
Wedding Royale

She is the most wanted fashion designer in the fashion world! Her name is known far across the nation and in the top countries of the world. She is hardworking, smart, witty, the wealthiest designer in the entire nation, kindhearted, warm and beautiful both inside and out. She is no one other than Miss Caroline Martinez! The most famous and the best fashion designer that ever graced the lands of this beautiful earth. Being at the pinnacle of her career, she is requested to design the wedding attire for the Royal Wedding of the Crown Prince Adrian and his wife to be Princess Jasmine. A task that every designer would die to have and yet she has been chosen for it, amazing right?. But what would she do if suddenly the Prince is someone she can't help but fall for__his charms, charisma and his aura entices and enthralls every fiber of her being. Will Caroline be able to fight her desires and focus on the task at hand or will she follow her heart and risk everything she has ever worked for?. Enthralled by this, add to your library, read and follow the amazing path and decision she makes as you read each chapter!!!.

Starr_light · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter Forty-one

"I loved the speech you said today!" Adrian said, staring at the closed door of the closet.

"Really?" She asked from her closet.

"Yeah, it was truly inspiring!" He said truly, " I was not the only one who loved it!".

Caroline opened the door slightly, her head popped out of it, her eyes clouded with perplexion "Who else did?".

"The advisors. Their thoughts about you have changed drastically to a good one!" He said, smiling warmly at her.

She pushed the door open until it was wide enough for her to pass through. She walked out wearing a cream colored nightwear.

"Aren't they mad at me for what I said to their wives?" She asked, drawing close to him.

"Oh! They are still mad about that but I explained everything to them and their attitude on the matter changed slightly!" He explained.

A smile played on her lips, her hands wrapped around his neck. "Thank you!".

"You don't have to thank me for that!" Adrian responded, a bit flushed. Caroline tittered, his flushed demeanor exuded a loveable, charming side of him.

"How is the redevelopment going?" Caroline asked, out of the blue.

"We are almost halfway through!" He replied with a nod.

She smiled at his reply, her far-flung gaze was not missed by him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing!" She paused for a moment "it's just that I have been so busy with the wedding preparations and etiquette classes with Mrs Wright. I haven't had time to visit you know?" Her voice was tinged with sadness "I have missed so many nights of festivities and I hate it!".

Adrian kept quiet as he thought. The sole reason why he visited recalled in his mind.

" I just remembered…" he said, his forefinger rubbed his temple, trying to ease into it "... I prepared something for you!" She shot him a strange look.

He chuckled at her "... Don't worry, I think you will love it!" He assured her.

"What is the 'something'?" She inquired.

"It is a bit far and…" he stared at her nightwear "... You will have to change into something more appropriate for it!" He said slowly.

She let out a breath, too curious to know what he prepared for her.

"Alright! I will change!" She replied, giving in to her curiosity.

Adrian placed a soft peck on her cheeks, taking her surprise. "I will be waiting for you!".

He reached out for the door and exited the room. Caroline stood there for a bit, her toes felt tingly and her cheeks turned crimson red at his touch.

>>>>She stared at her reflection on the life-sized mirror in her closet, giving her outfit a once-over.

The jean trouser hugged her legs neatly, resting perfectly on her body. She wore a leather jacket over her crop top, Caroline had a smile on her lips as she admired herself, pleased at her choice of style.

Once she was done, she exited the room.

Adrian gaped in awe, his eyes traveled from her head to her legs. The corner of his lips quirked up to a smirk as he approached her.

"I am beginning to have second thoughts about taking you out!" He said, his eyes glistened with knavery.

A chortle escaped from her lips at his words "Sorry but you can't. You already piqued my curiosity at what you have got planned, so…" her words trailed off as he leaned closer to her.

"You are just too beautiful!" His fingers grazed her cheeks slightly, he brushed her hair behind her ear. Caroline felt a surge of electricity travel down her spine. She stared at his azure eyes, getting lost into them. Adrian inched closer to her, his lips were a few inches away from hers.

"Carol, are you guys heading out?" Lucas voice called out from the other end of the hallway, breaking them apart.

She turned to him, her cheeks were a bright shade of red. He held a bowl of popcorn in his hand, as he stared at her, awaiting her reply, oblivious of the situation.

She let out a cough before replying "Yes we are!" turning to Adrian, she spoke nervously "We need to go!".

She turned around and walked a few feet from him, heading closer to Lucas. She could feel Adrian's gaze on her as she walked, making her a bit self-conscious.

"Lock up when you guys leave, my parents will soon be back!" She ordered, without glancing at him. She headed towards the front door.

Lucas turned to Adrian a bit confused at her strange behavior.

"What's with her?".

