's nothing to be afraid of. Brother is here. Even if those zombie monsters come, Brother will help you scare them away."

Luo Hao stood up, covered himself with the blanket, and sat down beside Xiao Ying.

While gently stroking Xiao Ying's hair, he spoke gently.

Xiao Ying also nodded and, with the help of Luo Hao's hand, slowly wrapped herself in the blanket, her eyes beginning to close again.

That's how children are. Once they get some comfort, they easily let go of the burden in their hearts.

But Luo Hao was different. Although the body he inhabited was only in its early teens, he thought about things far more long-term than most children his age.

Every winter, the price of firewood should theoretically increase in other places, but in this damp area, the price of soaked firewood is lowered by some unscrupulous merchants.

Especially in the current winter, the fog on the mountain does not dissipate, and the visibility is very low. Luo Hao was once trapped on the mountain for two or three days.

It was only with the help of passing hunters that Luo Hao was able to return to the town unharmed.

Since then, Luo Hao dared not venture deep into the foggy mountains and could only pick up some wet firewood on the outskirts in exchange for a few coins to survive.

During the winter, even Xiao Ying's monthly wages at the dyeing workshop were higher than Luo Hao's.

Looking at Xiao Ying's frostbitten hands, Luo Hao's eyes showed a little pity.

"I must find a way to change the current situation..." Luo Hao sighed deeply and looked up at the roof that was penetrated by the cold wind.


"Binding conditions met, life simulator activated!"

Just as Luo Hao was thinking about how to start changing his and Xiao Ying's living conditions.

A mechanized prompt sound suddenly sounded in Luo Hao's mind.

Before Luo Hao could react, a system panel appeared directly in his subconscious.

[Life Simulator]

[Points: 0]

[Shop: Not yet open]

[Simulated World: None]

[Would you like to start the life simulation?]

Looking at the system panel deep in his mind, Luo Hao took a deep breath and was momentarily lost in thought.


After a brief moment of confusion, Luo Hao immediately chose to use his 'golden finger" [2] and start the life simulator.

The current situation is already very difficult for Luo Hao. Although he is not sure what kind of help the life simulator system can bring to him, he feels that there is nothing worse than his current situation.

[Please choose your background.]

After choosing to start the life simulator, Luo Hao did not start immediately. Instead, many different options emerged from his subconscious.

[Option 1: Swordsmanship Clan]

You were born into a swordsmanship clan, where your parents were masters of the family's swordsmanship and the family name was well-known in the martial world.

Since birth, you have had access to top-tier resources and a strong foundation in martial arts.

Due to your family's bloodline, you possess innate talent far beyond that of an ordinary person, both in physique and intelligence.

Exchange points: 1000-5000

[Option 2: Official's Family]

You were born into a famous official's family in the capital city. With a wealthy family background, a bright future in the civil service awaits.

Through upbringing and education, both your physical and intellectual abilities surpass those of ordinary people, and you have a multitude of options available to you.

Exchange points: 500-3000


[1]-"Feudal superstition can kill people. What kind of things are adults telling a child like you?" -This sentence means that believing in and promoting outdated, unscientific beliefs and practices can have harmful consequences, and it's concerning that adults are sharing such beliefs with a child like Xiaoying.

[2]-Golden Finger- "golden finger" is a term used in some Chinese web novels and is a literary trope that refers to a character having a unique and powerful ability, tool, or cheat that gives them an advantage over others.