
Weeping of the abandoned

“Are you an angel?” You ask the man before you. “I am your true savior.” He replies. Your lonely and battered heart is captured by a deceitful creature, its heart is cold and dark…but only for so long. Your true savior, a creature of lies, an angel. You will do everything he asks of you no matter what.

MuddyMuck · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


A cottage, far from humans, deep in the woods. You felt a bit sad knowing that Gabriel most likely spent most of his life alone in that little cottage all by himself. The inside was as welcoming as the outside, warm, cozy, and prettier than the old church. "Please, make yourself at home." Gabriel gently sets you down. You hesitantly sat down on a small chair by a lit fireplace, after a while you finally relaxed and almost melted into the couch enjoying the warmth of the flickering, crackling flames. The sound of running water filled your ears and you looked for the origin of the sound. Gabriel left a door separate from the main part of the cottage and gently picked you up again, "How about we get you all nice and clean hm?" He smiles. You nod and smile. He brings you to the separate room, it was a small but nicely furnished bathroom. The tub was filled halfway with warm water, and a small bundle of cloth sat on a stand by the tub. He let you down then rested his hands under the hem of your dirty shirt, "May I..?" His voice lowered a bit. You shook your head, breathing hitching when he slipped your shirt off fingers brushing up against your sides. He tossed it to the side and then removed your pants from your skinny frame leaving you only in your undergarments. "It feels weird uhm…you know being almost completely nude in front of someone." You chuckled looking down. Gabriel chuckled as well, "I understand. It is quite strange for myself as I have never seen such a sight before." You looked at him with a small soft smile that he returned with a wide grin. You removed the remaining clothing that covered your most intimate places, blushing madly. You slipped into the tub enjoying the feeling of the warm water. Gabriel knelt down beside you and gently picked up your arm softly moving a cloth back and forth against it, no one had ever handled you so kindly as he did which made you think back to your life in the church…

Flashback - 1st person

Here I sit in front of Him, Micheal, my adopted father, the man above it all, I had no idea why I had been called here, had I done something wrong? No, I couldn't have, I did all that I was asked of, I listened to the ceremony, I cleaned up after, why was I here? "I'm sure you're confused about why you're here, [...], I find it funny that you are despite the fact that you should know what you did." Micheal loomed above me, his cold green eyes staring down at me. "I did nothing wrong father…I did what I was supposed to do…why have you called me here?" I asked. "Goodness you still want to play the fool. How sad I'd pity you but that is not an option you need to learn to behave." He grabbed my hair and dragged me to the door behind his desk. "Father, please! I-I'll work harder! I'll help with the ceremonies! Ple-please just don't hurt me!" I yell trying to get him to let go but it's no use he's stronger than me. He throws me against the wall, that cold brick wall…in that dark damp room…the smell of mold, I hate this place I know what he's going to do to me all for a reason I was not aware of. "Father…I'm begging you…I have done nothing wrong…I do not deserve to be punished for something I have not done! You of all people should know this!" I pleaded knowing it was futile. Micheal didn't utter a word, not a single sound he simply grabbed my hair and began punching me in the face, it hurt, blood, so much blood…he wouldn't stop I can't call for help it hurts so much…why? Why do I deserve this torment? Was my birth my sin? Is that why I get beaten like this no matter what I do for these people I call my family? I'm on my side, hands to my face begging Micheal to stop, it's pointless…my suffering…my pain…it's what he wants from me…what they all want…he kicks me in the stomach, hard, I recoil in pain and hold my stomach groaning and coughing. "Shut the hell up…just shut up…you don't deserve to be spared…don't think for a second that you'll get to heaven like the rest of us, you're a demon and you belong in hell." He emphasized the word hell as if it was true as if God himself came down and told Micheal that I'd go to hell…I looked up at him before he kicked me in the face…and then nothingness…

End flashback - 2nd person

"[...] dearest, are you alright?" Gabriel's voice brings you back to reality. You turn to him, "I…I'm fine…just remembered something…that's all." He reaches toward your face and you flinch. "It's okay, I am not going to harm you." He gently caresses your cheek, wiping a tear from your face as he does. "Was I…was I crying?" You ask touching his hand. Gabriel nods, a concerned look still etched on his generous features. "Of course, I was crying…I'm nothing more than just a stupid worthless sinner who cries for the sake of pity I don't deserve." You look to the side and clench your jaw. In your peripheral vision you can see Gabriel smirk for a second then smile softly, "Dearest you know that isn't true…you may be a sinner but that doesn't mean you don't deserve pity." He does something that sends a shiver down your spine, he kisses your head. It was so unexpected that you were unsure how to react and you began stuttering and trying to make sense of everything. He chuckles and rests a hand on your shoulder, "I see that you enjoy my affection dearest." You cover your face as it begins to become hot with a slow creeping blush. He lifts you from the tub, you almost forgot you were in there. It felt strange, letting him dry you off, his hands lingering far too long on every curve, every scar, and every bruise of your body. His breath occasionally hitched for one reason or another, eventually, he set aside the towel and ran his fingers across every scar he saw. "Dearest, how did you get these?" He asked his dark orbs staring into yours. "My adopted family from the church…" You glanced to the side. "Oh, they must have been so horrid to do such a thing to you." He stands cupping your cheeks, forcing you to look at him, "I will never let anyone hurt you as they did. I will never hurt you as they did." You smile closing your eyes, maybe Gabriel was your true savior…it was nice having someone like him care about you despite knowing you for a short time. Gabriel let go of your face then turned and left. You put on the clothing he had set out for you, a long, thin, silky dress with a yellow rose print. 'It's so lovely.' You thought as you slipped it on, it fit you perfectly. You smiled to yourself and left the bathroom, as you exited the bathroom a heavenly smell occupied your nostrils. You hummed in delight at the smell and followed it like a starving wolf to a young deer. There in the small kitchen stood Gabriel, humming softly, you went and stood beside him. "What are you making? It smells amazing." You ask leaning forward attempting to get a better view. "You will see dearest, please be patient." He turns to you and smiles gently patting your head. You smile as well and cuddle back up on the couch enjoying the warmth you had experienced before being taken to the bathroom. "You know Gabriel…the more I've thought about it…you know what you said to me back in the field about you being my true savior and all…I'm starting to believe it more and more." You admit. Unknown to you, Gabriel's face has completely changed from the kind and calm features you knew into that of a vile creature, eyes wide, pupils inhumanely large, and an elongated wicked grin, he had you. Such a weak mind he knew it'd be easy to trick you into a false sense of security but that wasn't the only reason he tricked you, you had been praying to him, praying for the death of all those who had hurt you, he heard each one of those corrupt prayers. Gabriel was infatuated with you for your unholy thoughts, deeds, and words, you were a human like no other and he planned to keep you as his pet, his little plaything, his sinful servant. He was elated knowing you'd be his forever, he could barely contain the sounds that escaped his lips. "Gabriel are you alright?" You ask in a tone of concern. "Ye-yes I am alright." He regained his calm demeanor. 'All mine…' He thought shuddering, craving to corrupt you further. Oh, what fun it will be once you've conformed to him…