
Wedding Royale

She is the most wanted fashion designer in the fashion world! Her name is known far across the nation and in the top countries of the world. She is hardworking, smart, witty, the wealthiest designer in the entire nation, kindhearted, warm and beautiful both inside and out. She is no one other than Miss Caroline Martinez! The most famous and the best fashion designer that ever graced the lands of this beautiful earth. Being at the pinnacle of her career, she is requested to design the wedding attire for the Royal Wedding of the Crown Prince Adrian and his wife to be Princess Jasmine. A task that every designer would die to have and yet she has been chosen for it, amazing right?. But what would she do if suddenly the Prince is someone she can't help but fall for__his charms, charisma and his aura entices and enthralls every fiber of her being. Will Caroline be able to fight her desires and focus on the task at hand or will she follow her heart and risk everything she has ever worked for?. Enthralled by this, add to your library, read and follow the amazing path and decision she makes as you read each chapter!!!.

Starr_light · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter Seven

He was finally back, after all those years he decided to return. She didn't have to be a worrywart about it right?. He did say that he came back because of business and a personal reason.

Well, she hopes she isn't involved in whatever personal reason he came back for. She has got a lot of things on her plate and she doesn't have time to deal with the past right now but seeing him again brought back a pain from the past that she'd long forgotten.

It was heartbreaking seeing the two of them together, after all her pleas, all her warnings he never heeded to them and to make all things a lot worse, she caught them together, not that they were hugging or casually talking to each other but making out! It was highly unacceptable. It was just too much for her heart to bear and of all people in the campus it was Macy.

That lady was a venomous snake that she wishes so badly to get rid off from her life but she attaches to her like a magnet and it disgusts her.

Carol sighed, seeing William again was definitely a bad idea and now that he approached her as a client, there is every possibility that they'd meet again and it annoyed her.

Angrily, she crumpled the paper in front of her, throwing it to the ground. She was definitely not getting any inspiration for her latest collection but that was okay, she had something of more importance to handle. The wedding dress.

Looking at the time in her phone it read One o'clock pm. 'Wasn't the diamond delivery supposed to arrive an hour ago?.' She thought and picked up her phone, prepared to dial Jenny's number but stopped when Jenny walked into the office a bit agitated.

"Oh good, I was just about to call you. The diamonds, have they gotten here?" She asked expecting a response.

Jenny was about to say something but hesitated.

Carol sensing something was a bit off, stood up from her chair and approached her slowly.

"What's the matter? Where are the diamonds?" The pitch in her voice was high and demanding.

"We have a problem Caroline. The lapidarist called and told me the deal was off. It seems that someone ordered the same amount of diamonds that we did and offered to pay double the price!" She explained, her voice got lower as she spoke.

Carol felt her blood boil with rage, this wasn't the time she heard bad news about a delivery, they were on a tight schedule here!.

"Do we know who the so-called buyer is?" Her voice was low and calm but Jenny sensed the anger in it.

Jenny let out a deep breath "It was Macy, Carol!".

Carol screamed angrily, Jenny quickly covered her ears.

"That witch! She did it on purpose!" She paced about the office, steam could be seen coming out of her ears "She is really trying to sabotage me but guess what? I am not going to let her!".

She paused for a moment, her hands ran through her hair, furiously.

"I think I am going to pay her a little visit!" She said in a cunning tone. Picking up her bag from the table, she stormed off.

"Carol, I don't think that's a good idea!" Jenny warned but it was a tad too late. Carol was long gone.

" I better follow her, she might end up doing something stupid!" Saying that she ran off behind the raging bull.

>>>>"Where is she?" Carol asked with a loud bang on the receptionist table.

It startled the lady on the other side. She quickly put on a smile being prepared for situations like this one.

"Who are you looking for ma'am?" She said in her most professional voice.

"The dimwit that runs this place!" She replied in a crude tone.

"Do you mean Miss Macy ma'am?" The lady asked.

Carol had a stupefied look on her face as she stared at her. What kind of question was that?.

"No, I meant Stephanie, idiot!" She said sarcastically "Of course it's Macy, Where the hell is she?".

Her voice rang across the lobby and people around her stopped to stare.

Jenny finally arrived at the scene. Carol drove all the way to Macy's company breaking almost all the traffic rules. She had to do a bit of damage control and took a cab to reach there.

Knowing Carol might cause a scene she quickly walked towards her.

"I am so sorry for all this, she is in a bad mood!" She said in an apologetic tone, pulling Carol with her.

The receptionist nodded slowly. This was the first time she is handling an angry customer in all her time of working here and she just started thirty minutes ago.