Adrian chuckled, it seems he won this round. The flushed look on her face, she looked adorable whenever he did something that surprised her. He raked his hand through his hair, following her, forgetting Lucas presence.

Lucas stood there speechless. He pondered what was going on with them.

* * * *

Caroline shook her head slightly and opened her eyes once more. She stared at the all too familiar empty streets.

She turned to Adrian, he stood beside her. He was as confused as she was.

"Um… I don't mean to be a downer but uh. Is this the surprise that you had for me? Because there is no one here!" She said slowly, looking around the empty streets of her hometown.

"It is not!" He replied, vetting his surroundings "They must be somewhere then!".

"They? Who's they?" Caroline asked more bewildered than earlier.

He facepalmed, it occurred to him that the surprise he installed for her has been relocated.

"I know where they are!" He took her by the arm, leading her a bit farther from the streets.

Caroline followed behind, pondering on what he meant by 'They'. Was the surprise a group of people? Why did he take her to her hometown? These questions troubled her more but what troubled her the most was; why were the streets empty?.

She could hear faint sounds of laughter, music and a lot of cheering as they drew closer to what seemed to be a park!. Caroline's brows drew together forming a thin line as she thought. Since when did the town have a park?.

They halted in front of the park. The trees were adorned with lights, illuminating the environment. Different stands were stationed at every corner. People were conversing with each other, a group of children played around and chased each other in delight.

Caroline stood still, amazed at what was before her. Two familiar figures approached her, beaming at them. Her eyes widened on realizing who they were.

"Mi hija! You came!" Her mother said, engulfing her in a hug.

Caroline stood in a daze as she stared at her parents, the surprise she felt was still in her system.

"Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?" She asked finally.

Her parents exchanged looks, their gaze shifted to her.

"Well! We heard about the night of festivities that was being held today and decided to attend!" Her father explained.

Caroline stared at them in shock, she felt a lot of emotions within.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. The hurt in her voice wasn't missed by them.

"We wanted to tell you, Mi hija but…" her gaze shifted to Adrian "... Someone told us not to!" She said slowly.

Caroline turned to Adrian, he looked away avoiding her stare.

"We will leave you two alone!" Her father said, taking his dear wife's hand, they walked off.

"You knew about it?" She asked slowly.

Adrian sighed.

"Yes I did. That was why I came to see you. I wanted to bring you here but then you told me how much you missed it, so I decided to take you here by surprise!" He explained.

Caroline kept quiet. She was still reeling from the everything.

"So, I am guessing that you are also behind why there is a park in the town!" She said.

"Yeah I am." He replied, from the tone of her voice he could not tell if she was upset or happy or both "I wanted the people to have a comfortable place to celebrate the night of festivities when the redevelopment began. I didn't want them to stop because of it. I made sure that the park was wide enough to hold everything, there is a garden nearby that is under development, it is for…" Adrian found himself blabbering about things that didn't quite fit in with the question she asked. He didn't notice the smile on her face as she drew closer to him.

Caroline's lips engulfed his, taking him by surprise, curling her hands round his neck she deepened the kiss. A few minutes later, they drew apart.

"Thank you for everything!" She said genuinely.

Adrian was in a haze, trying to grasp the situation. He felt like his brain got reset by her kiss .

"You are welcome!" He said slowly.

"Come on! We have a lot of people to see!" Caroline said cheerfully, grabbing his hand. She could not wait to explore everything in the park.

"So, how did you know about the night of festivities?" Caroline finally asked.

"I visited the town a few days ago to check on the progress. I ran into a friend of yours and she pleaded that I bring you with me for it!" He explained.

"A friend of mine?" Caroline asked, puzzled.

"The little girl who claimed that I was her long lost prince when we visited the orphanage!" He replied.

"Oh!" Caroline exclaimed. The memory of her flashed in her mind.

"Caroline and her very hot fiancé!" An acquainted voice called out to them.

They turned to see a very old acquaintance of theirs. Her stand was the same as they remembered.

Caroline smiled warmly at her, Adrian groaned slightly, the look on the lady's face floated in his mind. He shuddered, the memory of her hitting on him flooded in his mind.

"Mrs Ling, it is so good to see you again!" Caroline greeted warmly.

The older lady smiled brightly at her, she beared the same resemblance as she was the last time they were in town together. Her heavy touch of make-up made her stand out from others.

"Caroline, it is so good to see you!" She said cheerfully, she noticed his presence and winked at him flirtatiously.

Adrian felt like throwing up at the sight of her.

"That is my fiancé!" Caroline said with a forced smile, interlocking her fingers with his. For a moment, it seemed like she was not pleased at her flirtatious act.

"I know! I know! I am so happy for you!" Mrs Ling replied.

