
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Fantasi Timur
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388 Chs

A Silent Journey

The imperial decree arrived, and Zhang Wei found himself summoned to the inner chambers of the palace. Eunuch Jin handed him a sealed scroll, his usual stoic expression hinting at the gravity of the message.

"Corporal Zhang Wei," Eunuch Jin began. "You are assigned a special mission. Escort a member of the palace to the distant town once again."

"Eunuch Jin, I've been to that town before. What could warrant a return so soon?" Zhang Wei, puzzled, questioned the nature of the task.

"You are to accompany a member of the palace—a princess, to be precise. The details are classified. You must ensure her safe passage and the success of her mission," Eunuch Jin's eyes, usually revealing little, betrayed a glimmer of uncertainty.

"Why the secrecy? What mission does she have? And why send me alone?" Zhang Wei, unsettled by the vague instructions, probed further.

"The princess will reveal her purpose in due time. This is a delicate matter, Corporal Zhang Wei. As for why you are alone, it is a testament to your skills and discretion," Eunuch Jin, choosing his words carefully, responded.

"Very well, Eunuch Jin. I will carry out my duty. But understand that my loyalty lies with the empire, and I'll not be blind to any injustice," left with more questions than answers, Zhang Wei accepted the scroll.

Eunuch Jin nodded, the subtle acknowledgement of a shared understanding. As Zhang Wei departed, the weight of the mysterious assignment settled on his shoulders, casting a shadow over the familiar corridors of the palace.

The sun cast long shadows as Zhang Wei prepared for a second expedition to the distant town. Hong Yi approached, observing his friend's focused demeanour.

"Zhang Wei, another trip to the same town? What's the purpose this time?" Hong Yi inquired, his curiosity evident.

"This time, it's more personal, Hong Yi. I'm escorting someone from the palace, someone who deserves a say in her destiny," Zhang Wei hesitated for a moment before replying,

"Who is she? What's her story?" Hong Yi furrowed his brows, sensing an air of secrecy.

"I don't know her name. She's a princess, I think. The palace keeps its secrets well. But I sense something isn't right about this escort expedition," Zhang Wei glanced around to ensure no one overheard.

"A princess? Zhang Wei, be careful. Palace affairs are treacherous waters," Hong Yi's eyes widened.

The wheels of the carriage rumbled along the uneven road, the rhythmic clatter the only sound breaking the silence that enveloped them. Zhang Wei, determined to dissolve the awkwardness, attempted to engage in conversation.

"The weather today is quite agreeable, isn't it?" he ventured, his tone measured.

The princess, hidden behind the delicate veil, offered no response. Zhang Wei, unfazed, continued.

"I've been to the town we're headed to. It's quite different from the bustling life within the palace walls."

Silence persisted, and Zhang Wei found himself gazing out the window, watching the landscape change as they moved farther from the palace. The usual vibrancy of the palace was replaced by the subdued hues of the countryside.

As they neared a particularly worn stretch of road, the carriage suddenly jolted, the frame shuddering beneath them. Zhang Wei, alert, ordered the driver to stop. Descending from the carriage, he inspected the source of the trouble. The tire frame had snapped, leaving the cart stranded in the middle of nowhere.

"Princess, it seems we've encountered a small hiccup. Nothing to worry about. I'll assess the situation and have us on our way shortly," Zhang Wei reassured, expecting some form of acknowledgement. Yet, the princess remained silent, her face hidden behind layers of fabric.

Taking charge, Zhang Wei and the driver worked swiftly to repair the damage. Though skilled in matters of combat, Zhang Wei proved equally adept at handling practical challenges. The princess observed in silence, her eyes betraying no emotion.

Once the repair was complete, they resumed their journey. Zhang Wei couldn't shake the feeling that the true challenges of this expedition lay not in the physical obstacles but in unravelling the enigma that was the princess.

The journey continued each wheel rotation and horse's trot echoing the unsaid between Zhang Wei and the mysterious princess. The landscape shifted from the lush countryside to the secluded woods, their journey taking an unexpected turn.

"Princess, forgive my directness, but would you mind answering me only one question? I won't bother you anymore, so please tell me why you stayed silent all this time," Zhang Wei's voice, though measured, carried a subtle plea.

The princess, her face still veiled, hesitated for a moment. In the filtered moonlight, Zhang Wei caught a glimpse of familiarity in her eyes. As she lifted the layers of fabric, the truth unfolded—the princess was Xiyang Ai.