"She is in her office isn't she?" Carol yelled, trying to break free from Jenny's hold on her.

"Uh… I am so sorry Ma'am but you can't meet her unless you have set up an appointment!" She replied in a calm voice.

Carol heard an elevator open, releasing herself from Jenny's hold she ran towards it.

"Carol! Wait, don't…" She groaned, feeling a bit frustrated.

"I am so sorry!" She quickly apologized to the lady, running after Carol.

Luckily she made it, right before the doors closed.

"Carol, I think this is a really bad idea, let's just go before you end up doing something!" She pleaded.

"No, we are not leaving unless I talk to that sly witch!" She replied.

Jenny sighed. Why did she sign up for this job again?.

Macy danced and twirled happily around her office with a glass of champagne in her hand, humming to the classical music that was playing in her office. Unknown to her was the trouble that was fast approaching.

She laughed as she took a sip of her champagne. Oh, everything went according to plan. Who would have thought that it was so damn easy? Just offer someone a deal he can't refuse and you will be able to control him.

Now that she has finally gotten the diamonds, it was going to be extremely hard to get the exact amount of diamonds they needed for their gown. It will slow Carol down and while she will be figuring things out. Her on the other hand will be two steps ahead of her and the Princess will have no choice but to choose Her design. She will win and Caroline will lose.

Everything was perfect, the day was perfect, the champagne she has with her was perfect, even the song was perf….

"Ma'am, I am so sorry but you can't get in there!" The sound of Gaby's voice interrupted her happy moment.

She groaned "What now?".

She paused her music and was about heading towards the door when Carol dashed inside raging mad, terrifying her.

"Oh my goodness! Carol, you look terrible!" She sniggered.

She did look terrible, her hair was a bit messy, the vintage gown she wore had a little rumples but she didn't care, she came for something more important than her looks.

"I mean for someone who claims to know fashion, you look fashion-less, like no style at all. Your hair, the vintage even the stilettos, they are all terrible!" She said with a scrutinizing laugh.

" Oh just shut up! Macy!" Carol hissed at her which surprised Macy.

"I didn't come here to be judged by you, I know what you did!" She approached her with light steps.

"What did I do?" Macy asked, playing the innocent card.

But Carol could see through it "Oh please, don't act all innocent with me! I just wanted to let you know that no matter how many times you try to bring me down, I will always get back up. You know why?" She stared at her, all those filthy tricks won't work on her not anymore. She felt more bold, courageous and confident than she had ever been.

"I have something you will never have, even if you hire all the fashion designers in the entire nation they will never get to my level and you know what that is?" She asked.

"What, a bad hair day?" Macy joked and began laughing.

Caroline shook her head, ignoring the worst joke she has ever heard "No, talent. That is what I have, I have talent!" She said defiantly "The one thing your money can never ever buy" she stressed the word 'ever'.

"You feel insecure of me that is why you pull off these worthless tricks on me and it seems that they are getting weaker and useless each and every time, Macy!" She pouted at her looking disappointed. "You seem to be loosing your touch!".

Macy's eyes twitched with annoyance but she hid it well with a fake smile.

"You can keep those diamonds, I don't need them. I know a guy who has better!". She turned around to leave.

Her words shocked a confused Jenny.

Here she was thinking that she had to stop Carol from pulling all of Macy's hair out and it was very well quite the opposite.

Carol halted in her steps, having something else to say "Oh and Macy, the challenge starts now!" She warned "I thought you might play fair this time but it seems I was wrong!".

"Oh honey, the challenge started when we left the palace last week!" Macy stated.

"I know, I wanted to go easy on you but uh… now I've changed my mind, come on Jenny let's go!" Saying that she left with Jenny.

"Jenny, I need you to do something for me!" Carol said once they left the building.

Jenny sighed, she had a smile on her face as she stared at her boss.

"I knew you didn't know a guy, I am already on it! I have already ordered another set of diamonds from a different source and it will be here before this week runs out!".

Carol let out a deep breath "Thanks Jenny, What will I do without you? Make sure you…"

"... heighten up security on the diamonds so Macy won't get her hands on them" She finished up her sentence with a faint smile "Oh and you won't survive without me!" Jenny stated as they made their way to Carol's car.

"That, I know!" Carol said getting into the driver's seat whilst Jenny sitting on the passenger seat.

"Why didn't we come with the driver again?" The tone in her voice was full of concern and regret.

"What's wrong?" Carol had a worried look on her face as she turned on the ignition, the car roared to life.

"You are terrible at driving!" Jenny stated.

"Hey!" She drove off with a puff of smoke at her tail.