"Do you have any of your delicious steam buns available tonight?" Caroline asked, vetting the snacks on her stall.

Mrs Ling sighed sadly.

"Sorry Caroline. It is out of stock for the night!".


"But, I do have dumplings available!" She opened the lid of the covered bowl on the stand. Using chopsticks, she placed one of her dumplings on a disposable paper plate, handing it over to Caroline.

"Thank you!" Caroline said, she took a pair of chopstick, picked up the dumpling and placed it in her mouth.

Caroline could not discern the taste she got from it, it was nothing that she had ever tasted before. It was different, terribly different. She chewed slowly trying to swallow the monstrosity she ate. Mrs Ling stared at her expectantly, Caroline gave her a thumbs up.

Finally, she was able to swallow it.

"How was it?" Mrs Ling asked with a smile.

Caroline cleared her throat before speaking "Different than anything I have ever tasted before!".

"Do you mind if I take one?" Adrian asked, he took a pair of chopsticks and reached out for one of the dumplings.

"No!" Caroline yelled, surprising them.

They stared at her shocked, she quickly smiled at him, taking his hand.

"You had a large dinner, honey. I don't think you will want one!" She said the last sentence forcefully.

Hopefully, he understood the message. Slowly he placed the sticks on the stand.

"I am so sorry Mrs Ling! Maybe next time!" He said.

Mrs Ling let out a breath, she felt a bit heartbroken to hear that he will not be able to enjoy her magnificent delight.

"I understand!" She said slowly.

"Was it that bad?" Adrian asked as soon as they left her stand.

"Yeah it was!" Caroline replied. The aftertaste of the dumpling made her nauseous.

"It was terrible!" She replied, her face squeezed a bit as she tried to get rid of the awful taste.

"I will get you something sweet to wash it down!" Adrian said.

He left her for a moment, luckily he found a stand that sold drinks. He took a bottle, leaving the money for it on the stand and rushed back to her.

Adrian unscrewed the bottle cap, handed the opened drink to her. She accepted it cheerfully, drinking the entire bottle of drink in one gulp while he stared at her, astounded.

"Wow! I have never seen anyone gulp down a drink that fast!" He exclaimed.

She let out a breath, feeling more refreshed than ever.

"Thank you so much Adrian!" She said breathlessly.

"And you said that he didn't have feelings for you…" A cheerful voice said from behind them.

They turned to see Mrs Betty carrying a tray of baked snacks, she smiled warmly at the couple.

"Mrs Betty, how are you?" Caroline asked, blissfully.

"Oh please stop calling Mrs Betty, you are making me sound old!" She pointed out.

"Not my intention!" Caroline replied.

"It is nice to see you again!" Adrian said.

"Hey handsome!" Mrs Betty said flirtatiously.

"Oh! Mrs Betty!" Caroline facepalmed, growing tired of her silly antics.

"I know. He is engaged and I am a married woman!" Mrs Betty said in a dry tone "But girl! An entire Prince. Your game is off the hook like you won the lottery in relationships!".

"Oh please! You are making it sound like I stole a Prince!" Caroline said nervously.

"Well, she did steal my heart but who am I to say that" he paused, running his hand through his hair, exuding an alluring aura "I am just a captive of her love!" He winked at her.

The two ladies stared at him stunned, shocked, astounded to speak.

"Girl! You have got yourself a keeper!" Mrs Betty said in a whisper.

She turned around and began walking towards the dense crowd, her face still wore her stunned expression.

"Do you need help?" Caroline yelled.

Mrs Betty turned to them with a smile smoldered on her lips "Nope I am good, I don't want to ruin your date just…" she paused, her eyes glinted with mischief "don't do anything I won't do!" She winked at them, turned on her heel and continued her journey.

"Captive of my love huh?" Caroline asked, the corner of her lips quirked up. The words sounded cheesy.

"What? It wasn't a lie!" Adrian said.

"Your flattery is just too much!" She said, shaking her head slightly.

"I don't flatter, Carol!" He said, whispering in her ear. He was so close to her, she could feel his breath on her cheek. She felt heat creep to her cheeks at his closeness.

"It is the truth!" He said with a smile.

He walked forward a bit, puzzling on which stand to go to next. Caroline felt her breathing slow down a little.

"How can he say all that and still look so handsome!" She said to herself, her cheeks were flushed.

"Carol, we have so many things to see!" Hearing his voice brought her back. She walked closer to him.

He extended his hand to her, Caroline happily accepted it. They continued on their exploration of the festive night. Visiting one stand to another, enjoying each other's company. For so long she has been caught up with a lot of things, their wedding, her company and more but for the first time in a long while Caroline finally felt relaxed and it was all because of him.