Zhang Wei didn't push further with his question. Instead, he let a moment of silence linger between them. He contemplated the reasons behind Xiyang Ai's deception. There was no anger in Zhang Wei, only a growing understanding of the complexities that bound her.

As they approached the woods, the unforeseen obstacle became apparent. The repaired carriage, now reliable, wouldn't make it to the town before nightfall. Zhang Wei, adapting to the situation, decided to set up camp in the woods.

The soldiers, initially tense from the unexpected turn of events, soon eased into the makeshift campsite. A small fire crackled, casting a warm glow against the surrounding trees. The delegation, now embracing the reality of their temporary dwelling, prepared for an unplanned night beneath the stars.

Amid the woods, Zhang Wei found himself contemplating more than the dense foliage above. The princess, once an enigma, had revealed herself. Zhang Wei pondered not only her reasons for the masquerade but also the intricate web of palace politics that had woven her into this complex narrative.

As the night wore on, the flickering fire painted shadows on the faces of the sleeping soldiers. All but one—Zhang Wei, who stood vigilant, watching over the makeshift camp. The rhythmic sounds of crickets and rustling leaves accompanied the solitude.

In the quiet of the night, a voice emerged from the darkness.

"Corporal Zhang Wei," it called, soft and deliberate. Zhang Wei turned toward the source, finding Princess Xiyang Ai standing by the entrance of the carriage, her veil catching hints of moonlight.

"Join me inside, Zhang Wei," her voice carried a mix of urgency and secrecy.

"It wouldn't be proper, Princess. Plus, I must stand guard," Zhang Wei, although surprised by the invitation, maintained his stoic demeanour.

"Zhang Wei, I insist," Xiyang Ai urged, her eyes revealing a vulnerability beneath the royal façade.

Reluctantly, Zhang Wei approached the carriage. The door creaked as he opened it, the confined space illuminated by a dim lantern. Xiyang Ai's eyes, usually veiled in courtly reserve, now bore a glimmer of sincerity.

"I must apologize, Princess. I failed to comprehend the truth during our first expedition," Zhang Wei admitted a tinge of embarrassment in his voice.

"What do you mean, Zhang Wei?" Confusion clouded Xiyang Ai's expression.

"Your smile, Princess. How can you smile so freely when you're about to be used as a diplomatic pawn?" Zhang Wei, clenching his teeth, struggled to articulate his realization.

"Zhang Wei, you misunderstand. I am no ordinary princess. My mother is Xin Yan, the ex-noble consort," a moment of awkward silence hung in the air before Xiyang Ai responded,

Zhang Wei's eyes widened with comprehension. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, revealing a narrative he had failed to grasp.

"Xin Yan? The ex-noble consort? But why the secrecy, Princess?"

"A lot was going on behind the scenes of the palace, Zhang Wei. Long story short, my mother fell from grace, and our connection to the palace is now a secret. I am to be married off to cement ties with that distant town. This diplomatic mission is my chance to escape the palace's suffocating grip," Xiyang Ai sighed, her shoulders slumping under the weight of untold burdens.

"I see, Princess. I apologize for my earlier misunderstanding. We'll find a way to navigate this treacherous path together," Zhang Wei, now fully aware of the intricacies, felt a surge of empathy.

Under the moonlight, the carriage became a haven for shared confessions. The broken wheel frame had not only stranded them in the woods but also unveiled the truth hidden beneath courtly veils. The night, once quiet and serene, now echoed with the resonance of an alliance forged between a corporal and a princess seeking freedom in the shadows of palace politics.

Morning came in a glimpse as the carriage traversed familiar paths, Zhang Wei couldn't escape the irony of returning to a place that had witnessed both diplomatic negotiations and personal revelations. The town, once a backdrop for political discussions, now held the potential for both heartache and liberation.

Upon arrival, Zhang Wei set about his duties, the weight of his responsibility amplifying the silent tension. The town, seemingly unchanged, bore witness to the silent voyage of a man grappling with the complexities of duty and the human connections entwined within it.

The journey, once solitary, now unfolded with a new dimension. Zhang Wei, the lone corporal, stood at the helm, his silent companions—low-level soldiers—adding an unspoken weight to the expedition. The princess, still veiled in mystery, remained an enigma. As they navigated the winding roads and quaint hamlets, Zhang Wei pondered the layers of secrecy shrouding this mission and the destiny of the princess who had become an unwitting pawn in the palace's intricate game.